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Tables, Graphs, and Other Data

This page provides links to tables on procedural and constitutional topics relating to the practice of the Security Council that were included in the volumes of the Repertoire in different periods. It also includes new tables, graphs and other data sets that provide information over larger periods spanning multiple volumes of the Repertoire. This section will be updated with new data sets and tables as they are completed. If there is information that you are interested in seeing presented here, please contact us.

Field Missions Mandate table

The Field Missions Mandate table categorizes the mandates of current peacekeeping, peacebuilding and special political missions authorized by the Security Council.  The diverse mandates of the different field missions are categorized for information purposes only under a total of 21 categories of mandated tasks related to a broad range of activities such as human rights, security sector reform or protection of civilians.

Field Missions Mandate table

Cross-cutting issues research tables

The three tables in this section contain all relevant provisions since 2008 relating to cross-cutting agenda items of the Security Council, namely, women and peace and security, children and armed conflict and protection of civilians.  The provisions are included on the basis of a selection of keywords and references to key documents of relevance to each of the three cross-cutting agenda items.

Women, peace and security (WPS)

Children and armed conflict (CAAC)


Protection of civilians in armed conflict (POC)


Highlights of Security Council Practice

The Highlights of the Security Council Practice provides a yearly overview of Security Council activities since 2011. This publication contains statistical information on the evolving practice of the Security Council relating to meetings, missions, agenda, decisions and voting patterns, as well as subsidiary bodies.









Key documents

Charter of the United Nations

Provisional Rules of Procedure

Notes by the President of the Security Council

Summary statements by the Secretary-General of matters of which the Security Council is seized


Other graphs

Meetings and consultations
Meetings held away from Headquarters
All Agenda items by first appearance
Resolutions adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter

Security Council members


By Year


By Country


Other useful sources of information on the Security Council can be found on the Security Council main page and in the Dag Hammarskjold Library.