Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription.

Send questions or comments to the List Postmaster .

List Description
adfgwildlifeeducation Department of Fish and Games workshops, classes, courses and meetings.
adfgwildlifereport This listserv provides notice of publication of wildlife research and management reports by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation.
aea-media-notices Email distribution list for AEA Media Notices
aea-veep-notices Email distribution list for AEA VEEP Notices
aea.efficiency AEA email distribution list for energy efficiency program notifications. For applicants to the Renewable Energy Fund grant program. This listserve is used to notify interested stakeholders of REFAC meetings. AEA email distribution list for Solar program notifications. Training date Announcements funded by Denali commission
afsc Dissemination of information related to fire service standards and certification programs.
agc Alaska Geospatial Council is a volunteer advisory council that coordinates across agencies and organizations to provide public access to geospatial data and maps critical to decision-making.
agc-coastal-ocean Alaska Geospatial Council Coastal & Ocean Working Group is composed of a diverse stakeholder community which was created in support of completing statewide coastal, shoreline and ocean mapping. Primary mission of the working group is to align coastal and ocean mapping missions with Alaska's people and programs.
agriculturenewsletter A monthly update of the activities of the Alaska Division of Agriculture.
AHEN Alaska Heritage Emergency Network is a partnership between participating cultural heritage institutions, professional organizations, and emergency response agencies. It was established to address cultural heritage needs before, during, and after a disaster.
AIDEA-MEDIA-NOTICES Email distribution list for AIDEA Media Notices
aidea-regulations-notices Email distribution list for AIDEA Regulations Notices
aideaweeklyrates AIDEA Weekly Interest Rates
ak-cottage-food Information on cottage food regulations, training, and resources
ak-dnr-news-releases Email distribution list for news releases from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources.
ak-geospat-council Alaska Geospatial Council is a volunteer advisory council that coordinates across agencies and organizations to provide public access to geospatial data and maps critical to decision-making.
ak-slip-opinions Weekly Alaska appellate court slip and memorandum opinion notification service
ak.allianceforhealthykids.ece Open to agencies and individuals interested in nutrition, physical activity and obesity prevention for young children in child care settings.
ak.beach.program DEC Alaska Beach Monitoring Program
ak.ced.cpr Commerce Commissioner Press Release Mailing list Alaska Court Improvement Program child-in-need-of-aid news distribution list.
ak.insurancedivision Courtesy notifications for bulletins, regulatory notices, hearing orders, public meetings, and other relevant new information from the Alaska Division of Insurance.
ak.scienceteachers Discussion and announcement listserv for science educators in Alaskan schools Alaska Board of Veterinary Examiners
ak_child_nutrition_programs Information and updates on the USDA Child Nutrition Programs.
akactivetranspo An informative email distribution list regarding bicycle and pedestrian developments and statewide updates.
akadolescenthealth Statewide agencies/individuals interested in adolescent health/youth development
akarchivists A mailing list to discuss archival practice and developments in Alaska.
akboardofpharmacy To keep pharmacy constituents apprised of current statutes and regulations and upcoming changes affecting the pharmacy profession.
AKBRFSSnews Alaska Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) announcements.
akcis Information exchange about the Alaska Career Information System (AKCIS)
akdhsem.notify Alaska DHS&EM Notifications
akdiabetes Information exchange about Diabetes for AK Providers
AKDigitalStewardship The Alaska Digital Stewardship Intensive is a self-paced, online course with bi-weekly webinars designed to introduce staff or volunteers working in small collecting institutions, such as libraries, archives and museums, to all aspects of the digital stewardship lifecycle.
akfarmtoschool This email list will send out information about the Alaska Farm to School Program. Updates about grant opportunities, news, resources, events, and the monthly division of agriculture newsletter.
akfoodpolicycouncil Agencies and individuals interested in food policy and food system issues in Alaska.
akhivprevention Statewide agencies and CBOs involved in HIV Prevention Work
AKMedicalBoard Disseminate information from the Alaska State Medical Board.
