Argos PS5 sale
This isn’t fair (pic: Twitter)

A technical mistake by Argos has seen scalpers able to buy new PS5 consoles from them before anyone else got the chance.

Earlier in the day it was heart-warming to see ordinary customers who had been waiting months for a PlayStation 5 finally get hold of a console, but now we see the flipside of the stock deliveries: scalpers buying up multiple consoles and then bragging about it on the internet.

It turns out the situation is even worse than usual as the scalpers were able to access Argos’ website in such a way that they were able to buy the consoles before they officially went on sale.

This meant they were able to order the consoles a day before they were available to everyone else, with many getting their purchases delivered today.

A scalper group (which we won’t name here, because they keep boasting about being mentioned in the media) has been bragging about the coup all day, especially after reports that Argos was cancelling the early sales turned out not to be accurate.

Just like the people that had bought the console legitimately, scalpers have been showing off their acquisitions online, with some claiming to have six consoles or more to sell at inflated prices on eBay.

Argos appear to have been an easy target because of problems with their mobile app and stock being highly dependent on where you are in the country. Not to mention the fact that putting the stock up for sale so early in the morning only made it harder for ordinary customers to get a hold of it.

An Argos spokesperson admitted to IGN that there had been ‘a technical issue which allowed a small proportion of customers to place orders early’ before adding blithely, ‘It’s clear our customers are excited for the new PlayStation. We released a small amount of additional stock and have seen huge numbers of customers trying to place their orders with us and we have now sold out’.

With Very now sold out that seems to be all the stock major retailers are likely to get this month, although there may still be small pockets to come.

What the debacle with Argos also means is that eBay is going to be stocked with scalper’s overpriced consoles for a long while yet.

Argos PS5 out of stock
You better get used to this, we’re afraid (pic: Argos)

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