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Patti J. Fisher

Patti J. Fisher, Professor

Patti J. Fisher, Professor
Patti J. Fisher, Professor

Department of Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management
209 Wallace Hall
295 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540-231-7218 | [email protected]

Patti Fisher is a professor of consumer studies in the Department of AHRM at Virginia Tech. Her research and teaching generally explore consumer economics, the financial behaviors of women and minority groups, household saving behaviors, and personal finance education. Fisher has published in the Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Financial Services Review, Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, and other academic journals. She has also presented her research at a number of national and international conferences. Fisher is on the editorial boards of Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning and Financial Services Review, and is an associate editor and the financial well-being editor for the Journal of Financial Innovation

  • Household saving behaviors
  • Financial behaviors of women
  • Financial behaviors of minority groups
  • Financial education and program evaluation
  • Financial risk tolerance
  • PhD, Family Resource Management, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 2006
  • MS, Family Resource Management, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 2003
  • BS, Consumer Affairs, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2000
  • Member, VT 1stGenAllies, First Generation Faculty/Staff Group
  • Member, Board of Directors of Virginia Tech Services, Inc.
  • Chair, AHRM Curriculum Committee
  • Chair, ACCI Membership Committee
  • Exemplary Department Experiential Learning Award, 2017
  • Finalist, Best Refereed Paper Award, IFHE World Congress, 2012 & 2016
  • Virginia Tech Scholar of the Week, April 18, 2011

Journal Articles

Read, D., Fisher, P.J., & Juran, L. (forthcoming). How do women maximize the value of mentorship? Leadership & Organization Development Journal.

Fisher, P.J. (2019). Black-white differences in financial risk tolerance. Journal of Financial Service Professionals, 73(4), 70-82.

Fisher, P.J., & Yao, R. (2017). Gender differences in financial risk tolerance. Journal of Economic Psychology, 61, 191-202.

Fisher, P.J. (2016). Differences in credit card use between White and Hispanic households. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 27, 199-214.

Loibl, C., & Fisher, P.J. (2013). Academic discipline and personal finance instruction in high school. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 24, 15-33.

Fisher, P.J. (2012). Is there evidence of loss aversion in saving behaviors in Spain? Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 34, 41-51.

Fisher, P.J., & Hsu, C. (2012). Differences in household saving between White non-Hispanic and Hispanic households. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 34, 137-159.

Fisher, P.J., & Montalto, C. P. (2011). Loss aversion and saving behavior: Evidence from the 2007 Survey of Consumer Finances. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 32, 4-14.

Fisher, P.J. (2010). Black-White differences in saving behaviors. Financial Services Review, 19, 1-16.

Fisher, P.J. (2010). Gender differences in saving behaviors. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 21, 9-19.

Fisher, P.J., & Montalto, C. P. (2010). Effect of saving motives and horizon on saving behaviors. Journal of Economic Psychology, 31, 92-105.

  • Hwang, E., Parrott, K., Fisher, P.J., Hopkins, E., Kincade, D., & Beamish, J. (2018). Inclusive Communities for Diverse Consumers: A Year of Study. College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences Departmental Diversity Grants, Virginia Tech.
  • Fisher, P.J. (2018). International Travel Supplemental Grant – Travel to London, England for the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics/International Association for Research in Economic Psychology. Sponsored by Office of the Vice President for Research, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, and AHRM Department, Virginia Tech.
  • Fisher, P.J. (2017). International Travel Supplemental Grant – Travel to Freiburg, Germany for International Journal of Arts & Sciences Conference. Sponsored by Office of the Vice President for Research, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, and AHRM Department, Virginia Tech.
  • Fisher, P.J. (2014). Grant-writing incentive grant. College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, Virginia Tech. Awarded $5,000.
  • Fisher, P.J. (2012). Entrepreneurship among U.S. households. Jerome Niles Dean’s Faculty Research Grant. College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, Virginia Tech. Awarded $4,000.
  • Fisher, P.J. (2011). Summer Institute on the Demography, Economics, Psychology, and Epidemiology of Aging. RAND Corporation. Received funding to attend the two-day workshop in Los Angeles.

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