AKMuseumDirectors This is a discussion listserv for current directors of Alaska museums. Messages will be sent directly to all other members of the listserv.
akmuseums EED - Alaska Museums Employees List
akpan Shares information about public health physical activity, nutrition and obesity issues. You�ll receive resources, training announcements, newly released report, news, funding opportunities and other relevant news.
AKPQC Email distribution list for the Alaska Perinatal Quality Collaborative
akseismic AK Seismic Hazard Safety Commission member discussion group.
akstatevetnews DEC Office of the State Veterinarian newsletter
AKYRBSnews Alaska Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) announcements.
alaska-board-of-marine-pilots Marine Pilots Licensing email distribution list
alaska-career-ready Educator information about the Alaska Career Ready Program.
alaska-school-counselors Alaska School Counseling and career guidance list for information
Alaska.GeoSummit List Announcements an updates about the annual Alaska GeoSummit
Alaska.PTOT.News Important news from the Alaska Board of Physical and Occupational Therapists
alaskaclinicallaboratory This listserv is intended to provide a forum to post laboratory-related questions, concerns and the sharing of best practices and advice.
alaskadpsrecruit Trooper recruitment news and announcements.
AlaskaEV AEA electric vehicles program notices
alaskagatekeeper A listserve for Alaska suicide prevention professionals.
alaskagrownmember For Alaska Grown Members only. This email list will be a communication channel with all Alaska Grown Members to share information, events, resources, and get feedback. If you are not an Alaska Grown member and are interested in becoming one please contact us at: [email protected]
alaskahealthanddisabilityprogram Dissemination of program updates, announcements, meetings, materials, and resources related to health promotion and emergency preparedness for Alaskans with disabilities.
alaskarising Listserv is to bring together Alaskans for developing initiatives for Alaska RISING SUN (Reducing the Incidence of Suicide in Indigenous Groups . Strengths United through Networks (RISING-SUN).
alaskaschoolnursing Information relevant to school nurses practicing in Alaska. Updates on local, state and national issues affecting nursing practice.
alaskavwsettlement People or entities interested in the status of the state of Alaska.s mitigation plan under the Volkswagen settlement.
amber_alert This list is for those who are to be notified of an Amber Alert
AMCO.Alcohol Alcohol and Marijuana Control Office
AMCO.Marijuana Alcohol and Marijuana Control Office
anchorageelodeamanagement Email distribution list for updates related to the management of the invasive aquatic plant Elodea in Anchorage
AOGCC_Public_Notices Public Notices from the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
apoc.notifications APOC public notifications and updates
aps.educators This listserv provides important information and updates about the Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS) which are relevant to educators, counselors, and others providing planning guidance to students.
aps.generalpublic This listserv provides important information and updates about the Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS) which are relevant to students, parents, and other members of the general public.
APSC Alaska Police Standards Council notifications regarding training opportunities and important information impacting law enforcement in Alaska.
bahboard The Board of Barbers and Hairdressers licensing program.
barryarm Barry Arm Status Reports
beaches_notifications Notification list for the BEACHES service to include outage and service change notifications.
BGCSBoard To disseminate announcements and updates regarding the Alaska Big Game Commercial Services Board and the guide/transporter licensing program
boardofmassagetherapists This list is for announcements and updates regarding the Alaska Board of Massage Therapists and the massage therapy licensing program.
cancer HSS - Alaska cancer program managers and staff.
cancerctr HSS - Alaska Cancer Tumor Registrars.
cancerdetection Alaska Cancer Partnership Detection Work Group
cancernavigators Alaska Cancer Navigation Peer Network
cancerpartnership Alaska Cancer Partnership
cancerprevention Alaska Cancer Partnership Prevention Work Group
cancerreporters HSS - Alaska cancer abstracting staff.
cancersurvivorship Alaska Cancer Partnership Survivorship Work Group
CBPLRegulations4 Special announcements for CBPL regulation projects.
