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Disaster Assistance for Government

Following a disaster, local and state governments, special purpose districts, private nonprofit organizations, and federally-recognized Indian tribes may qualify for assistance so that they can quickly respond to and recover from the event.

Grant programs are available for:

Public Assistance provides funding for local and state governments, special purpose districts, private nonprofit organizations and federally-recognized Indian tribes to recover from the impacts of disasters. These efforts primarily address the repair and restoration of public facilities, infrastructure or services which have been damaged or destroyed.

Hazard Mitigation Grants are provided to states, Indian tribal governments and communities so that cost-effective measures are taken to reduce the effects of hazards and/or vulnerability to future disaster damage.

The federally funded Fire Management Assistance Grant Program (FMAG) reimburses state, local and federally-recognized tribal governments for a portion of their costs incurred in the mitigation, management, and control of federally declared fires.

Additional resources: