I made a decision to slow down fast fashion, reuse, reduce and up-cycle items (Picture: Getty)

‘Did you say you are wearing your old tights on your head?’

That’s the surprised response I got after revealing that the headband I’d just been complimented on was actually made from a pair of used tights. Breaking that news made me feel proud, purposeful and even powerful.

I am not talking about being good at crafts here. I have always loved making, sewing and putting things together, but this creative outlet of mine has finally found its purpose.

Over two and a half years ago, I made a decision to slow down fast fashion, reuse, reduce and up-cycle items.

I used to spend hundreds of pounds weekly purchasing shoes and outfits for every upcoming occasion and regular public appearances.

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Oh, the excitement of scrolling through colourful images of fast fashion sites. ‘Like, like, add to basket, click, check out.’ I was smiling in anticipation of trying new outfits and tracking my order five times a day.

My heart rate would be through the roof when the parcel turned up at the door a few hours later. I’d sprint to collect it. What a quick, convenient way to give yourself that mood boost, right?

Katya wearing a headband
Katya wearing a headband she made (Picture: Katya Jones)

I was trying to impress and living by the stigma that I could not be seen in the same outfit twice. What would Betty from Sunderland think of me if I did?

Well, let me tell you – Betty is too busy living her own life to care about others. And if anything, now I would rather be the person who inspired her to do better, than the person who made choices influenced by the pressures of our society. 

There wasn’t one particular moment that sparked the change in me to want to give this all up. I was already reusing coffee cups and water bottles but one day, I decided to actually take my time to tap into the subject of fashion, which I love so much.

Doing so made me realise that I knew nothing about the process that our clothes go through, how they’re made, recycled, and what effect they have on our planet. I was gobsmacked by what I was learning.

For example, to produce just one cotton shirt requires approximately 2,700 litres of water, according to an Institute of Water report. That is almost three years’ worth of drinking water for a single person.

In addition to that, fabric dyes and other chemicals pollute the water, causing both environmental damage and diseases. On the ethical side, millions of workers endure poor working conditions and earn unfair wages. I was reading about how much clothes are either burned or sent to a landfill.

I had to admit that I was the person that heavily contributed towards climate change by not being conscious about my purchases.

I also came across Oxfam’s ‘Second Hand September’ campaign – a challenge to buy only secondhand clothes for 30 days – which allowed me to dig even deeper into the ethics and consequences of fast fashion.

Hearing, becoming more aware and learning about the crisis that our environment and planet is in, wasn’t enough any more. I realised the change starts with me and I had to start acting on it.

So on 1 July 2019 – just after turning 30 – I took a pledge to stay away from buying any new fashion items for the whole year. I didn’t know how easy or difficult it was going to be, I just felt like I had to do something.

I turned to my existing wardrobe and realised that I already own everything I need to look stylish and trendy. I felt proud wearing my nan’s pink dress with beautiful hand crochet lace details – which is over 50 years old – to It Takes Two, a Hello Magazine shoot and an episode of BBC Morning Live.

I felt liberated when I appeared on It Takes Two in a floral blue dress for the second time and still got asked where it was from.

Katya and Adam on It Takes Two
Katya and Adam on It Takes Two (Picture: BBC)

I own every single style and colour of shoes, so I can restyle my blazers by accessorising them differently and there is nothing wrong with my grey coat, which I have been wearing everywhere for the last four years and will continue to do so.

I also opened up to second-hand shopping, which I hadn’t done previously (growing up, it wasn’t something that was encouraged). So for my birthday, I sent a link to my friend to a second hand hoody on Depop – an app where you can resell and exchange your preloved items – and insisted that they got it from there.

I use Depop often to sell my own items and a couple of times, I helped my friends satisfy their needs and save some cash by finding some banging pairs of shoes on it too.

Before I knew it, what was suppose to be a year of no shopping commitment turned into much longer.

Then around 14 months into my challenge, I joined my friend on her shopping trip just to keep her company. I was looking around an appreciated all the lovely things I saw, but didn’t feel the need to impulsively purchase them. It felt completely liberating.

Eventually, a little black dress caught my attention and my brain started doing a very careful calculation. It was something that was missing in my wardrobe, something I would definitely wear tonnes of time and something of a high quality so would last me a lifetime and the style won’t go out of fashion.

I did an approximate calculation of price per wear and made a rational decision of buying it. The difference in me after 14 months of ‘shopping detox’ was that this time, it wasn’t about the buzz of owning something new. It felt more as if I gained a useful asset that will serve me for a long time and add value to my wardrobe.

Was going fast fashion-free difficult? Absolutely not. In fact, it was the easiest challenge I have ever faced. Impressive? Maybe.

But what’s even more impactful is that eventually, the challenge itself became irrelevant. The moment I embarked on that journey of living fast fashion-free, it became a lifestyle and my mindset about shopping shifted completely.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not against shopping. However, after completing the challenge, I stopped seeing shops as entertainment. It is now all about shopping more mindfully and thoughtfully – choosing quality that will last, over quantity.

It’s about asking myself: do I really need this? Haven’t I got a similar pair in three different colours already? Am I about to spend money on something valuable or purely for the rush of happiness you get for about 10 minutes?

Seeing the amount of stuff in the shops actually scares me now. Why is there so much of it being produced? Does every single item really get sold? Where do all the unsold clothes end up? What effect does it have on the environment? Is it made ethically? These are the questions that torture my mind.

Katya in her nan's dress
Katya in her nan’s dress, which is 50 years old (Pictures: Katya Jones)

I’m no eco-perfectionist – just someone who tries their best. Don’t be afraid to admit that we are all hypocrites. I still drive a car, fly on airplanes, I don’t live in an eco-friendly house and haven’t managed to reduce my single plastic use to zero. But I keep making swaps in my life to reduce it.

I bring my reusable water bottle, coffee cup and cutlery everywhere I go. I love to direct my creativity into reusing, re-wearing, re-styling and upcycling clothes – giving them a new lease of life.

I have been working with Oxfam for a number of years and collaborated with sustainable brands like Hurr, People’s Tree, Hylo and others, as well as had conversations with Sky News’ ClimateCast podcast. It is not a destination – it is an ongoing process of educating myself in order to do better.

I have declined so many offers from fast fashion brands that don’t fit my ethos, potentially losing out on a big chunk of income. On the other side, I have saved lots of money on reducing useless buys and more importantly, stayed true to myself.

My belief is that it’s not about telling people what to do, pointing out where we go wrong or going around shouting about my actions. I choose to lead by example.

I love to see how my choices inspire people around me to make better decisions. I noticed how my friends started to explore sustainable living when they had to get me birthday presents – discovering things they hadn’t come across before.

Some of them turn to me with questions about how they can dispose of their old clothes. I tell them that there are obviously plenty of charity shops you can take them to, but also there are apps and websites available where you can put them up for sale or rent.

They tell me how they started to use rental outfits for events and proudly send me photos of them with the reusable coffee cups that I gifted them.

I find happiness in serving, helping and inspiring people. I turned my love for fashion into a love for our planet. I found satisfaction in knowing that my sustainable purchases actually make a positive impact, instead of being a victim of clever marketing by the fast fashion brands and green-washing – which is when companies provide misleading information about a product to appear more environmentally-sound than they are.

So if we can shop more mindfully with the purpose of serving our planet and humanity at the same time, surely this is the way forward.

And if you still need a quick mood fix and something for your soul, go for a walk, exercise, laugh with friends, put some music on and start dancing. It makes everything better and it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing when you are happy in your heart.

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