CBPLRegulations5 Special announcements for CBPL regulation projects. The listserv provides a forum to connect clinical laboratorians in Alaska
commerce-nur Commerce - Alaska Board of Nursing email distribution list
commerce-rec Commerce - Alaska Real Estate Commission email distribution list Board of Public Accountancy e-mail distribution list
commerce_aels Board of Architects, Engineers and Land Surveyors email distribution list
commerceCSW Commerce - Alaska Board of Social Work email distribution list
CRAviSpecUpdates Mailing list for DOT&PF Central Region Aviation Design Specification Updates.
crimelabLEAdistro Distribution list of Alaska Law Enforcement Agents for use by the Crime Lab
cs.lab.approval Listserv for labs approved by the CS Laboratory Approval Program
cte_coordinators EED - local career and technical (i.e. vocational) educators in Alaskan schools
dced-localboundarycommission Distribution list for Local Boundary Commission.
dec-ak-native-list Emails through this list will provide recaps of previous DEC Alaska Native Outreach meetings, resources, updates, and reminders for upcoming meetings.
dec-alaska-food-code-regulation For agencies, consumers, operators of food establishments and interested others
dec-apdes APDES Program
dec-apdes-agency APDES Agency Distribution List
dec-brownfields-announcements Distribute info regarding the DEC Brownfields Program.
dec-contaminated-sites-program DEC Contaminated Sites Program
dec-food-recall Food Recall Notices
dec-hazmat Statewide Hazmat Response Work Group members only
dec-ipp-oil-spill-contingency-plan-regulations Oil Spill Contingency Plan Regulations (18 AAC 75)
dec-seafood For seafood processors, distributors, harvesters/shuckers/transporters/packers
dec-shellfish Regulatory information for shellfish grower, harvesters, shuckers and packers, and shippers/distributors
dec-sitrep Distribution of Situation Reports on Spills to non-DEC recipients.
dec-srf-program Alaska State Revolving Fund (SRF) Program
dec-sulfolane The Program is interested in improving communication with those affected by or interested in sulfolane contamination from the North Pole Refinery.
dec.afsac The Alaska Food Safety Advisory Committee
dec.aspac The Alaska Seafood Processors Advisory Council (ASPAC) For those interested in announcements from DEC Drinking Water Protection.
dec.dw.ett This listserv is intended to notify anyone interested in receiving alerts regarding public water systems in Alaska.
DEC.EVOS.Project This list serv will provide project updates on DECs EVOS grant.
dec.hazardouswaste DEC hazardous Waste Program Information
dec.odpcp.notify If you would like to receive notifications about oil discharge prevention and contingency plan (ODPCP) applications, please add your email address below. For more information, contact Ms. Rebecca Spiegel (907) 269-7543, [email protected], or visit the following DEC website:
dec.tribalcommunications.tribes Division of Water Information for Tribes Division of Water, Wastewater Engineering Support and Plan Review.
dec.wqsar.nps DECs Water Quality Standards, Assessment and Restoration Program (WQSAR)
DEC_UST The purpose of the list would be to provide information and updates to regulated UST owner/operators and certified tank workers.
dec_waterqualitystandard Issues and Communications regarding the Alaska Water Quality Standards. Alaska Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management daily situation reports.
digital-school-lib Discussion about the Alaska School Digital Library.
dmlw.tundra.notification Information and announcements regarding off-road travel on the North Slope.
dnr.ahrs.users E-mail distribution list to AHRS database users.
doa.dof.statewide.policy Notifications and informational broadcasts related to policy and procedures governed by the Division of Finance in the Department of Administration. DOA DOF VSS Vendor Information
dog.bphilcorpsale Email distribution list for news related to the BP-Hilcorp sale.
