Welcome to lists.gnu.org

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What is lists.gnu.org?

lists.gnu.org serves as the central site for mailing lists used by various GNU projects. The GNU mailing lists comprise a vibrant part of the online Free Software community, and are a good place to get help with problems you are having, report bugs in software, or make comments or suggestions.

Subscription and list management

In order to receive messages from a mailing list you must subscribe to it. Additionally, many lists either require that you be subscribed in order to send messages to the list, or that your message must be approved by a moderator if you are not subscribed. See listinfo for a catalog of the various mailing lists. Each list in the catalog has a link to a page where you can subscribe to it.

If you are already subscribed to a list, you can use these pages to change your preferences for a list. For instance, if you are subscribed you can use the page to change your subscription so that you receive a digest of the day's e-mails, instead of receiving each one individually.

Mailing list archives

lists.gnu.org also serves as the archive site for all of the GNU mailing lists, which you can find here. You can search the archives for particular threads, or you can browse by thread or date.

Mailing list archive policy

We have a strong policy of not editing the web archives. See our full privacy policy.

Bug reports

Please report issues to <[email protected]>.