
Sue Abderholden

Sue Abderholden

Sue Abderholden has been the executive director of NAMI Minnesota since 2001. Abderholden has received numerous awards for her advocacy, including the 2020 Esther Wattenberg Policy Award and the 2018 Rona and Ken Purdy Award to End Discrimination from national NAMI. She has family members who live with depression and anxiety.

mental health

Counterpoint: Private providers are needed for treatment of mental health, substance use

By: and - July 16, 2024

Editor’s note: This is a response to a recent Reformer Tax and Spend commentary that argued privatization of government services has enabled fraud and waste. Read it here.  The premise of a recent Reformer commentary decrying the privatization of government services was that due to some bad characters, we need to have “government agencies complete […]


Please stop conflating mental illness and violence

By: - October 5, 2023

The first week of October is Mental Illness Awareness Week, which Congress established to educate people about mental illnesses. Although there is greater understanding now about mental illnesses than when Congress passed the law in 1990, we aren’t there yet. Myths and misinformation still circulate, and our language around mental illnesses continues to be disrespectful. […]


Legislature should make sure people who need Medicaid can get it

By: and - March 29, 2023

One of the important lessons we learned living through the COVID-19 pandemic was how critical it was that all of us had access to the care we needed, when we needed it. Having continuous and reliable health insurance, access to well-child visits and early screening, access to medications, mental health care, and many other supports […]


We already have a mental health crisis system — time to build on it | Opinion

By: - October 4, 2021

There is a lot of discussion across the state — and the country — about how to help people experiencing a mental health crisis. There is general consensus — even among police officers — that it shouldn’t be police. The big question: If not police, then who?  That question has been answered in Minnesota. Public officials […]