Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC)

Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC)

Research Services

Vilnius, Vilniaus 2,234 followers

The largest scientific research institution in Lithuania

About us

CENTER FOR PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY (FTMC) is the largest scientific research institution carrying out unique fundamental research, and technological development works in scientific fields of laser technologies, optoelectronics, nuclear physics, organic chemistry, bio and nanotechnologies, electrochemical material science, functional materials, electronics, etc. in Lithuania. Not only the advanced scientific research and the technological development work are performed in FTMC, but also PhD studies and post-doc fellowships are organized as well as qualified researchers capable of performing an independent high level research and solving scientific problems on their own are trained. In the development of new technologies and innovative devices FTMC is closely cooperating with scientists from Germany, France, Great Britain, Scotland, Poland, Taiwan, USA and other countries and is implementing joint European Union and bilateral scientific projects. FTMC and its researchers are members of various international organizations: EARTO (European Association of Research and Technology), EPIC (European Photonics Industry Association), OSA (Optical Society of America) and LIA (Laser Institute of America).

Research Services
Company size
501-1,000 employees
Vilnius, Vilniaus
chemistry, laser technology, laser, astrophysics, spectroscopy, science, research, technological development, optoelectronics, fundamental research, nuclear physics, organic chemistry, biotechnologies, nanotechnologies, electrochemical material science, functional materials, and electronics


Employees at Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC)


  • 👋 We are inviting you to an international conference "Advanced Properties and Processes in Optoelectronic Materials and Systems - APROPOS 19", 1-4 October, 2024, Vilnius, Lithuania. The conference aims to reveal and share new ideas in technology, research and applications of advanced optoelectronic materials, to discover modern trends in optoelectronics research and to discuss processes and fascinating phenomena arising when optics meets electronics. Special emphasis will be attributed to applications of ultrafast methods for advanced materials. 👉 Submission of abstracts – until 28 July. Registration and more information - 📸 APROPOS 18 (2022). Irmantas Gelūnas / BNS photo.

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  • On 13 September, Professor Chris G. Van de Walle, one of the world's leading researchers in theoretical materials science, from the University of California, Santa Barbara, will give a lecture at the FTMC. His topic is "Point Defects in Semiconductors for Quantum Technologies" ⚛️   Don't miss the opportunity to meet this extraordinary guest and his world-renowned research! 🌎   📍 FTMC conference room A101   🗓️ 13 September, 11:00 Learn more:

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  • Congratulations on the Knowledge Day and the new academic year starting tomorrow! 📚 The Director of the FTMC Prof. Dr. Ramūnas Skaudžius wishes our colleagues and the whole scientific community continuous creativity and development: "On the Knowledge Day, I would like to draw attention to the fact that behind every scientific achievement and discovery there is a human being - a creator, a seeker, a thinker. Knowledge is not only a tool for our work, it is a force that changes the world. As Albert Einstein said: 'Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world.' Today, I would like to remind that each of us is not only a bearer of knowledge, but also a creator who shapes the world with our ideas and our work. It is not only what we know, but also how we channel that knowledge. Every effort you make has value, and it is your personal initiative that transforms knowledge into new possibilities. Let this day be a reminder that the real value is in the everyday work. Not just today, but every day, let us create, improve and discover new solutions. I wish success, inspiration and meaningful work to all!" 📸 Dr. Vidmantas Jašinskas, researcher at the Department of Molecular Compound Physics of the FTMC, at the pump-probe. Hernandez & Sorokina / FTMC photo

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  • (Content in Lithuanian) Molekulinių pluoštelių epitaksijos (angl. Molecular beam epitaxy, MBE) įrenginys ne tik įspūdingai atrodo, bet ir atlieka reikšmingus darbus! 🔥 Šis triukšmingas laidų ir vamzdžių rinkinys naudojamas labai tiksliam plonyčių, plika akimi nematomų atominių sluoksnių auginimui ant medžiagų paviršių. Kam to reikia? Šis procesas leidžia kurti itin aukštos kokybės puslaidininkinius kristalus, kurie gali būti naudojami įvairiose srityse – pavyzdžiui, elektronikoje, optoelektronikoje ar kvantinėje fizikoje. MBE įrenginys veikia kaip speciali „orkaitė“, kurioje įkaitinti atskiri atomai ar molekulės sluoksnis po sluoksnio, tartum sumuštinis, „susiklijuoja“ vienas ant kito. Skirtingos naudojamos medžiagos suteikia skirtingų savybių, kurios reikalingos pažangioms technologijoms. Fizikės dr. Renatos Butkutės mokslinėje grupėje su MBE dirba FTMC Optoelektronikos skyriaus inžinierius Aivaras Špokas. Jis – tinklalaidės „Vasaros laboratorija“ pašnekovas, iš arti pristatantis šią nepaprastai svarbią mokslinę įrangą 🎧 Pamatykite ir jūs:

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  • We're announcing an additional admission to doctoral studies in 2024! 📣   FTMC is one of the largest research institutions in the Baltics, and we are aiming to be among the best in the world. If you have a Master's degree in Physics, Chemistry or Materials Engineering, we invite you to join our team! PhD studies themes 2024 and all useful information is here:

