Preregister or register to vote online

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Welcome to the Michigan Online Voter Registration System

You can use this program to preregister or register to vote and update your voter registration address in Michigan. To use this website, you need to have a valid Michigan driver’s license or state ID. If you don’t have one, find out how to preregister or register to vote by going to Registering To Vote.

Before we get started, let’s make sure you can use this website for voter registration.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk *.

Driver's license address,,Required,,
Have you updated your driver’s license or state ID address with the Secretary of State within the last 28 days?

Duplicate driver’s license,,Required,,
Have you applied for a duplicate driver’s license or state ID today?

Address confidentiality program participant,,Required,,
Are you currently participating in the Address Confidentiality Program? (You are still able to register if you answer yes.)

You said you recently updated your driver's license or state ID address. Because it takes 29 days to update address changes in our system, we're not ready to register you to vote online.

If you can't wait, there are ways to register sooner. Select "How Do I Register To Vote" from the menu to find out how.


You said you applied for a duplicate driver's license or state ID today. Because these take a day to process, we can't register you to vote online until tomorrow.

If you can't wait, there are ways to register sooner. Select "How Do I Register To Vote" from the menu to find out how.

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