The Last Of Us 2 screenshot
The Last Of Us Part 2 – will the new leak force Sony to release it? (pic: Sony)

One of the biggest secrets from The Last Of Us Part 2 has already leaked, but will that convince Sony to release it earlier than planned?

Given the game was already almost finished when The Last Of Us Part 2 was indefinitely delayed it was inevitable that details would leak out sooner or later, and although there have already been some the new videos doing the rounds at the moment are a spoiler apocalypse for those that want to play the game themselves.

Sony has been furiously trying to take the videos down from YouTube and elsewhere all weekend but they’re still relatively easy to find if you catch them between takedowns. We’re not going to link to them or repeat the spoilers here, but if you do want to know what they are then click here.

The videos aren’t too hard to find if you really want and if nothing else they prove two things: the graphics are looking incredible and the story is not scared to take some unexpected turns.

There are multiple different videos and they’re very clearly the real thing, since a game as good-looking as The Last Of Us Part 2 is impossible to fake.

Since few people will have seen all of the footage and details it’d be easy to fake some of the plot details, but if you want to stay spoiler-free be very careful about clicking any videos or news stories about the game from now on.

The leak is supposedly from a disgruntled tester upset about their pay, and certainly the footage seems to be from an alpha build dated from last month. But whether that’s true or not all that matters is that the footage is real and so, it seems, are the spoilers.

When will The Last Of Us Part 2 be released?

The game was due to be out on 29 May but is now indefinitely delayed thanks to the coronavirus.

When the delay hit the game was almost complete and was just undergoing final bug testing, so the main problem is not that it’s not finished but that Sony are worried about releasing it when it might be difficult to get physical copies to everyone.

Rumours have suggested the new release date is 26 June and developer Naughty Dog’s comments have certainly implied it’ll be out sooner rather than later, but officially there is no date and not even a guarantee it’ll be out this year.

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