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You can follow the show at @DrMayaShankar on Instagram. Apple Podcasts’ Best Show of the Year 2021 Editor's Note: Maya Shankar blends compassionate storytelling with the science of human behavior to help us understand who we are and who we become in the face of a big change. Maya is no stranger to change. “My whole childhood revolved around the violin, but that changed in a moment when I injured my hand playing a single note,” says Shankar, who was studying under Itzhak Perlman at the Juilli ...
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Hidden Brain

Hidden Brain, Shankar Vedantam

Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.
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Bold Unedited Discussions on Psychology, Philosophy, Therapy, and Change. Entertaining and informative talks explore psychology and philosophy with a variety of guests including authors, doctors, healers, professors, therapists, scientists and more. We delve into everything from modern therapeutic techniques to ancient wisdom practices, offering practical and unique approaches to living a vibrant life. Host Paul Krauss, MA LPC, draws on his unique background – from a rural motel childhood to ...
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Journalist/comedian Harmon Leon dives into the history of comedy; bringing podcast listeners some of his favorite comedy influences, cult classics, and all things comedy history. More at: harmonleon.com
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The No.1 Home Service Podcast where Mike Andes, founder of Augusta Lawn Care Services Franchise, Pay for Performance, and Copilot CRM, shares invaluable insights into growing a profitable home service business. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, Mike dives into the nitty-gritty of what it takes to succeed in the home service industry. With his wealth of experience and expertise, Mike answers your burning questions, provides actionable strategies, and offers practica ...
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Internationally acclaimed dream analyst and author of Bird of Paradise (Taming the Unconscious to Bring Your Dreams to Fruition), Jane Teresa Anderson, interprets her guests’ dreams and shares dream interpretation tips and insights. A new episode is published every four weeks.
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The Synergetic Play Therapy Institute's “Lessons From the Playroom” Podcasts are a series of recorded podcasts designed to help therapists understand the little lessons that kids teach us that make a big difference in the play therapy process. Our podcast host, Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S, is an innovative and inspiring teacher and pioneer in play therapy. She founder and President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute and the creator of Synergetic Play Therapy, a cutting-edge model of play the ...
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Theory Underground

theory underground

Theory Underground aims to make challenging philosophical and theoretical work accessible, not by summarizing, but by aiding those who seek to engage in this work as a way of life. Keep up with everything at theoryunderground.com
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Leo Laporte brings some of the most interesting personalities in technology together to talk about the most important issues. Fun, relaxed, informative and always entertaining, count on TWiT for the best tech podcasts in the world.
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Chalk Radio

MIT OpenCourseWare

Chalk Radio is an MIT OpenCourseWare podcast about inspired teaching at MIT. We take you behind the scenes of some of the most interesting courses on campus to talk with the professors who make those courses possible. Our guests open up to us about the passions that drive their cutting-edge research and innovative teaching, sharing stories that are candid, funny, serious, personal, and full of insights. Listening in on these conversations is like being right here with us in person under the ...
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Meet the people who have travelled to the very limits of human endurance and discover what it means to be superhuman. Learn from their unbelievable stories with host Rob Pope as he asks what lessons they picked up on their journeys around the globe and how they coped both mentally and physically. From cycling around the world in 78 days, to running barefoot across the UK and overcoming a broken neck to climb mountains and get back on the start line – like and subscribe to hear from 12 of the ...
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Awaken, discover and connect to the deeper meaning of the world around you with Oprah's Super Soul. Hear Oprah’s personal selection of her interviews with thought-leaders, best-selling authors, spiritual luminaries, as well as health and wellness experts. All designed to light you up, guide you through life’s big questions and help bring you one step closer to your best self.
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Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?

Molly Stillman | Speaker, Author, Loud Laugher

Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder? Podcast is a weekly podcast where we have honest conversations about faith, business, life, and everything in between. Hosted by speaker and author, Molly Stillman, her mission is to make you laugh, cry, and laugh till you cry. She wants to create a community of people who are unafraid to be themselves and have honest conversations about the things that matter most. Her vision is to create a safe space for people to explore their faith and share their stories an ...
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Stop stressing out about your contracting business and take back control. The Contractor Fight is bringing respect and dignity back to the trades one contractor at a time. Discover how to market, sell, and consistently produce your projects at a profit with industry expert and powerful motivator Tom Reber. Stop stealing from your family. Earn what you're worth. Build a business that serves you.
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On the Dr. Laurie Marbas Podcast, Dr. Marbas brings to you nutrition and lifestyle medicine experts & extraordinary guests to empower and inspire you with their knowledge and stories of plant-based lifestyle so that you can be your healthiest self. Work with Dr. Marbas visit: https://www.drmarbas.com/
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