Marty Neumeier

Marty Neumeier

San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, México
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If you live long enough, you get to do a lot of things. I tried out for the Monkees (didn't get the job), then became a graphic designer in advertising, editorial, and corporate identity. Got married, had a daughter. Moved to Silicon Valley to work with companies like Apple and HP. Started a journal about design thinking called Critique. Wrote a book called The Brand Gap. Became a consultant and instructor for brand strategy. Merged my firm with Liquid Agency. Did a few hundred talks around the world. Wrote more books on brand and design. Started a brand mastery program called Level C with Andy Starr. Moved to Mexico. And now I'm writing thrillers in my spare time. Best of all, still married.

Artículos de Marty

  • Paper Scissors Rock

    Paper Scissors Rock

    A SIMPLIFIED THEORY OF BRAND COMPETITION Whenever I give a workshop on brand positioning, I can count on getting this…

    20 comentarios
  • How to build a brand ecosystem

    How to build a brand ecosystem

    Every brand is built by a community. Not just the community of people inside the company, but its partners, suppliers…

    3 comentarios
  • Is it time to ditch the "rational" design process?

    Is it time to ditch the "rational" design process?

    You may not think you have anything to learn from an ant—and you’d probably be right. But don’t write off the colony as…

    15 comentarios
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  • Scramble: How agile strategy can build epic brands in record time

    Level C Media

    Marty Neumeier, author of The Brand Gap and other business bestsellers, has written a book that leaps off the shelf—right into your pounding heart.

    One rainy night in December, young CEO David Stone is inexplicably called back to the office. The company’s chairman tells him that the board members have reached the end of their patience. If David can’t produce a viable turnaround plan in five weeks, he’s out of a job. The problem is, he’s already used every trick in the book and nothing…

    Marty Neumeier, author of The Brand Gap and other business bestsellers, has written a book that leaps off the shelf—right into your pounding heart.

    One rainy night in December, young CEO David Stone is inexplicably called back to the office. The company’s chairman tells him that the board members have reached the end of their patience. If David can’t produce a viable turnaround plan in five weeks, he’s out of a job. The problem is, he’s already used every trick in the book and nothing has worked. His only hope is to try something new. But what?

    The powerful tools at the center of the story are the five Qs of strategy and the five Ps of design thinking. These make up the basic principles of agile strategy—a faster, more collaborative approach to building a brand.

    Whether you’re a CEO, strategist, marketer, manager, designer, writer, researcher, or consultant, you’ll find familiar challenges and recognizable faces here. You’ll also discover the ability to see business in a new light—not as a static set of requirements, but as a living entity that responds to passion, purpose, and creative collaboration. Scramble is that rare book that everyone on your team will eagerly read, discuss, and put into action.

    BONUS GUIDE: At the back of Kindle and paperback versions is a concise guide for applying the agile strategy principles in the story. Audiobook listeners can download the guide as a PDF.

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  • Brand A-Z: An Interactive Dictionary of 1,000 Essential Brand Terms


    If you work on brands, you need this ebook! BRAND A-Z is a hyperlinked dictionary with 1,000 indispensable terms in brand strategy, marketing, advertising, design, innovation, and business management. Each definition is connected to others, so you can follow the links wherever they lead, building a rich, personal tapestry of knowledge about branding and related disciplines.

    Brand expert Marty Neumeier provides a “linguistic foundation” that allows specialists from different areas to…

    If you work on brands, you need this ebook! BRAND A-Z is a hyperlinked dictionary with 1,000 indispensable terms in brand strategy, marketing, advertising, design, innovation, and business management. Each definition is connected to others, so you can follow the links wherever they lead, building a rich, personal tapestry of knowledge about branding and related disciplines.

    Brand expert Marty Neumeier provides a “linguistic foundation” that allows specialists from different areas to collaborate effectively in a larger community of practice. A must-have tool for individuals, teams, and entire organizations involved in branding. Includes 50 illustrations.

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  • The Brand Flip: Why Customers Now Run Companies—and How to Profit from It

    New Riders

    Best-selling brand expert Marty Neumeier shows you how to make the leap from a company-driven past to the consumer-driven future. You’ll learn how to flip your brand from offering products to offering meaning, from value protection to value creation, from cost-based pricing to relationship pricing, from market segments to brand tribes, and from customer satisfaction to customer empowerment.

    In the 13 years since Neumeier wrote The Brand Gap, the influence of social media has proven his…

    Best-selling brand expert Marty Neumeier shows you how to make the leap from a company-driven past to the consumer-driven future. You’ll learn how to flip your brand from offering products to offering meaning, from value protection to value creation, from cost-based pricing to relationship pricing, from market segments to brand tribes, and from customer satisfaction to customer empowerment.

    In the 13 years since Neumeier wrote The Brand Gap, the influence of social media has proven his core theory: “A brand isn’t what you say it is – it’s what they say it is.” People are no longer consumers or market segments or tiny blips in big data. They don’t buy brands. They join brands. They want a vote in what gets produced and how it gets delivered. They’re willing to roll up their sleeves and help out–not only by promoting the brand to their friends, but by contributing content, volunteering ideas, and even selling products or services.

    At the center of the book is the Brand Commitment Matrix, a simple tool for organizing the six primary components of a brand. Your brand community is your tribe. How will you lead it?

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  • The 46 Rules of Genius: An Innovator's Guide to Creativity

    New Riders

    Not since Strunk and White’s ELEMENTS OF STYLE has a book compressed so many insights into so few pages. With his trademark simplicity and wit, Marty Neumeier has written and illustrated a concise guide that can be read quickly over a lunch break or savored slowly over a lifetime.

