Ghost Of Tsushima - another graphical masterpiece
Ghost Of Tsushima – a sequel is inevitable (pic: Sony)

Sucker Punch is hiring for a project that is blatantly Ghost Of Tsushima 2 but there’s still no sign of an official announcement.

Neither they nor Sony has ever said anything official but it’s now plainly obvious that developer Sucker Punch is working on a sequel to its 2020 hit Ghost Of Tsushima.

It was already a given based purely on the fact that the original was an unexpectedly big hit, but not for the first time Sucker Punch has been caught listing job ads that clearly imply work has already begun.

Current ones for a Technical Combat Designer and Senior Combat Designer both require the applicant to have played previous Sucker Punch games and know how their combat works, while an ad for an Encounter Designer specifically wants someone that’s worked on an action or stealth title.

Sucker Punch also want the Encounter Designer to have experience of working on a game focused on melee and/or stealth, as well as open world encounter design. There’s even a joke about working closely with ‘ninjas in other disciplines’.

If that still seems too ambiguous for you though a different set of job ads from 2020 said they wanted people to write stories ‘set in feudal Japan’ and who have ‘an interest or familiarity with traditional Japanese culture and aesthetic’.

So yeah, they’re barely even trying to keep this secret.

Developers always tend to be peculiarly incautious when it comes to job ads, often giving away hints and secrets that they’d never reveal more publicly, but the implication from these ones is that Sucker Punch started work on a sequel almost the moment the first one was finished.

That still means it’s nowhere near complete though and if you assume it takes a good four to five years to make a high quality, big budget game we may not hear anything about it for a year or so yet.

That of course raises the question, once again, of when Sony might have another news blowout, as while there are rumours of a State of Play next week there’s still been no official confirmation.

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MORE : Ghost Of Tsushima 2 already in development at Sucker Punch

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