Farpoint (PSVR) - Starship Poopers
Farpoint (PSVR) – Starship Poopers

Sony’s biggest budget VR game this year comes bundled with its own gun controller, but does it justify the £70 investment?

If we were Sony, trying to sell a niche peripheral that could only be used with another niche peripheral, and both of them were really expensive, we wouldn’t limit the audience even further by trying to exploit one of the most common phobias for the bundled game. Companies always put epilepsy warnings before their games, but there’s nothing in Farpoint to warn that anyone with arachnophobia is more likely to die of a heart attack than get to the end of the game. Although saying that does make Farpoint seem a lot more capable than it really is.

Before we start, we should clarify exactly what Farpoint and the PlayStation VR Aim Controller are. Farpoint is a cross between a standard first person shooter and an on-the-rails lightgun game like House Of The Dead. It’s available separately, and can be played with a normal controller, but either way it requires PlayStation VR to run. The game is optimistically expensive at a full £50, but for around £75 you can get it bundled with the PlayStation VR Aim Controller. This is essentially a high tech lightgun, which works very well and is certainly worth £25. Or at least it would be if it was compatible with any other games.

Apparently that will happen in the future, but for now Farpoint is all there is. And as the game opens it does seem well worth its own peripheral, with some great use of VR as you peer around at outer space from your very own spaceship. But disaster quickly strikes, and you and a bunch of scientists end up stranded on a planet inhabited by giant spiders.

Quite a bit of time is spent on the narrative, by discovering holographic audio logs and watching disjointed cut scenes. But while they’re all very atmospheric the character you’re playing as is just a nameless avatar and feels like a stranger in his own video game. This is a shame because while the dusty, featureless world would seem very ordinary in a normal game, when played in VR the sense of being on an alien world and staring across at impossible landscapes feels extraordinarily real. Unlike some VR games you have a proper virtual body when you look down, including animated legs, and that’s before you factor in the Aim Controller.

In reality the controller looks like a couple of thoroughly non-threatening plastic tubes with a light-up bulb at the end of them. In the game it’s transformed into badass-looking assault rifle with a holographic sight and some fantastic feedback and sound effects. Because it’s based on PlayStation Move technology it’s not 100% accurate, but it’s perfectly good enough for a game like Farpoint. Especially when something as simple as changing weapons (to a shotgun and other shooter staples), by reaching over your shoulder to store it on your back, is enough to make the most ardent pacifist want to kick ass and chew bubblegum.

The Aim Controller is particularly impressive because it has all the buttons of a regular DualShock 4 joypad (we can’t wait till the first person beats Dark Souls using one). This includes two analogue controllers for movement, although by default the game only enables one of them. This is to stop any problems with nausea, but it means you have to strafe around obstacles and end up crab-walking around the game world. You can turn on the other stick, but despite a number of safety measures and options using it is likely to give most people a headache.

That’s the least of the problems if you don’t like spiders though, because the game is carefully designed to play out every nightmare scenario an arachnophobe could possibly imagine. The (relatively) small ones are particularly bad as they will burrow under the ground if you leave them alone too long and suddenly jump up out the ground at you.

As the game continues, new, increasingly more fantastical, enemies are introduced, including different kinds of robots but the first hour is basically hell on earth for arachnid-haters.

Farpoint (PSVR) - the game does start to come alive in co-op
Farpoint (PSVR) – the game does start to come alive in co-op

But as we’ve implied, that does not mean the game is doing anything particularly clever to invoke that terror.

It’s just taking advantage of an uncontrollable fear, and those that don’t have the phobia are just going to end up bored with the limited artificial intelligence and basic action. Because of the controls, and fears of nausea, the game is basically a corridor shooter – a straight linear adventure that doesn’t have the freedom of a regular shooter or the highly-choreographed set pieces of a lightgun game.

It’s essentially the worst of both worlds. And while adding some co-op maps is very welcome, and in general much more interesting than the single-player campaign, the very limited audience who will have the headset, game, and controller means it’s not something you’re going to be switching on at night to play with all your mates.

We’re great supporters of PlayStation VR and there have been some fantastic indie titles released for the headset. But the games from Sony themselves have been disappointing.

This is the first, and according to current release schedules, only big budget game they’ve had all year. And yet it’s one of the most frustrating and ill-conceived VR games we’ve played on the PlayStation 4. If it was £15 or so we’d maybe recommend it as a novelty, but it’s a barely half-successful experiment that is very far from justifying the purchase of the Aim Controller.


In Short: Sony’s big budget VR game has a lot of novelty value but only manages to combine the worst elements of first person shooters and lightgun games.

Pros: Despite some minor accuracy problems the Aim Controller is great fun to wield, and there’s some very effective use of VR. Co-op maps are very welcome.

Cons: The single-player campaign is linear, restrictive, and very repetitive (unless you hate spiders, in which case it’s utterly terrifying and essentially unplayable). Poor storytelling and very expensive.

Score: 6/10

Formats: PlayStation VR
Price: £49.99 (game only) or £74.99 (with Aim Controller)
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Developer: Impulse Gear
Release Date: 17th May 2017
Age Rating: 16

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