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Will Nintendo be able to resist selling NFTs? (pic: Nintendo)

Any fans hoping that Nintendo would try to buy EA or Capcom will be upset to learn they’re much more likely to start selling their own NFTs.

In the last few months we’ve seen Bethesda, Zynga, Activision Blizzard, and Bungie acquired by larger companies, with Sony warning that it is still looking to buy more, but it seems Nintendo will not be joining the rush to snap up independent companies.

They could if they wanted to – they’re not as big as Microsoft or Sony but as their latest financial results show they’re still doing very well – but president Shuntaro Furukawa has explained it’s simply not how they like to do business.

‘Our brand was built upon products crafted with dedication by our employees and having a large number of people who don’t possess Nintendo DNA in our group would not be a plus to the company’, he said, as reported by Bloomberg.

The statement isn’t particularly surprising, but Nintendo does occasionally acquire other companies, mostly recent Luigi’s Mansion 3 developer Next Level Games, but also Xenoblade Chronicles developer Monolith Soft and Metroid Prime maker Retro Games.

If Nintendo were to make any new purchases it would probably be other developers of a similar size, and not a major publisher.

Unfortunately, what Nintendo is apparently interested in is NFTs, although it doesn’t seem it has any plans to sell them in the short term.

‘We do have interest in this area, we feel the potential in this area, but we wonder what joy we can provide in this area and this is difficult to define right now’, said Nintendo, according to analyst David Gibson.

Nintendo has never been one to chase trends, but it does like money – so not ruling out NFTs at this stage is not too surprising.

It will be well aware of current negative feeling against them though, and the various climbdowns forced upon companies such as Team17 and Ubisoft, so hopefully it’ll decide that they just aren’t worth the bad publicity.

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