NEWSLETTER: International Transport Forum
14 March 2024
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ITF calls to "decide and provide" at UNECE

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim called for a "decide and provide" approach to future transport provision to help achieve decarbonised mobility systems by 2050. Moderating a High-level Policy Segment at the 86th UNECE Inland Transport Committee in Geneva, Switzerland, Dr Kim showcased recent ITF work on boosting the adoption of low-emission, heavy-duty trucks.
See more on fast-tracking low-emission trucking

2024 Summit registration is open!

Registration for the world's premier transport policy event is now open. The ITF Summit on "Greening Transport: Keeping Focus in Times of Crisis" takes place from 22 to 24 May, 2024 in Leipzig, Germany, under the Presidency of Lithuania. Join ministers from the ITF's 66 member countries and beyond for this year's global conversation on the future of transport.
See the 2024 Summit website

Sustainable and cleaner mobility in Greece

Secretary-General Young Tae Kim met with Greece's Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Christos Staikouras, in Athens to share transport policy priorities and provide an update on research work. ITF is working with the ministry and DG Reform as part of an EU-funded Technical Support Instrument project to support Greece in developing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans and increase electric vehicle uptake. 
See more on this project

Funding the future of public transport

Well-funded public transport services that provide easy access for all citizens to the opportunities they seek are essential to decarbonising transport, making our cities more liveable, and connecting people living in rural areas. Our new report helps governments meet the challenge of funding public transport sustainably and equitably.
Read the study and watch a video explainer

New publications

The Future of Public Transport Funding

Improving the Quality of Walking and Cycling in Cities

Go to all publications

Forthcoming research

Micromobility: Back to the Future

Transport System Resilience

Upcoming events

19 March
Transport Research Committee (TRC): 15th Session

20 March
Fourth meeting of the 2024 Task Force on Greening Transport: Keeping Focus in Times of Crisis 

21 - 22 March
Transport Management Board: 39th Session 

21 March
Assessing Health Impacts of Low-Carbon Transport Scenarios in Urban Areas

25 - 27 March
Forum on Critical Supply Chains: Policy tools for preparedness and responsiveness

28 - 29 March
Paving the Path: Decarbonising Transport in India and the Region 

2 - 3 April
Third High-level Regional Dialogue for Transport in Latin America and the Caribbean

10 - 11 April
International Road Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD): 37th Meeting

Top post: Brazilian TV journalist wins first ITF Journalism Award “Transport and Mobility in Latin America”

Top video: Improving the Quality of Walking and Cycling in Cities

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