Arts & Humanities Charter Hill Society

Welcome to the Arts & Humanities at Berkeley

Welcome to the Arts & Humanities at UC Berkeley – a rich and rewarding home of scholarship, reasoned argument, and passionate engagement in the great breadth of human culture. Our world-class faculty and students are the core of what makes Berkeley the greatest public university in the world!   It is here–across 19 departments and 11 programs– where the next generation of critical thinkers, creators, and innovators are shaped.

Help Create a Sustainable Foundation for the Arts & Humanities

We invite you to join the newly launched Charter Hill Society for the Arts & Humanities. The Society is a leadership annual-giving program designed to provide unrestricted support to the division. When you invest in the Arts & Humanities through membership in the Charter Hill Society, you not only join a growing group of influential alumni, but you also focus your philanthropy on support that helps sustain the highest level of excellence by providing:

  • Funding for freshman seminars on topics in literature, philosophy, and the arts
  • Support for Ph.D. candidates
  • Support for theater, dance, and music performances by students
  • Digital Media Lab and Digital Humanities program support
  • Campus literary readings public lectures
  • Interdisciplinary courses
  • Instruction in rarely taught languages
  • Faculty research in core disciplines

Building Support Year After Year

Your three-year, leadership-level commitment will provide sustainable funding for the Dean’s Fund for Excellence in the Arts & Humanities – building on the gifts of others to ensure that the Division’s highest priorities are addressed.  Dean Sara Guyer uses all gifts to this fund to maintain Berkeley’s pre-eminence in the Arts & Humanities and to deliver targeted funding exactly where it is most needed. The Charter Hill Society for the Arts & Humanities will build community, raise awareness of the importance of “giving back,” and will create a culture of responsibility and engagement between our alumni and Berkeley.

Become a Founding Member

By joining today, you will join our first cohort of Founding Members in establishing this important community of support. This is an opportunity to help shape the early phase of this group, learn first-hand about the latest accomplishments and future directions in the Arts & Humanities, and have a direct impact on our ongoing success. Founding Members have a unique opportunity to sustain the excellence of programs that transform lives. You will enjoy opportunities to engage with faculty, students, the Dean, and your fellow members at special events and programs in your area.

Member Benefits

Charter Hill Society members may take advantage of special events featuring the dean and faculty in our key markets, in addition to the benefits afforded from the tiered campus-level CHS. We look forward to seeing you at a variety of stimulating and intellectually rewarding events.

In addition, we will publicly acknowledge your support across digital and print platforms, if desired, to inspire leadership among your peers.

How Can I Join?

Charter Hill Society for the Arts & Humanities members pledge their annual support in an amount between $1,000 and $25,000 per year for three or more years to the Dean’s Fund for Excellence in the Arts & Humanities. You may join online using the instructions below:

Visit The Fund for Excellence in Arts in Humanities

  • Click Add to Basket > Give Now
  • Enter the amount you wish to contribute annually, between $1,000 and $25,000
  • Select recurring
  • Select annually
  • Select "Until a Specific Date" and then select a date ending three years or more from now
  • Click "Continue to Billing Information" and follow the prompts from there

 For personal assistance with your gift or to learn more, contact Rebecca Ricksen, Leadership Gift Officer for Arts & Humanities, at [email protected].

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