lips on a green background
Is the future of sex green? (Picture: Getty)

As we all strive to make our lifestyles more sustainable, most people think about the cars we drive, how much we recycle, trying to buy less disposable plastic – not necessarily our sex lives.

But it is possible to have sex that’s more environmentally friendly.

Holland & Barrett reported a rise in the sales of vegan condoms by 248% in the first week of January 2022, compared to the weekly average.

Meanwhile, sex toy brands are starting to take sustainability into account with their plastic use.

Slowly, the sex industry is catching up with the environment conversation.

Evie Plumb, founder of sex positive platform Cliterally The Best, tells us: ‘Making sustainable switches has been been the hot topic of conversation across the globe for a while now, but most of us were not thinking about our sex lives.

‘Over the last six months, we have noticed this side of sustainability being discussed more which has inevitably led to more people making changes.’

Vegan condoms might seem off-putting though, with concerns over how effective they are.

However, they’re just as effective as traditional ones, providing 98% protection against pregnancy and STIs. 

So, what’s actually different?

‘Regular condoms are made with a product called Casein which is a protein that derives from cow’s milk and is said to make the condom smoother,’ Evie explains.

‘Condoms are also classed as medical devices which means they often undergo rigorous animal testing.

‘Some condoms are even made from Lambskin, although this is becoming less common.

‘There are even vegan condoms that give back to those in need and are biodegrade in under a year (once used), as opposed to the hundreds of years it can take for regular condoms to decompose.’

When we consider sustainability, it’s important to look at the materials used, how easy they are to recycle or decompose, and worker exploitation.

banana with condom on it
Vegan condoms can be just as effective as traditional ones (Picture: Getty)

One vegan brand, XO! Condoms, are certified vegan by The Vegetarian Society and are PETA approved, showing their lower environmental impact and goal to make sex less environmentally damaging.

A representative from the brand says: ‘Vegan condoms are made from sustainably sourced rubber with no chemical or animal additions.

‘They are still safety-tested to the same standards as normal condoms and just as comfortable.

‘The rubber for our vegan condoms is sustainably harvested from rubber trees through the Regenerative Rubber Initiative, a cooperative of small agroforesters.

‘We’re also certified climate neutral.’

This isn’t like the dolphin-friendly condoms Bridge Jones has in Bridget Jones’ Baby, fear not.

When it comes to sex toys, there are options such as Womanizer’s Premium Eco toy with reduced plastic use – but these options can be costly.

Evie advises thinking about the after-life of a toy, especially if you can’t get an eco-friendly one.

‘When your toy is completely knackered make sure you are disposing of them correctly to reduce your impact on the planet – some sex toy companies will recycle them for you, for example,’ she says.

Evie continues: ‘We are all becoming more and more aware of our impact on the environment and sex is definitely making its way into the discussion – especially since the pandemic and lockdown sexual frustrations.

‘There are little changes in your sex habits that you can make that can really reduce your impact on the planet.’

Ways to make sex more environmentally friendly

  • Avoid shower sex to prevent water wastage.
  • Recycle toys and tools properly after use.
  • Swap for sustainable alternatives where you can, such as condoms.
  • Avoid flushing condoms down the toilet, as this can damage marine life and sewage systems.
  • If you’re buying kinky underwear, consider both the companies environmental credentials and whether it’s something you get plenty of use out of. Think of it like fast fashion.

Do you have a story to share?

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