
Brandi “BC” Carnivale.

The longest tenured employee of “the Lake,” Brandi personifies the Liberty Lake spirit. Her engaging personality, positive attitude, leadership skills and dedication are legendary at LLDC. Brandi makes a positive impact on the lives of hundreds of campers and teammates each summer just being herself, spreading camp spirit, and noticing campers and staff when they succeed with our “star points”. Having held most every position at LLDC, Brandi oversees the “Freedom of Choice” Elective Program, the daily “Spirit Events Calendar,” the Teen Leadership Program, and is the curator of most of our big events which take place year-round. She is the co-founder of the Liberty Lake Foundation, and the driving force in making it an important part of our local community. Brandi is a former aspiring attorney who got bit by the camp bug, and lives and breathes Liberty Lake!

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