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Turn your Active Status on or off on Messenger
You can show when you're active or recently active by turning on your Active status. When you turn Active status off, you'll still appear active or recently active from any other places where you're using Facebook or Messenger unless you turn off Active status in those places, too.
Turn your Active status on or off on Messenger
  1. Tap menu, then tap . Tap , then tap . Click your profile picture in the bottom left, then click Preferences.
  2. Tap Active status.
  3. Tap next to Show when you're active to turn your Active status on or off.
  4. Select your option and tap PAUSE.
  1. Tap menu, then tap . Tap , then tap . Click your profile picture in the bottom left, then click Preferences.
  2. Tap Active status.
  3. Tap next to Show when you're active to turn your Active status on or off.
  4. Tap Turn off to confirm turning your Active status off.
Desktop (
  1. Tap menu, then tap . Tap , then tap . Click your profile picture in the bottom left, then click Preferences.
  2. Click Preferences.
  3. Click Active status: ON or Active status: OFF, then click the toggle to turn it on or off. If turning off active status, you can choose to turn it off for all contacts or just some contacts.
  4. Click Save.
Desktop app
  1. Open Messenger for Windows or macOS.
  2. Tap menu, then tap . Tap , then tap . Click your profile picture in the bottom left, then click Preferences.
  3. Click Active status.
  4. Click the toggle next to Show Active status to turn your Active status on or off.
English (UK)
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