Guide to African-American Documentary Resources in North Carolina

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Guide to African-American Documentary Resources in North Carolina

Timothy D. Pyatt, Editor

Compiled by
Linda Simmons Henry
Lisa Parker

This guide is a product of the North Carolina African American Archives Group, under the Direction of:
Dean Benjamin F. Speller Jr.
School of Library and Information Science
North Carolina Central University
Grant Adminstrator and Project Codirector

David Moltke-Hansen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
David J. Olson, North Carolina Division of Archives and History
Project Codirectors

Funded in Part by
National Historical Publications & Records Commission
Grant #89-003

Published by the University Press of Virginia
Box 3608, University Station
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903-3608

© 1996 by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
All rights reserved
ISBN 8139-1744-1

Creation of the electronic text: Timothy D. Pyatt and the University Press of Virginia
Creation of digital images: Timothy D. Pyatt
Conversion to TEI.2-conformant markup: University Press of Virginia and the University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center

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