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Labor Code - LAB


  ( Division 1 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )

CHAPTER 1. General Powers and Duties [50 - 64.5]
  ( Chapter 1 enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90. )


There is in the Labor and Workforce Development Agency the Department of Industrial Relations.

(Amended by Stats. 2002, Ch. 859, Sec. 11. Effective January 1, 2003.)


One of the functions of the Department of Industrial Relations is to foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners of California, to improve their working conditions, and to advance their opportunities for profitable employment.

(Added by Stats. 1939, Ch. 276.)


The Department of Industrial Relations may assist and cooperate with the Wage and Hour Division, and the Children’s Bureau, United States Department of Labor, in the enforcement within this State of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, and, subject to the regulations of the Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division, or the Chief of the Children’s Bureau, and subject to the laws of the State applicable to the receipt and expenditures of money, may be reimbursed by the division or the bureau for the reasonable cost of such assistance and cooperation.

(Added by Stats. 1953, Ch. 31.)


(a) The Department of Industrial Relations is the state agency designated to be responsible for administering the state plan for the development and enforcement of occupational safety and health standards relating to issues covered by corresponding standards promulgated under the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (Public Law 91-596). The state plan shall be consistent with the provisions of state law governing occupational safety and health, including, but not limited to, Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 140) and Chapter 6.5 (commencing with Section 148) of Division 1, and Division 5 (commencing with Section 6300), of this code.

(b) The budget and budget bill submitted pursuant to Article IV, Section 12 of the California Constitution shall include in the item for the support of the Department of Industrial Relations amounts sufficient to fully carry out the purposes and provisions of the state plan and this code in a manner which assures that the risk of industrial injury, exposure to toxic substances, illness and death to employees will be minimized.

(c) Because Federal grants are available, maximum Federal funding shall be sought and, to the extent possible, the cost of administering the state plan shall be paid by funds obtained from federal grants.

(d) The Governor and the Department of Industrial Relations shall take all steps necessary to prevent withdrawal of approval for the state plan by the Federal government. If Federal approval of the state plan has been withdrawn before passage of this initiative, or if it is withdrawn at any time after passage of this initiative, the Governor shall submit a new state plan immediately so that California shall be approved and shall continue to have access to Federal funds.

(Amended November 8, 1988, by initiative Proposition 97. Note: Prop. 97 is titled the California Occupational Safety and Health Restoration Act.)


The department shall develop a long range program for upgrading and expanding the resources of the State of California in the area of occupational health and medicine. The program shall include a contractual agreement with the University of California for the creation of occupational health centers affiliated with regional schools of medicine and public health. One such occupational health center shall be situated in the northern part of the state and one in the southern part. The primary function of these occupational health centers shall be the training of occupational physicians and nurses, toxicologists, epidemiologists, and industrial hygienists. In addition, the centers shall serve as referral centers for occupational illnesses and shall engage in research on the causes, diagnosis, and prevention of occupational illnesses.

The centers shall also inform the Division of Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the Department of Industrial Relations, State Department of Health Services, and the Department of Food and Agriculture of their clinical and research findings.

(Added by Stats. 1978, Ch. 1245. Note: See changes set forth in Governor's Reorg. Plan 1 of 1991.)


In furtherance of the provisions of Section 50.5, the director, or the Director of Employment Development, may comment on the impact of actions or projects proposed by public agencies on opportunities for profitable employment, and such agencies shall consider such comments in their decisions.

(Added by Stats. 1979, Ch. 880.)


The department shall be conducted under the control of an executive officer known as Director of Industrial Relations. The Director of Industrial Relations shall be appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate and hold office at the pleasure of the Governor and shall receive an annual salary provided for by Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 11550) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code.

(Amended by Stats. 1983, Ch. 142, Sec. 97.)


Except as otherwise prescribed in this code, the provisions of the Government Code relating to departments of the State shall govern and apply to the conduct of the department.

(Amended by Stats. 1949, Ch. 211.)


Whenever in Section 1001 or in Part 1 (commencing with Section 11000) of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code “head of the department” or similar designation occurs, the same shall, for the purposes of this code, mean the director, except that in respect to matters which by the express provisions of this code are committed to or retained under the jurisdiction of the Division of Workers’ Compensation, the State Compensation Insurance Fund, the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board, the Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board, or the Industrial Welfare Commission the designation shall mean the Division of Workers’ Compensation, the Administrative Director of the Division of Workers’ Compensation, the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board, the State Compensation Insurance Fund, the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board, the Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board, or the Industrial Welfare Commission, as the case may be.

