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Reports, Presentations, and Data

Economic Analysis produces three reports per year required by Minnesota Statute: the Budget Reserve Report and two Revenue Forecast Uncertainty Reports. The Budget Reserve Report is published in September and provides the target budget reserve level that would be adequate to manage the underlying risks in Minnesota’s revenue system. The Revenue Forecast Uncertainty Report is published two weeks after each forecast and provides the range in which we can expect revenues to fall at the close of the current biennium.

Budget Reserve Report

This section contains the Budget Reserve Report that other related information that is produced by the Economic Analysis group.

Forecast Uncertainty

This section contains the Forecast Uncertainty Report that is produced by the Economic Analysis group.

Forecasts and Updates Library

For best search results, use the Archives list on the right column to search for documents by year and month published.

Economic Indicators

This section contains information regarding economic indicators. Economic indicators provide key insight into the performance of Minnesota's economy.

Publications and Presentations

This page features publications and presentations.

Video Gallery

This gallery provides links to recent Forecast press conferences and other presentations.

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