Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 screenshot
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 – has it been treated unfairly? (Picture: Activision)

The Thursday letters page makes predictions for Sony and Nintendo at The Game Awards, as one reader is shocked at how much Diablo 4 costs.

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You were warned
I’ve been playing a lot of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer lately and I’ve got to say it’s a lot of fun. The campaign is bad, sure, and I agree it’s pretty obvious it was probably all meant to be DLC, but does that matter as long as it’s fun? I don’t think it does.

I think the reviews were too negative and coloured by the fact that the campaign is so bad (Activision really shouldn’t have released that first, that was a terrible idea). When I’m talking reviews, I mean both critics and user reviews. Most critics can justify their reasons, but ordinary gamers shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a review, as far as I’m concerned.

The Modern Warfare 3 Metascore is 56 which, okay, I don’t agree with but fine. The User Score though is 1.9, which is just stupid. There’s no way it’s that bad and if your beef is that it’s just DLC then why did you buy it?! Everyone and their dog knew it was DLC months before it came out and yet you still act surprised when that turns out to be true.

If you’re clued in enough to gaming, to be posting User Scores on Metacritic, then you absolutely knew about the DLC and you’ve only got yourself to blame if you went ahead and got it anyway.

Although in my opinion, if you gave it a chance, you’d find it was actually a really good game and the most fun I’ve had with the multiplayer for years.

True horror
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at those Silent Hill: Ascension clips. That ‘I like to make jams’ scene looks like a straight-up parody and yet there it is. It’s like Resident Evil without the camp, so instead of funny bad it’s just bad bad.

I know a lot of people were worried about the Silent Hill 2 remake from the start, given Bloober Team’s mixed reputation, but this is certainly not convincing me that Konami know what they’re doing.

Except… I get the feeling the game is quite successful? It’s got microtransactions, so all it needs is a few whales to pay for everything and it doesn’t really matter what the majority of people think of it. By my god, it’s like all the progress we’ve made with video game dialogue over the last two decades is being walked back scene by scene. It really is true horror.

No shows
I don’t know what other people are thinking about for Nintendo and Sony but I would be surprised if either of them showed anything more than a montage at The Game Awards. Nintendo have nothing left to show and are clearly getting ready for the Switch 2 and Sony are… whatever Sony has turned into now.

I think there’s an outside chance of them revealing the God Of War half-sequel. But why announce that at an event watched by millions of rabid gamers when you can do it all in a half-assed blog that makes it look like Sony hates video games and it execs wish they’d all been doctors or lawyers. I really don’t understand what’s happened to Sony this year. It’s bizarre.

E-mail your comments to: [email protected]

We interrupt this programme
I was appalled to witness Sony hit a new marketing low on Monday when three adverts popped on screen while playing an offline race in GT Sport on my PlayStation 4, in the middle of the actual race itself. They all appeared at the same time and were a plain style of text on translucent blocks, each one covering about a tenth of the screen, selling a PS Plus sub and two game deals.

Not seen anyone else mention this other than the recent Assassin’s Creed Mirage ad. Was I seeing things? Or is this the new reality where full price games are now riddled with constant pop-up garbage? And why slap the ads in GT Sport – a game that will effectively be decommissioned this week, when all its DLC gets switched off (that’s why I’ve been playing it recently, grinding credits to fill out my garage before half the cars disappear – thanks Sony, very decent of you). Anyone else noticed similar ads?
Lawrence Pick

GC: That is very odd. We haven’t heard anything about that before, except for the Assassin’s Creed Mirage thing you mentioned. We’d be very interested to know if it’s happened to anyone else, especially if you can grab a screenshot.

Upfront payments
So the amount of extra stuff Diablo 4 players are expected to pay on top of the £60 for the game in the first place is just wild. Despite being free to download it seems to me that the average player ends up spending more on a live service games than they do on offline games with no microtransactions. And Diablo 4 isn’t even free!

I mean good luck to you if you enjoy it, but as someone that’s never really played them I find the way they’re priced and paid for to be extremely off-putting. Not only does playing the game seem like a job but a job where you have to pay the company to let you work for them!

The longest shot
Microsoft promising important announcements at The Game Awards could mean anything. My gut feeling is it could be something bigger than just another trailer or even Baldur’s Gate 3 into Game Pass. I don’t anticipate yet another acquisition, though I wouldn’t put it past them.

I can’t shift this feeling that Microsoft may have entered into a partnership with Nintendo. That being the case, it could involve Rare. Maybe Sea Of Thieves and all future games from Rare going to Nintendo Switch 2. Maybe I’m fantasising, but Nintendo being reunited with Rare makes perfect sense. Both for Microsoft and Nintendo. Not that Nintendo need Rare, but it could certainly reinvigorate the studio and grow their audience. I see it as a mutually beneficial situation.

I get they’re competitors, but it baffles me why we don’t see such partnerships. There is potential for other collaborations, including Sony.

20 years of hurt
I’m really not sure why Ubisoft is bothering with a 20th anniversary edition of Beyond Good & Evil, and I say that quite liked the original. I’ll buy the remaster but in those 20 years the game has never been a hit and I refuse to believe there’s any real chance of Beyond Good And Evil 2 ever coming out. And even if it does it doesn’t seem to be anything like the original.

I’d rather they try making some new IP and just tried to get away from the past more. I can’t remember the last time they had a genuinely new game. The Division? But that was just more generic Tom Clancy trash. Maybe if Beyond Good And Evil 2 wasn’t so worried about being a sequel it would’ve bene out sooner.

Popularity contest
In general, I don’t participate in the fan votes for game awards. It just feels wrong voting for a game when it’s almost guaranteed that there will be other games that I haven’t played that I’ll be voting against.

However, a news article flashed up about The Game Awards fan round 1 of fan voting being open, so I decided to take a look. There were 30 games to pick from, so virtually nobody will have played all of them, and for round 1 you could pick 10 games! This leads me to wonder how many people are voting for what they think is best vs. just picking every game they played.

I picked three games, there’s more that I played and liked but they’re not my game of the year. By definition two of the game I picked aren’t either.

When round two opens it will be interesting to see how many of my three make it through, but I reckon the final chart probably looks similar to the sales charts for games.

Inbox also-rans
£150 for a Yorkshire Tea PS5 controller? Um… no, I really don’t think so. PG Tips? Hell yes, PG is manna from Hyrule. If it wasn’t November I’d be thinking it was a pretty nifty April Fool’s article.

Now that the band is back together and writing their new title a thought occurs. Buy the rights to make a game of the 1977 movie… Grand Theft Auto. Prior art means that surely Take-Two can’t object? They can have that idea for free.

This week’s Hot Topic
The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Cranston, who asks what are the best and worst video game presents you’ve ever received?

As Christmas approaches, and family members struggle with the age old problem of what to buy the gamer in their life, we want to know what the happiest is you’ve ever been with a gift and what was the most disappointing moment?

It can be for a birthday or any other occasion, not just Christmas, but let us know the circumstances, including whether you tried to hint at what the present should be and whether your initial impression of the gift changed over time.

E-mail your comments to: [email protected]

The small print
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length and content.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Reader’s Feature at any time via email or our Submit Stuff page, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

MORE : Games Inbox: Staying up for The Game Awards 2023, Dragon’s Dogma 2 chat, and Deadly Premonition love

MORE : Games Inbox: GTA 6 at The Game Awards 2023, Mario Kart X Crossover, and Super Mario RPG length

MORE : Games Inbox: If Xbox gave up hardware and went third party, Death Stranding 2, and GTA trailer date

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