(Amended by Stats. 1994, Ch. 1097, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 1995.)


The director shall perform all duties, exercise all powers and jurisdiction, assume and discharge all responsibilities, and carry out and effect all purposes vested by law in the department, except as otherwise expressly provided by this code.

(Enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90.)


The director may appoint an attorney and assistants licensed to practice law in this state. In the absence of an appointment, the attorney for the Division of Workers’ Compensation shall also perform legal services for the department as the Director of Industrial Relations may direct.

(Amended by Stats. 1994, Ch. 1097, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 1995.)


For the purpose of administration the director shall organize the department subject to the approval of the Governor, in the manner he deems necessary properly to segregate and conduct the work of the department. Notwithstanding any provision in this code to the contrary, the director may require any division in the department to assist in the enforcement of any or all laws within the jurisdiction of the department. Except as provided in Section 18930 of the Health and Safety Code, the director may, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 11371), Part 1, Division 3, Title 2 of the Government Code, make rules and regulations that are reasonably necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter and to effectuate its purposes. The provisions of this section, however, shall not apply to the Division of Workers’ Compensation or the State Compensation Insurance Fund, except as to any power or jurisdiction within those divisions as may have been specifically conferred upon the director by law.

(Amended by Stats. 1994, Ch. 1097, Sec. 4. Effective January 1, 1995.)


The work of the department shall be divided into at least five divisions known as the Division of Workers’ Compensation, the Division of Occupational Safety and Health, the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, the Division of Apprenticeship Standards, and the State Compensation Insurance Fund.

(Amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 46, Sec. 77. (SB 1038) Effective June 27, 2012.)


Each division shall be in charge of a chief who shall be appointed by the Governor and shall receive a salary fixed in accordance with law, and shall serve at the pleasure of the director.

(Amended by Stats. 1973, Ch. 993.)


(a) The Chief of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health shall receive an annual salary as provided by Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 11550) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code.

(b) All officers or employees of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health employed after the operative date of this section shall be appointed by the director in accordance with the provisions of the State Civil Service Act. Notwithstanding the foregoing, two deputy chiefs of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health shall be appointed by the Governor, with the advice of the Director of Industrial Relations, to serve at the pleasure of the Director of Industrial Relations. The two deputy chiefs shall be exempt from civil service. The annual salaries of the two exempted deputy chiefs shall be fixed by the Director of Industrial Relations, subject to the approval of the Director of Finance.

(Amended by Stats. 1979, Ch. 72.)


All duties, powers, and jurisdiction relating to the administration of the State Compensation Insurance Fund shall be vested in the Board of Directors of the State Compensation Insurance Fund.

(Added by Stats. 1945, Ch. 1431.)


The department shall have possession and control of all records, books, papers, offices, equipment, supplies, moneys, funds, appropriations, land, and other property, real or personal, held for the benefit or use of all commissions, divisions, and offices of the department and the title to all such property held for the use and benefit of the State is hereby transferred to the State.

(Enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90.)


The department through its appropriate officers shall administer and enforce all laws imposing any duty, power, or function upon the offices or officers of the department.

(Enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90.)


Except as otherwise provided, the provisions of Divisions 4 and 4.5 of this code shall be administered and enforced by the Division of Workers’ Compensation.

(Amended by Stats. 1994, Ch. 146, Sec. 137. Effective January 1, 1995.)


(a) The provisions of Part 1 of Division 5 of this code shall be administered and enforced by the department through the Division of Occupational Safety and Health, subject to the direction of the director pursuant to Section 50.7.

(b) The Division of Occupational Safety and Health succeeds to, and is vested with, all of the powers, duties, purposes, responsibilities, and jurisdiction of the Division of Industrial Safety, which is hereby abolished, and any other jurisdiction conferred by law.

(c) All powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Chief of the Division of Industrial Safety are hereby transferred to the Chief of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health.

(d) Any regulation or other action made, prescribed, issued, granted, or performed by the abolished Division of Industrial Safety in the administration of a function transferred pursuant to subdivision (b) shall remain in effect and shall be deemed to be a regulation or action of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health unless and until repealed, modified, or rescinded by such division.

