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ResearchTogether: Patients Guiding the Future of Science 2023

  • Research Together: Patients Guiding the Future of Science

    1st February 2023, Advanced Research Centre, University of Glasgow, University Avenue, Glasgow, G12 6EW

    EPSRC-SFI Joint Centre for Doctoral Training in Engineered Tissues for Discovery, Industry and Medicine (lifETIME CDT) is a partnership between the University of Glasgow, the University of Birmingham, Aston University and CÚRAM – Science Foundation Ireland.

    We aim to develop new human-relevant models, which will be more predictive and ethical, compared to animals commonly used in research, allowing new treatments to be found quicker.

    We hope to bring together patients, researchers, and charities to discuss recent research advancements as well as how to improve research targeting healthcare improvement in the future.

    Your opinion and experience will be invaluable to help us train the new generation of scientists to continue improving healthcare research in the UK.

    About the Event

    Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) brings patients and scientists together, to allow patients to learn about cutting-edge science while also helping scientists to understand patient experiences.

    ResearchTogether event is all about conditions relevant to attendees. You will have the opportunity to see behind the scenes of developing new therapies, with highlights from researchers and charities.


    We welcome all those with experience in a range of conditions:

    • Arthritis
    • Diabetes
    • Neuro-degenerative disease
    • Nerve damage
    • Bone damage
    • Bowel disease
    • Eye conditions
    • Wounds and burns
    • Cancer (colorectal, leukaemia, pancreatic, ovarian, breast, bone, liver)


    The programme will include introductions talks about the lifETIME CDT and a PPIE overview as well as talks from patients, charities, and researchers.

    There will be a facilitated session to provide you with the opportunity to propose talking points that are of interest to you. These points will then form the basis of a roundtable discussion that will be openly discussed between all attendees.

    Feedback and recommendations expressed during this event will shape our approach to training the future researchers. Once we look through all the feedback, we will let you know how we are planning to incorporate your thoughts and ideas into our future research.

    ResearchTogether Programme 2023

    Dinner and Ceilidh

    We would also like to invite you to our conference dinner and ceilidh that will take place at the Glasgow Grosvenor Hotel. Please state if you would like to attend when registering for the event.


    Event Location

    ResearchTogether will take place on the 1st February 2023 at the ARC, the Advanced Research Centre. The ARC is the creative and collaborative heart of research at the University of Glasgow.

    The £116m building will help bridge the boundaries between research, cross subject collaboration and true societal impact.

    More information about the ARC is available here.

    Expenses Policy

    The event is an open event, free of charge and expenses will be covered, including accommodation.

    We want to ensure that cost is not a factor in participation to achieve a broad reach, we will therefore contribute towards the (reasonable) expenses that you might incur in attending.

    All patients will be reimbursed £150 for your time to attend our event.

    Please see our Expense Policy: Expense Policy

    Finding A Better Way

    Our graduates will develop multidisciplinary, high-value skills in the design, creation and application of new knowledge to accelerate therapeutic discovery. Along with our industrial, clinical and charitable partners, the lifETIME CDT will build the cohort of talent the sector needs to thrive.

    To find out more about the lifETIME CDT research projects, please see our website: https://lifetime-cdt.org/students.

    An action summary was agreed following the event.

    To view the agreed action summary and event programme, please click on the link below.

    ResearchTogether Programme

    ResearchTogether Action Summary