Explore By Keyword

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you see "Data Not Available", this means that we haven't yet collected data for this keyword. It may be that there isn't data or that we haven't yet collected it from our data sources. We collect new keyword data every month. One way to verify if there is a small amount of search volume is to see if Google Suggest autofills it in when you type in the search box. If it does, that's usually a sign there's at least some volume (even if it's only a few searches a month.)
  • Keyword Explorer does work in any language. However our scores and suggestions are English-language centric at present. In the future, we plan to add other languages to the tool and expand the keyword corpus and the score modeling to account for these. Note that most scores should be accurate in all languages, but our CTR modeling is based on data from English-language clickstream data in the US, so Difficulty and Opportunity will both be more English-centric.
  • Yes! You have the option to purchase extra Keyword Queries per month with subscription add-ons.
  • In Explore By Keyword, the Priority score has been replaced with Minimum Domain Authority. If you would like to compare Priority scores, you can do so in Keyword Lists.

What’s Covered?

In this guide, you’ll learn more about Keyword Overview in the Explore by Keyword section of the Keyword Explorer tool.

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Getting Started with Explore by Keyword

Explore by Keyword is your one-stop shop for researching specific keywords and analyzing SERP data.

To get started, follow the below steps:

  1. Head to the Explore by Keyword section of Keyword Explorer
  2. Enter the keyword that you’d like to research
  3. Use the drop-down to select the locale & language you’d like to see data for
  4. Click Analyze
To get started with Explore by Keyword in Keyword Explorer, follow the steps outlined above.


After entering your keyword and clicking Analyze, you’ll see the following information:

A. Monthly Volume — The number of searches for that keyword for any given month — this is an indication of demand for that keyword.

B. Organic CTR — This metric estimates the percentage of clicks that are available to traditional, organic links in the SERP. A lower percentage indicates more SERP features are present in the SERP.

C. Difficulty — This metric estimates how hard it would be to rank in the top 10 positions in the SERP for this keyword. A higher score indicates it is more difficult to rank for this keyword.

D. Minimum Domain Authority — The lowest Domain Authority of the pages currently ranking in the SERP for this keyword.

E. Primary Search Intent — The primary search intent associated with this keyword. Use this to better understand where in the customer journey people are when they are searching for this keyword and what kind of content will best serve their needs.

F. SERP Features — An overview of the SERP features found in the SERP for this keyword.

Screenshot of the overview section with metrics outlined and lettered to match the list above.

Keyword Suggestions Preview

Below the metrics overview are two Keyword Suggestions previews.

A. Top Suggestions — This module shows you a preview of the top keyword suggestions for this keyword, sorted by relevancy.

B. Questions — This module shows you a preview of keyword suggestions that contain your keyword query and are in the form of a question.

Screenshot of the keyword suggestions modules.

To see more suggestions of each type and additional keyword suggestions, click View all at the bottom of the module. This will take you to the Keyword Suggestions section of the tool.

SERP Analysis

SERP Analysis offers a snapshot of the SERP for the keyword entered alongside link and authority metrics. Within the SERP Analysis module, you will find the following information.

A. Rank — The position in the SERP.

B. Title — The title tag for the rankings page.

C. URL – The URL for the ranking page.

D. SERP features — This column will note if the result is a SERP feature or includes a SERP feature (like reviews, images, etc.).

E. PA – The Page Authority for the ranking page. Page Authority is a Moz proprietary metric from 1 to 100 that predicts how well a page will rank in Google based on a machine learning algorithm for link metrics.

F. DA – The Domain Authority for the ranking domain. Domain Authority is a Moz proprietary metric from 1 to 100 that predicts how well a domain will rank in Google based on a machine learning algorithm of link metrics.

G. LRDs to page – The number of unique root domains linking to the ranking page. Two or more links from the same website will only be counted as one linking root domain.

H. Page Score – A score representing how well-optimized this page is for the given keyword based on our On-Page Grader tool. Click on the score to view the full report.

Screenshot of the SERP Analysis table.

For some SERP feature results, more information will be available. This will be indicated with an arrow to the right of the SERP Feature callout. Click the arrow to expand the results and see more information about what is included in the given SERP Feature.

Screenshot of the expanded SERP Feature drawer in SERP Analysis.

Where applicable, the URL of the content featured will be provided. If information about more than one SERP feature is available for a given result, tabs will be used to switch between the different features. Click the tab of the result you want to see information for.

Screenshot of SERP Analysis with multiple SERP Feature tabs.

Understanding Keyword Overview Terminology

More information about Keyword Metrics is available in the Keyword Metrics section. More definitions for Moz Pro terminology can be found in our glossary.

Monthly Volume — The number of searches for that keyword for any given month — this is an indication of demand for that keyword.
Difficulty — Shows you how hard it would be to rank in the top 10 positions in the SERP for this keyword.
Organic CTR — An estimated relative click-through rate for organic web results for this keyword.
Priority — Combines all our other metrics to create a single, sortable number you can use to effectively prioritize keywords.
Page Authority — A Moz proprietary metric from 1-100 which predicts how well a page will rank in Google based on a machine learning algorithm of link metrics.
Domain Authority — A Moz proprietary metric from 1-100 which predicts how well a domain will rank in Google based on a machine learning algorithm of link metrics.

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