Transfers & Visitors

Golden Gate Bridge

GGU Law welcomes applicants from other law schools accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA) or the Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California (CBA).


Students who have successfully completed at least one academic year at an ABA- or CBA-accredited law school may apply to transfer to GGU Law as a continuing student. There is no application fee for transfer students.

Applications for transfer students must include the following:

  • Application for Transfer/Visiting Students available on the LSAC website.
  • Official law school transcripts and syllabi for all law school coursework
  • Current résumé
  • Personal essay explaining why the applicant wishes to study at GGU Law
  • Letter of good academic standing from the Dean or Registrar's Office at the current law school
  • Letter of recommendation from a current law professor is strongly encouraged, but is not required
  • Copy of the applicant's LSAC Credential Assembly Service (CAS) Report

Students offered admission may be eligible to receive credit for a maximum of 43 units completed at an ABA-accredited law school, or 29 units completed at a CBA-accredited law school for which a minimum grade of C or equivalent was earned. GGU Law evaluates the quality of transfer units and determines the number of units that will transfer to GGU Law. Admitted transfer students are required to meet with Student Affairs prior to registration to schedule classes and complete enrollment. Contact Student Affairs at 415-442-6615.


Applicants who have successfully completed at least one year of study at an ABA- or CBA-accredited law school may apply to attend GGU Law as a visiting student. A visiting student is defined as a student who wishes to attend GGU Law for one or more semesters, but expects to receive a degree from his or her original law school. There is no application fee for visiting students.

Applications for visiting students must include the following:

  • Application for Transfer/Visiting Students available on the LSAC website
  • Official law school transcripts
  • Personal essay explaining why the applicant wishes to attend GGU Law as a visiting student
  • Letter of good academic standing from the Dean or Registrar's Office at the current law school
  • Letter of recommendation from a current law professor is strongly encouraged, but is not required
  • A completed Consortium Agreement from the applicant's current law school

Students in good standing at an ABA- or CBA-accredited law school who wish to take six or fewer units at GGU Law do not need to apply for visiting status. Read more about our visitor registration policies.


Members of the bar, GGU Law alumni, graduates of other law schools, and members of foreign bars may request to audit courses. Read more about our non-degree candidate and auditor registration policies.


Transfer and visiting applicants must submit applications via the electronic application available on the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) website.


Application Form

The application form, available on the LSAC website, must be completed during the appropriate application period.

Application Fee

There is no application fee for visiting and transfer applicants.

Law School Documents

All visiting and transfer applicants must submit their law school transcripts as part of the application. Transfer students must also provide syllabi for all law school coursework. Visiting students are also required to download and complete a Consortium Form.

Personal Essay

The personal essay is the applicant's opportunity to address the Admissions Committee. The personal essay is also considered a writing sample and should explain the applicant's reasons for enrolling in law school and for wanting to visit or transfer to GGU Law. It should be concise, well organized, and no longer than two double-spaced pages, typed in 12-point font. Please do not submit books, videos, recordings, plays, theses, dissertations, or other materials in lieu of or in addition to the personal essay, as these materials will not be reviewed.

Letter of Good Academic Standing

A letter of good academic standing is required for every transfer or visiting student. Applications that do not include a letter of good academic standing will be considered incomplete and will receive an unfavorable decision. For visiting students, the letter of good academic standing should certify that the credits earned at GGU Law will be applied toward satisfaction of the original law school's degree requirements. Visiting students may not request an incomplete grade or other privileges afforded regular GGU Law students.

Letter of Recommendation

Transfer and visiting student applicants are strongly encouraged, but not required, to submit at least one letter of recommendation from a current law school professor. We strongly discourage letters of recommendation from friends, acquaintances, and/or family members who can attest only to issues of personal character.

Seat Deposit

Upon admission to GGU Law, transfer and visiting students may be required to make a non-refundable seat deposit to secure a seat in the entering class. All deposits will be credited toward the student's initial tuition payment.

Contact Us

Contact the Admissions Office at [email protected] or 415-442-6630 with questions about visiting or transferring to GGU Law.


Visiting students at GGU Law must arrange financial aid through their original law school. Transfer students may apply for financial aid through the GGU Law Financial Aid Office.





LSAC Online Status Check



  • No longer accepting new JD applications


  • No longer accepting new JD applications


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