dog.leasing Information and announcements regarding State of Alaska oil and gas lease sales and exploration licenses.
dog.tcdatarelease Email distribution list for news related to geological and geophysical tax credit data release.
doh.dementiasupport Department of Public Health Dementia and Alzheimer's Support Discussion Group
dor-tax-division-regs Announcements regarding DOR Tax Division oil and gas regulations.
dor.daily.prices Daily updates of oil and gas prices and Alaska North Slope production levels.
dot-research-notification Mailing list for AK DOT&PF, RTT research notification
dot-swdes-notice This list is used to disseminate information from Statewide Design and Engineering Services, especially Chief Engineer Directives. This list is intended for both DOT&PF employees and consultants.
dot-training-notification Mailing list for AK DOT&PF, RTT training notifications Listserv to disseminate information regarding design elements, current practices, and general updates. DOT NR Project Control DSR Distribution List
dph.emergency.programs A mailing list to receive planning, training, exercise, and event information about and from the DPH Section of Emergency Programs.
dps.uoct.updates UOCT Notifications
dps_notifications List of customers to notify regarding any DPS service interruption.
eas Alaska Emergency Alert System Information
emergingenergyfund Alaska Energy Authority: Emerging Energy Technology Fund Information
environmentalpublichealth Listserv to share information on contaminants, pollutants, and health that is relevant to Alaskans.
epd Enables Alaskans interested in employing people with disabilities to share information with various entities engaged in employing people with disabilities.
epi.methods This list is for communicating and discussion epidemiological methods issues challenges and solutions, meeting dates, novel methods, and sharing of information related to data analysis and study design.
FAFSATimeAlaska FAFSA Time Alaska
FASD.Alaska FASD Alaska listserv
fire_service_training Dissemination of information about fire service training, fire training management, fire department public education, and related Alaska fire service matters.
gopherdata HSS - Group of Public Health Data Users
gov-boardscontacts Boards and Commissions contacts email list
gov-flagstatus Governor.s Office Flag Status notifications list
gov-newsletter Governors Office newsletter notification list
gov-podcasts Governors Office podcast notification list
gov-pressreleases Governor.s Office Press Releases distribution list
gov-regs Notifications by state agencies to the Governor about adopted regulations as required by AS 44.62.320(c).
healthcare.opportunities Announcements about health care training and employment opportunities across the state, including health care Registered Apprenticeships. Hiland Mountain Correctional Center Horticulture Club Flower Sale
injury.prev Join the State of Alaska Injury Prevention LISTSERV to receive program updates and resources relevant to injury prevention data, funding announcements, opportunities to collaborate. LISTERV communication may include updates from DHSS and partners, webinars and trainings, injury prevention in the news, best practices, resources, research, and grant and job opportunities.
iris.information Informational broadcasts from the IRIS Team.
it-notification Customer notification regarding any IT service interruptions
juneaujobcenter Recruitments, Job Fairs and Hiring Needs
labor-anc-jobfair Labor ANC Job Fair
labor-esdpl Labor ES DPL Alerts
labor-txdpl Labor Tax DPL Alerts
labor-uidpl Labor UI DPL Alerts
Lawpressreleases Press Releases from Alaska Attorney General Treg Taylor and the Alaska Department of Law
licensingboards This list is designed to facilitate the exchange of information among Alaska professional licensing board members.
matsubusinessconnection Latest information on recruitment sessions, job fairs and employer events in the Mat-Su Borough.
mcdr Maternal and Child Death Review meetings and recommendations
mineral.industry Email distribution list for the Alaska Mineral Industry Report
mva-pressreleases Distribution of press releases from the Dept. of Military and Veterans Affairs Alaska DHS&EM Emergency Management Training Announcements
myAlaska Notification list for myAlaska to include outage and service change notifications
netdmralaska Notifications from ADEC for users of the Alaska NetDMR Portal
new-at-state-library Announcement-only list re: training opportunities/library svcs to SOA employees.
