The Last of Us Part II screenshot
The Last of Us Part 2 – coming to PC? (pic: Sony)

Rumours of another major PlayStation exclusive coming to PC have emerged, as Sony advertises for staff with PC programming knowledge.

Sony’s entire approach to console exclusives seems to be changing, as evidence emerges that, following the release of the PlayStation 5, they’re planning to bring both their past and future games to PC.

There are many reasons for the PlayStation 4’s success this generation but one of the most important is Sony’s range of critically acclaimed, first party exclusives.

The likes of God Of War, Bloodborne, and Marvel’s Spider-Man are not available on any other format, not even the PC, but it looks like that may all be about to change.

The first hint of a switch in policy came with rumours that 2017 hit Horizon Zero Dawn (which many believe is likely to get a sequel early on in the PlayStation 5’s lifespan) is coming to PC.

Although multiple sources seemed convinced of it there was no direct evidence, but with a new job listing at Naughty Dog there is.

The job description specifically mentions working on The Last Of Us Part 2, which is supposed to be a PlayStation 4 exclusive but will certainly appear on the PlayStation 5 through emulation or a remaster.

Curiously though the job requirements talk about knowledge of Nvidia GPU architecture, even though the PlayStation 5 uses an AMD one, and experience with DirectX 12 – which is a specifically PC (and Xbox) technology.

The ad also mentions console experience, so it could be interpreted that they simply want someone with general knowledge of current rendering techniques.

But it seems strange to specifically mention technologies that are not used by any PlayStation console, especially when a developer as prestigious as Naughty Dog can have its pick of experts with very specific skills.

There could be an innocent explanation for it all but combined with the Horizon Zero Dawn rumours it does begin to sound like Sony is intending to bring all, or at least most, of its console exclusives to PC.

Why they’d suddenly want to do that now is a mystery, but it may well be an attempt to counter a resurgent Microsoft, who have already followed the same policy for several years now.

The Last Of Us Part 2 is due out on PlayStation 4 on 29 May; we’ll have to wait and see whether it appears on any other formats later…

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