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  • 🚀 Innovators in the Baltic and Nordic regions, Baltic Sandbox Ventures is looking for you! Together with Quantum Lithuania, BSV is starting a new incubation program and is looking for bright minds of quantum, space & laser science community. If you are working on cutting-edge quantum technologies, lasers, space exploration or advanced computing, join their Incubation Program at BSV to accelerate your startup’s growth! 📈 What Baltic Sandbox Ventures' Incubation program offers: ⭐ Mentorship on various business development topics starting from market research and ending with all things about scaling up your startup. ⭐ Workshops on the most crucial skills needed for starting your startup, like understanding how to do your startup assessment and calculating your startup's financials. ⭐ A possibility to receive up to 15 000 euros grant per team (more detailed description at Baltic Sandbox Ventures website). ⭐ Networking with a global community of innovators, investors and like-minded people. Apply now and turn your vision into reality! Learn More & Apply: More information:

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  • We are inviting you to the seminar "Toward a compact XUV frequency comb source" by Dr. Oleg Pronin, physicist at Helmut Schmidt University in Germany 💥 Dr. O. Pronin is one of the students of Prof. Ferenc Krausz, Nobel Prize winner for attosecond lasers! 🗓️ 28 August, 13:00 📍 Conference Room A101 "Is there any new physics out there? Of course, for example, what is dark matter, can we detect it, and how? One intriguing approach to detecting dark matter involves the development of precise and sensitive nuclear clocks. 🕓 I will report on setting up the light source for performing the spectroscopy of the Thorium isotope (229Th) transition, which plays a crucial role in nuclear clocks. The XUV light source is envisioned to be used for many other applications in fundamental spectroscopy. The XUV source is based on the world’s highest peak power oscillator, delivering 200 W average power, 14 MHz repetition rate, and 110 MW peak power with 120 fs pulse duration. This output is being spectrally broadened and compressed in the cascaded multipass cells down to 8 fs and increasing peak power to nearly 1 GW. The XUV generation is being performed using high harmonic generation in a gas jet. The picture of the experimental setup is shown below.   A key technology driving this project is pulse shortening in multipass cells performed closely with startup company n2-Photonics. Also I am going to address a few potential practical applications of this pulse-shortening technology in the field of glass micromachining," says the researcher. Learn more:

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  • Pirmieji išgirskite apie pasaulį keičiančias inovacijas! 🔭 Energetikos ir technikos muziejus | Energy and Technology Museum kartu su FTMC pradeda projektą-paskaitų ciklą „Įkvėpti mokslo“! 🚀 Muziejuje vyks atviros diskusijos ir vieši naujausių mokslinių išradimų pristatymai, kurių metu net keturiolika talentingų FTMC mokslininkų pasakos apie užsienyje ir Lietuvoje atliekamus mokslinius tyrimus bei kuriamas inovacijas. 💡 Renginiai apims įvairias mokslo sritis: nuo 🧬mikrobiologijos iki astronomijos. 🛰️ Susitikimai su mokslininkais vyks kiekvieną trečiadienį, nuo rugsėjo 11 d. ⏱️ Laikas: 18 val. 📍 Vieta: Energetikos ir technikos muziejus, Rinktinės g. 2, Vilnius Daugiau informacijos ir pranešimų temos: Nemokama registracija: Partneriai: Vilnius City Municipality Lietuvos kultūros taryba | Lithuanian Council for Culture Informaciniai rėmėjai: LRT

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  • On August 8th, the international event "LTU-DEU Exchange on Defence Research" took place at the Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics (Fraunhofer FKIE) in Wachtberg (Germany).   The meeting was attended by researchers from the Institute and representatives of the German Federal Ministry of Defence, as well as by a Lithuanian delegation - representatives from the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, the Ministry of National Defence of Lithuania, the Lithuanian Armed Forces, scientific institutes, higher education institutions, and the Lithuanian Research Council. FTMC was represented by its new Director, Prof. Dr. Ramūnas Skaudžius.   Experts shared their experience in the organisation and funding of research in the defence industry. The topics that attracted the most attention were lasers, autonomous solutions and the use of artificial intelligence in warfare. FTMC presented what is already doing in this field and discussed possible future joint projects.   "This meeting reinforced the motivation to continue research on defence topics at FTMC and to initiate projects. This does not mean starting from scratch on new topics, but a new approach is needed to see how we can boost what we are already strong on. For instance, the collaboration with Fraunhofer FKIE scientists opens up new opportunities in the fields of radars and optical communication," says R. Skaudžius.

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  • A new Director started to work at the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC) on 1 August 📢 Ramūnas Skaudžius, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, former Vice-Minister of Education, Science and Sport, has taken over from Prof. Dr. habil. Gintaras Valušis, a physicist and Head of the FTMC Department of Optoelectronics, who held the post for two terms.   The FTMC community thanks the former Director for all his work and inspiring example and welcomes the new Head of the Center.   "I am delighted to have the opportunity to assume leadership of the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology. I am privileged to become part of the team at the largest science and research institution in Lithuania.   FTMC is an institution that cultivates scientific curiosity and creativity through pioneering research and the advancement of a new generation of scientists equipped with the expertise to address global challenges. Together, we will endeavour to develop innovative technologies and solutions that will enhance the quality of life and the natural environment, and become leaders in science not only in Lithuania but also on the international stage.   I am convinced that close collaboration, the exchange of knowledge and ideas, and collective endeavour will facilitate the attainment of our objectives. I encourage you to play an active role in the activities of our Centre, to strive for scientific excellence and internationalisation, and to construct a prosperous future collectively," says R. Skaudžius. Learn more:

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