Newborn.bloodspot This list is for partners of Newborn Bloodspot Screening.
newspaperadvisorycommittee Discussion on digitizing newspaper archives.
notaryadministrators GOV - NASS Notary Public Administrators
o365-notifications Notifications regarding changes and proprosed changes to the SOA o365 tenant.
oit-cab Purpose: Change Advisory Board notifications
PACO The PACO listserv is for participants, instructors and coaches of the Preparing Alaska�s Cultural Organizations for Emergencies program to share course information and resources related to emergency preparedness and response within collecting institutions.
partnersinprevention Listserve created for community prevention coalitions to communicate, collaborate, network.
pce-utilities Power Cost Equalization Participating Utilities This is a posting for people interested in the monthly workshops and events offered at the Peninsula Job Center.
postsecondarynetwork This listserv will provide important information and updates about the work being done by the Alaska Postsecondary Access and Completion Network.
prbicc Event, Class, Postings and code interpretation notifications. This includes code adoption, NFA and ICC information as well as classes and/or meetings being held.
purple_star_school The Purple Star Program was designed to help mitigate the challenges of high mobility by setting standards for and publicly designating military-friendly schools.
r-usergroup Facilitating communication among users of the R statistical programming language.
rca-electric Regulatory Commission electric utility announcements
rca-gas Regulatory Commission natural gas utility announcements
rca-lists-all Regulatory Commission all utility announcements
rca-pipeline Regulatory Commission pipeline utility announcements
rca-publicmeetings Regulatory Commission public meeting announcements
rca-refuse Regulatory Commission refuse utility announcements
rca-telephone Regulatory Commission common carrier utility announcements
rca-water-wastewater Regulatory Commission water/wastewater utility announcements
salmonintheclassroom Department of Fish and Games South-Central Aquatic Education (Salmon in the classroom).
school_facilities Forum for Alaska school facility-related questions, concerns, and the sharing of best practices and advice.
schoolhealth Share information related to promoting healthy and safe schools and students in Alaska.
sds-e-news To Communicate with long-term care providers offering services to clients of SDS
sfmoforumdeferredjurisdictions Notification of Fire and Building Code Officials and event meetings.
silver.alert Broadcast relay of official Silver Alerts for vulnerable missing adults as determined by authorized Law Enforcement agents.
soa-security-awareness Public Distribution List for cyber security
soa.project.hope Join the State of Alaska Project HOPE LISTSERV to receive program updates and resources relevant to Project HOPE Overdose Response Programs. LISTSERV communication may include updates from DHSS and partners, Opioid news, best practices, research, and resources.
susitna-watanahydro Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Power Project
takeheart Take Heart Alaska is a statewide coalition working together to improve cardiovascular health in Alaska.
tax-alcohol-regs Public Notice of DOR Tax Division alcohol regulations
tax-corporate-regs Public Notice of DOR Tax Division corporate income tax regulations.
tax-cruise-ships-regs Public Notice of DOR Tax Division cruise-ships regulations
tax-fish-regs Public Notice of DOR Tax Division fish tax regulations.
tax-gaming-regs Alaska - Department of Revenue - Charitable Gaming Announcements
tax-marijuana-regs Alaska - Department of Revenue - Marijuana Tax Announcements
tax-mining-regs Public Notice of DOR Tax Division mining regulations
tax-motorfuel-regs Public Notice of DOR Tax Division motor fuel regulations
tax-tire-regs Alaska - Department of Revenue - Tire Tax Announcements
tax-tobacco-regs Public Notice of DOR Tax Division tobacco regulations
tax-vehicle-rental-regs Public Notice of DOR Tax Division vehicle-rental regulations
travelofficeinfo Informational broadcasts from the state travel office
webaccessibility Web Accessibility Workgroup
wind Alaska Wind Energy Program
yukonriverdailyupdate Daily update of salmon assessment projects on the Yukon River.

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