(e) Whenever any reference is made in any law to the abolished Division of Industrial Safety, it shall be deemed to be a reference to, and to mean, the Division of Occupational Safety and Health.

(Amended by Stats. 1979, Ch. 72.)


All persons serving in the state civil service in the Division of Industrial Safety or in the Occupational Health Branch of the State Department of Health Services, and engaged in the performance of a function transferred to the Division of Occupational Safety and Health shall, in accordance with Section 19370 of the Government Code, remain in the state civil service and are hereby transferred to the Department of Industrial Relations. The status, positions, and rights of such persons shall not be affected by their transfer and shall continue to be retained by them pursuant to the State Civil Service Act, except as to positions the duties of which are vested in a position that is exempt from civil service.

(Added by Stats. 1979, Ch. 72.)


The Division of Occupational Safety and Health shall have possession and control of all records, books, papers, offices, equipment, supplies, moneys, funds, appropriations, land, licenses, permits, agreements, contracts, claims, judgments, and other property, real or personal, held for the benefit or use of the Division of Industrial Safety and the Occupational Health Branch of the State Department of Health Services with respect to the functions of those organizations that are transferred to the Division of Occupational Safety and Health.

(Added by Stats. 1979, Ch. 72.)


The Division of Occupational Safety and Health may expend money appropriated for the administration of the laws the enforcement of which is committed to the division. Such expenditures by the division shall be made in accordance with law in carrying out the purposes for which the appropriations were made.

(Added by Stats. 1979, Ch. 72.)


There is within the Division of Occupational Safety and Health an occupational health unit and an occupational safety unit, which shall assist in the performance of occupational health functions and occupational safety functions, respectively, assigned to the division by law. There is also within the occupational health unit an occupational carcinogen control unit responsible for implementing the division’s obligations pursuant to the Occupational Carcinogens Control Act of 1976 (Part 10 (commencing with Sec. 9000)). The division, in performing its responsibilities under this code, shall provide for laboratory services and service personnel with respect to occupational health matters by interagency agreement with the State Department of Health Services or another public entity, by contract with a private sector laboratory, or by establishment of a laboratory within the division, or by a combination thereof. In the event that the division contracts with the private sector for laboratory services, the division shall enter into an interagency agreement with the State Department of Health Services for quality control and performance evaluation of the contract laboratory as well as analysis of nonroutine laboratory samples.

(Amended by Stats. 1989, Ch. 299, Sec. 1.)


The provisions of Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 1171) of Part 4 of Division 2 shall be administered and enforced by the department through the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement.

(Amended by Stats. 1976, Ch. 746.)


The department may expend money appropriated for the administration of the provisions of the laws, the enforcement of which is committed to the department. The department may expend such money for the use, support, or maintenance of any commission or office of the department. Such expenditures by the department shall be made in accordance with law in carrying on the work for which such appropriations were made.

(Enacted by Stats. 1937, Ch. 90.)


(a) (1) The Workers’ Compensation Administration Revolving Fund is hereby created as a special account in the State Treasury. Money in the fund may be expended by the department, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for all of the following purposes, and may not be used or borrowed for any other purpose:

(A) For the administration of the workers’ compensation program set forth in this division and Division 4 (commencing with Section 3200), other than the activities financed pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 3702.5.

(B) For the Return-to-Work Program set forth in Section 139.48.

(C) For the enforcement of the insurance coverage program established and maintained by the Labor Commissioner pursuant to Section 90.3.

(2) The fund shall consist of surcharges made pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (f).

(b) (1) The Uninsured Employers Benefits Trust Fund is hereby created as a special trust fund account in the State Treasury, of which the director is trustee, and its sources of funds are as provided in paragraph (1) of subdivision (f). Notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, the fund is continuously appropriated for the payment of nonadministrative expenses of the workers’ compensation program for workers injured while employed by uninsured employers in accordance with Article 2 (commencing with Section 3710) of Chapter 4 of Part 1 of Division 4, and shall not be used for any other purpose. All moneys collected shall be retained in the trust fund until paid as benefits to workers injured while employed by uninsured employers. Nonadministrative expenses include audits and reports of services prepared pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 3716.1. The surcharge amount for this fund shall be stated separately.

(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all references to the Uninsured Employers Fund shall mean the Uninsured Employers Benefits Trust Fund.

