A GameCentral reader, and three years Tokyo resident, compares the current High Street crisis with GAME to how games are marketed and sold in Japan.

Wonder GOO - google the name with care
Wonder GOO – google the name with care

With our most recognised High Street game retailer in financial difficulty and the current debates over consumer choice within the industry, it is interesting to compare the way we shop for games here in the UK to the market in Japan. Having lived in Tokyo for three years (and rarely having missed a day of GC since the days of Digi), the differences in both how gaming is perceived by the general public, and also the freedom of choice available, is striking.The impending demise of GAME has got people talking about many related issues in the UK games industry. How often do we shop for games on the High Street? How do we feel about the customer service we receive? Is a download-only future welcome and are we satisfied with our options as consumers? All are questions that have been much discussed on these pages recently. So how does the current state of affairs in the UK, and our habits as gamers, compare with those of our Eastern peers?In Japan, gaming is different. One needn’t go to Akihabara in Tokyo to find a multitude of arcades, independent game stores, and large chains all selling a range of products to suit all tastes. Just about every shopping district in Japan’s capital will feature some or all of the above, and that also goes for every city I’ve ever visited in Japan. Even the quiet suburbs and rural towns have a choice of well-stocked, independent game shops jostling for your attention amongst the usual food-vending and convenience stores.Visit any large electronics outlet in Japan, and somewhere between the cameras, TVs, and mobile phones, will be an entire floor dedicated to games. And not just mainstream releases. Many chains such as Wonder GOO and Tsutaya have pre-owned as well as foreign releases. Just as an anecdotal example, I had no difficulty in picking up copies of Red Dead Redemption and the latest FIFA in my local shop at their time of release. The assistant even knew the dates they were due to go on sale, and was very knowledgeable about the Western market.This isn’t intended as a dig at Blockbuster or any other UK outlet that stock games for invariably knowing nothing about the next Naruto or Gundam title, it is simply to highlight a clear distinction between two international markets. Despite popular belief, there are many Japanese gamers who own Xboxes and play games other than Monster Hunter and Dynasty Warriors. By embracing every sub genre imaginable, the Japanese games industry simultaneously manages to be both niche and mainstream. The fact that you can rarely browse for DVDs without crossing a games aisle, speaks volumes for the cultural position games have in Japanese society.With a thriving pre-owned market, stores dedicated to retro machines, arcades owned by individual publishers, and the relatively recent interest in Western titles, gaming in Japan has never been so healthy. Diversity is not something the UK High Streets are blessed with, and if GAME do disappear from an already limited retail market, then it will only serve to remove a little more freedom of choice.There are enough ‘hardcore’ gamers, and certainly enough casual interest, to warrant a wider range of ways to sell games in the UK. One of the problems is, unlike in Japan where games have been widely accepted social entertainment for decades, nobody outside of the gaming loop seems to realise this.For the consumer, more choice can only ever be a good thing. So before we all shoot GAME down in flames, just take the time to consider which direction you would like our local industry to go.By evilsee2 (PSN ID)The reader’s feature does not necessary represent the views of GameCentral or Metro.  You can submit your own 500 to 600-word reader feature at any time, which if used will be published in the next appropriate weekend slot. As always, email [email protected] .