Angus & Julia Stone: Influences

Angus & Julia Stone: Influences

“These songs have all been a part of our lives at different times and touched us in various ways,” singer-songwriter Julia Stone tells Apple Music about the Influences playlist thoughtfully curated by her and her brother, Angus, who have been creating music together since 2006. “Some resonate because of the lyrics, some because of the sound and others due to a moment in time—a day, a week when we were going through something significant. For some, it's a combination of all these elements.” Explore the playlist here and read on for insights into some of the sibling duo’s top picks—and why they’re so important. Leonard Cohen, “So Long, Marianne” Julia: “It’s hard to pinpoint which Leonard Cohen song means the most. I think we chose this song not so much for the lyrics—though they are genius, beautiful and sad—but for the melody in the chorus and the astonishing harmony that just lifts the song up. It has always inspired us to try and find alternative ways to create harmony in music. Of course, the turn of phrase moves us too, in the best way. The lyrics ‘You left when I told you I was curious/I never said that I was brave’ poignantly capture the heartache of love when you realise it isn’t ‘forever’.” Thomas Bartlett, “Lucida” Julia: “Solo piano music has become a significant part of my life in the last few years. Thomas Bartlett's performances resonate deeply with me, especially when I feel anxious, scared or alone. Listening to his album Shelter—and this track in particular—brings an immediate sense of peace. His music embodies an effortless beauty that is so special.” Rodriguez, “Crucify Your Mind” Angus: “Growing up with Rodriguez's music and poetry profoundly shaped my worldview. His ability to craft a narrative from the shadows, capturing deep truths about our civilisation and community, really resonated with me. It's fascinating how he delves into the complexities of how we perceive ourselves versus the simplicity that often gets lost along the way. As kids, we would listen to this song in an old fishing shack in our hometown. It became more than just music: It was a remedy, a soundtrack that bound our friendships during those formative years.” Ray LaMontagne, “Jolene” Angus: “‘Jolene’ is an extraordinary song that captures the essence of heartache. Ray LaMontagne, with his authentic and evocative songwriting, masterfully transforms darkness into light. This track, featured on the album Trouble, became a staple during our late teens when we lived together at the cottage. The poignant lyric ‘Still don’t know what love means’ resonates deeply, breaking your heart in the most beautiful way possible.”

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