(3) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), in the event that budgetary restrictions or impasse prevent the timely payment of administrative expenses from the Workers’ Compensation Administration Revolving Fund, those expenses shall be advanced from the Uninsured Employers Benefits Trust Fund. Expense advances made pursuant to this paragraph shall be reimbursed in full to the Uninsured Employers Benefits Trust Fund upon enactment of the annual Budget Act.

(4) Any moneys from penalties collected pursuant to Section 3722 as a result of the insurance coverage program established under Section 90.3 shall be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of the Workers’ Compensation Administration Revolving Fund created under this section, to cover expenses incurred by the director under the insurance coverage program. The amount of any penalties in excess of payment of administrative expenses incurred by the director for the insurance coverage program established under Section 90.3 shall be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of the Uninsured Employers Benefits Trust Fund for nonadministrative expenses, as prescribed in paragraph (1), and notwithstanding paragraph (1), shall only be available upon appropriation by the Legislature.

(c) (1) The Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund is hereby created as a special trust fund account in the State Treasury, of which the director is trustee, and its sources of funds are as provided in paragraph (1) of subdivision (f). Notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, the fund is continuously appropriated for the nonadministrative expenses of the workers’ compensation program for workers who have suffered serious injury and who are suffering from previous and serious permanent disabilities or physical impairments, in accordance with Article 5 (commencing with Section 4751) of Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 4, and Section 4 of Article XIV of the California Constitution, and shall not be used for any other purpose. All moneys collected shall be retained in the trust fund until paid as benefits to workers who have suffered serious injury and who are suffering from previous and serious permanent disabilities or physical impairments. Nonadministrative expenses include audits and reports of services pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 4755. The surcharge amount for this fund shall be stated separately.

(2) Notwithstanding any other law, all references to the Subsequent Injuries Fund shall mean the Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund.

(3) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), in the event that budgetary restrictions or impasse prevent the timely payment of administrative expenses from the Workers’ Compensation Administration Revolving Fund, those expenses shall be advanced from the Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund. Expense advances made pursuant to this paragraph shall be reimbursed in full to the Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund upon enactment of the annual Budget Act.

(d) (1) The Occupational Safety and Health Fund is hereby created as a special account in the State Treasury. Moneys in the account may be expended by the department, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for support of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health, the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board, and the Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board, and the activities these entities perform as set forth in this division, and Division 5 (commencing with Section 6300).

(2) On and after the effective date of the act amending this section to add this paragraph in the 2013–14 Regular Session of the Legislature, any moneys in the Cal-OSHA Targeted Inspection and Consultation Fund and any assets, liabilities, revenues, expenditures, and encumbrances of that fund, less five million dollars ($5,000,000), shall be transferred to the Occupational Safety and Health Fund. On June 30, 2014, the remaining five million dollars ($5,000,000) in the Cal-OSHA Targeted Inspection and Consultation Fund, or any remaining balance in that fund, shall be transferred to, and become part of, the Occupational Safety and Health Fund.

(e) The Labor Enforcement and Compliance Fund is hereby created as a special account in the State Treasury. Moneys in the fund may be expended by the department, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for the support of the activities that the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement performs pursuant to this division and Division 2 (commencing with Section 200), Division 3 (commencing with Section 2700), and Division 4 (commencing with Section 3200). The fund shall consist of surcharges imposed pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (f).

(f) (1) Separate surcharges shall be levied by the director upon all employers, as defined in Section 3300, for purposes of deposit in the Workers’ Compensation Administration Revolving Fund, the Uninsured Employers Benefits Trust Fund, the Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund, and the Occupational Safety and Health Fund. The total amount of the surcharges shall be allocated between self-insured employers and insured employers in proportion to payroll respectively paid in the most recent year for which payroll information is available. The director shall adopt reasonable regulations governing the manner of collection of the surcharges. The regulations shall require the surcharges to be paid by self-insurers to be expressed as a percentage of indemnity paid during the most recent year for which information is available, and the surcharges to be paid by insured employers to be expressed as a percentage of premium. In no event shall the surcharges paid by insured employers be considered a premium for computation of a gross premium tax or agents’ commission. In no event shall the total amount of the surcharges paid by insured and self-insured employers exceed the amounts reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.

