1. Anonymous asked: hey, do you have the 'some people??? *do smth* ??? to cope???' meme documented? (btw I really love the work you put in this it's always interesting to see the origin of memes so thank you guys )

    Hello, thank you for your message!

    We documented this meme back in February 2017. You can find the explanation post here.

    Hope this helps! May you have a meme-tastic day!

  2. Here’s the meme people are using to cope with Tumblr these days →

    Well, so, apparently the Daily Dot wrote about the cope meme, Meme Documentation’s documentation of it, and the discourse. 


  3. stereotypicaltwink:

    some people??? punch nazis????? to cope?????

  4. Anonymous asked: the coping meme originated when white people started using their mental illness as an excuse to be racist

    That’s… not true?

    Although I’m not disputing that the meme could potentially be used in racist ways, as stated in the explanation post for the meme, the cope meme originates from a post about piss fetishists.

  5. antisocialleprechaun asked: Guys. Calm down about the Coping Meme. It's just a meme. And if you really want to yell at someone about it, don't yell at the poor Meme Documentation Dudes.

    Hello, thanks for your message. We appreciate your concern, but we do support the critical discussion of memes.

    From what we’ve read and the responses we’ve gotten, here’s a summary of how people feel about the meme:

    • It’s not a problematic meme because it did not originate from an ableist post. (However, it can still be used in problematic ways.)
    • It’s a problematic meme, especially when used by people who are neurotypical, because it turns into a joke the very real ways that people who are mentally ill or neurodivergent cope.
    • It is not a problematic meme when used by people who are mentally ill or neurotypical as a means of self-deprecation or poking fun at their own coping mechanisms.
    • It is not a problematic meme when used by people to make fun of how people on Tumblr may use the idea of coping to make excuses for bad behavior.

  6. Anonymous asked: as a mentally ill/developmentally disabled person myself (depression, anxiety, autism spectrum) i think the cope meme is more making fun of how tumblr communities will make excuses for people or characters they like by calling their actions coping mechanisms. like, "kylo ren isnt evil!! he uses violence to cope!!" (even though kylo ren IS evil) the joke is the way that tumblr people TREAT mental illness (ie as a catch-all during Disquourse), not mental illness itself.

    Thanks for your input!

  7. valentinedagger asked: If we're giving our opinions on the coping meme, I think it's disrespectful to people with mental illnesses in general. All too often, it's used to disparage how mentally ill people, especially trauma survivors, cope, by painting coping methods (such as caffeine self-medication for ADHD or trauma-based roleplay for trauma survivors) as irrational and something to be mocked. Additionally, as an autistic person, I feel it can often mock special interests unintentionally as "weird coping methods."

    Thanks for sharing your opinion. We appreciate the contribution.

  8. nyaruhodou asked: I have severe ADHD and Im fine with the "cope" meme in general, but that one specific inatance of it is disgusting. I would just like to tell people something: yes, drinking a lot of soda/coffee is an actual, valid, scientifically proven way of treating adhd symptoms. caffeine is a stimulant, like most adhd medicines. it works the same way. so uh, maybe dont make fun of people with adhd, thanks. we're mocked enough as it is.

    Hello, thanks for your message. You’ve brought up a good distinction. 

  9. Anonymous asked: ADHD anon here, i was not advocating not documenting this meme, i fully believe that it should be documented. i just wanted to provide i voice from within one of the communities involved. a meme is a meme, i just wanted to add an opinion i the discussion of the larger implications if said meme

    Thanks for your input.

  10. Anonymous asked: I have clinical depression and generalized anxiety disorder and i don't think the coping meme is disrespectful. I literally use memes to cope - so i find it funny and relatable. Just my 2 cents.