Your activity on our Products

A cup of coffee, two doughnuts and a hand holding a phone that shows an ad for a bakery.
For example, William checks into a local bakery on Facebook, so later we might show him ads on Instagram for other local bakeries.

Your activity on third-party websites and apps, depending on your settings

An open shoebox, a new pair of shoes and a hand holding a phone that shows an ad for shoes.
For example, Jane buys a pair of shoes from an online shoe store or in an online chat with a shoe seller. The seller shares Jane’s activity with us using our Business Tools, subject to our Business Tools Terms.
Later, Jane sees an ad on Instagram for a discount on her next shoe purchase from the online store.
If she doesn't want to see ads from this shoe store again, she can hide them in her Advertisers setting. Or if she doesn’t want us to show her any ads based on her activity on other websites and apps, she can make sure that this setting is turned off in her ad preferences.

Topics we think you might be interested in

A turntable, a laptop, headphones and a pair of hands holding a phone that shows an ad for a music festival.
For example, Jon likes several Facebook Pages about famous musicians, so we think he has an interest in "music."
Based on this interest, we might show him an ad for a local record shop or an online music publication.
Jon can manage his interests in his ad topics.

Your connections

An easel with a painting on it and a hand holding a phone that shows an ad for an art fair.
For example, Fiona’s friend likes an Instagram account for a local art fair. Based on her friend’s activity, we might show Fiona an ad for the art fair.