(2) The surcharge levied by the director for the Occupational Safety and Health Fund, pursuant to paragraph (1), shall not generate revenues in excess of fifty-seven million dollars ($57,000,000) on and after the 2013–14 fiscal year, adjusted for each fiscal year as appropriate to fund any increases in the appropriation as approved by the Legislature, and to reconcile any over/under assessments from previous fiscal years pursuant to Sections 15606 and 15609 of Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations. For the 2013–14 fiscal year only, the revenue cap established in this paragraph shall be reduced by an amount equivalent to the balance transferred from the Cal-OSHA Targeted Inspection and Consultation Fund established in Section 62.7, less any amount of that balance loaned to the State Public Works Enforcement Fund, to the Occupational Safety and Health Fund pursuant to subdivision (d).

(3) A separate surcharge shall be levied by the director upon all employers, as defined in Section 3300, for purposes of deposit in the Labor Enforcement and Compliance Fund. The total amount of the surcharges shall be allocated between employers in proportion to payroll respectively paid in the most recent year for which payroll information is available. The director shall adopt reasonable regulations governing the manner of collection of the surcharges. In no event shall the total amount of the surcharges paid by employers exceed the amounts reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.

(4) The surcharge levied by the director for the Labor Enforcement and Compliance Fund shall not exceed forty-six million dollars ($46,000,000) in the 2013–14 fiscal year, adjusted as appropriate to fund any increases in the appropriation as approved by the Legislature, and to reconcile any over/under assessments from previous fiscal years pursuant to Sections 15606 and 15609 of Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations.

(5) The regulations adopted pursuant to paragraph (1) to (4), inclusive, shall be exempt from the rulemaking provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code).

(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 28, Sec. 33. (SB 71) Effective June 27, 2013.)


(a) The director shall levy and collect assessments from employers in accordance with subdivision (b), as necessary, to collect the aggregate amount determined by the Fraud Assessment Commission pursuant to Section 1872.83 of the Insurance Code. Revenues derived from the assessments shall be deposited in the Workers’ Compensation Fraud Account in the Insurance Fund and shall only be expended, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for the investigation and prosecution of workers’ compensation fraud and the willful failure to secure payment of workers’ compensation, as prescribed by Section 1872.83 of the Insurance Code.

(b) Assessments shall be levied by the director upon all employers as defined in Section 3300. The total amount of the assessment shall be allocated between self-insured employers and insured employers in proportion to payroll respectively paid in the most recent year for which payroll information is available. The director shall promulgate reasonable rules and regulations governing the manner of collection of the assessment. The rules and regulations shall require the assessment to be paid by self-insurers to be expressed as a percentage of indemnity paid during the most recent year for which information is available, and the assessment to be paid by insured employers to be expressed as a percentage of premium. In no event shall the assessment paid by insured employers be considered a premium for computation of a gross premium tax or agents’ commission.

(Amended by Stats. 2002, Ch. 6, Sec. 18. Effective January 1, 2003.)


Five million dollars ($5,000,000) is hereby appropriated for transfer by the State Controller upon order of the Director of Finance from the Cal-OSHA Targeted Inspection and Consultation Fund as a loan to the State Public Works Enforcement Fund. This loan shall be repaid to the Occupational Safety and Health Fund by June 30, 2015. This loan shall be repaid with interest calculated at the rate earned by the Pooled Money Investment Account at the time of the transfer.

(Added by Stats. 2013, Ch. 28, Sec. 35. (SB 71) Effective June 27, 2013.)


The Director may authorize the refund of moneys received or collected by the department in payment of license fees or for other services in cases where the license can not lawfully be issued or the service rendered to the applicant.

(Added by Stats. 1941, Ch. 947.)


The Labor Commissioner may enter into reciprocal agreements with the labor department or corresponding agency of any other state or with the person, board, officer, or commission authorized to act for and on behalf of that department or agency, for the collection in that other state of claims or judgments for wages and other demands based upon claims previously assigned to the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement.

(Amended by Stats. 1988, Ch. 96, Sec. 1.)


When requested by the State Board of Equalization, the department may permit any duly authorized representative of that agency to transmit to the State Board of Equalization information available in the department’s records that indicates a retail establishment is operating without a seller’s permit required by the State Board of Equalization, to assist the State Board of Equalization in determining compliance with the Sales and Use Tax Law (Part 1 (commencing with Section 6001) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code).

(Added by Stats. 2008, Ch. 306, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2009.)

LABLabor Code - LAB