    Part 1, “How can I innovate?” offers insightful guidance such as “Feel before you think,” “See what’s not there,” and “Ask a bigger question.” Rule #1 gives the paradoxical advice: “Break the…

    Not since Strunk and White’s ELEMENTS OF STYLE has a book compressed so many insights into so few pages. With his trademark simplicity and wit, Marty Neumeier has written and illustrated a concise guide that can be read quickly over a lunch break or savored slowly over a lifetime.

    Part 1, “How can I innovate?” offers insightful guidance such as “Feel before you think,” “See what’s not there,” and “Ask a bigger question.” Rule #1 gives the paradoxical advice: “Break the rules.”

    Part 2, “How should I work?” offers down-to-earth tips on craft: “Use a linear process for static elements,” and “Express related elements in a similar manner.” The reader is also reminded: “Don’t be boring!”

    In Part 3, “How can I learn?” contains practical advice including “Do your own projects,” “Invest in your originality,” and “Develop an authentic style.”

    Finally, Part 4, “How can I matter?” deals with the deeper questions of a career in creativity, such as “Overcommit to a mission,” “Build support methodically,” and “Become who you are.”

    THE 46 RULES OF GENIUS is a reassuring lighthouse against the swirling tides of innovation. Geniuses from every discipline will want to keep it in sight.

    (Educators: Those who recommend this book to students may also be interested its deeply researched precursor, METASKILLS, from which the rules were drawn.)

    From the back cover:

    There’s no such thing as an accidental genius. Anyone who’s reached that exalted state has arrived there by design. But simply wanting to get there is not enough. A would-be genius also needs a theoretical framework, a basic compass, a set of principles to guide the way forward.

    Marty Neumeier has compressed the wisdom of the ages into the first “quick start guide” for genius—46 glittering gems that will light your path to creative brilliance. This is THE essential handbook for designers, entrepreneurs, marketers, educators, artists, scientists, innovators, and future leaders in every field.

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  • Metaskills: Five Talents for the Robotic Age

    New Riders

    The Industrial Age has taught us how to break problems into parts, but not how to build parts into solutions. We’re baffled when we’re confronted with complex challenges like recession, political gridlock, climate change, childhood obesity, pollution, and failing schools. We see them as separate ills, each requiring a separate remedy—if we can imagine a remedy at all.

    Why are so many jobs disappearing? Why are a few people getting rich while the rest of us struggle? How can we pay for…

    The Industrial Age has taught us how to break problems into parts, but not how to build parts into solutions. We’re baffled when we’re confronted with complex challenges like recession, political gridlock, climate change, childhood obesity, pollution, and failing schools. We see them as separate ills, each requiring a separate remedy—if we can imagine a remedy at all.

    Why are so many jobs disappearing? Why are a few people getting rich while the rest of us struggle? How can we pay for the costs of healthcare? Why can’t our trusted institutions behave ethically? What’s the cause of governmental gridlock? How can we afford to educate our children? How do we stop damaging the ecosystem? Why do we create ugliness?

    Author Marty Neumeier suggests that these problems are merely symptoms of a much larger problem–our inability to deal with interconnected, non-linear, and amorphous challenges. It’s not that our problems are too difficult, he argues, but that our skills are too basic. Success in the post-industrial era demands that we move our thinking from the static, the linear, and the step-by-step to the dynamic, the holistic, and the all-at-once.

    In this sweeping vision for personal mastery in a post-industrial era, Neumeier presents five metaskills–feeling, seeing, dreaming, making, and learning–that can help you reach your true potential. They’ll keep you two or three steps ahead of the machines, the algorithms, and the outsourcing forces of the “robot curve”. They’ll also bring you greater creativity, higher purpose, and a deeper sense of fulfillment.

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  • The Designful Company: How to Build a Culture of Nonstop Innovation

    New Riders

    “The complex business problems we face today can’t be solved with the same thinking that created them,” says author Marty Neumeier in this entertaining and original read. Instead, he says, we need to start from a place outside traditional business thinking. In an era of fast-moving markets and leap-frogging innovations, we can no longer “decide” the way forward. Today we have to “design” the way forward—or risk ending up in the fossil layers of business history.

    This is the third in the…

    “The complex business problems we face today can’t be solved with the same thinking that created them,” says author Marty Neumeier in this entertaining and original read. Instead, he says, we need to start from a place outside traditional business thinking. In an era of fast-moving markets and leap-frogging innovations, we can no longer “decide” the way forward. Today we have to “design” the way forward—or risk ending up in the fossil layers of business history.

    This is the third in the author’s bestselling series of “whiteboard overviews.” In his first, THE BRAND GAP, he addressed the gulf between business strategy and customer experience. In his second, ZAG, he explored the number-one strategy of high-performance brands. In the third, THE DESIGNFUL COMPANY, he shows how design thinking can build a culture of nonstop innovation. “If you wanna innovate,” he says, “you gotta design.”

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  • Zag: The #1 Strategy of High-Performance Brands

    New Riders

    "When everybody zigs, zag," says Marty Neumeier in this fresh view of brand strategy. ZAG follows the ultra-clear "whiteboard overview" style of the author’s first book, THE BRAND GAP, but drills deeper into the question of how brands can harness the power of differentiation. The author argues that in an extremely cluttered marketplace, traditional differentiation is no longer enough—today companies need “radical differentiation” to create lasting value for their shareholders and customers. In…

    "When everybody zigs, zag," says Marty Neumeier in this fresh view of brand strategy. ZAG follows the ultra-clear "whiteboard overview" style of the author’s first book, THE BRAND GAP, but drills deeper into the question of how brands can harness the power of differentiation. The author argues that in an extremely cluttered marketplace, traditional differentiation is no longer enough—today companies need “radical differentiation” to create lasting value for their shareholders and customers. In an entertaining 3-hour read you’ll learn:

    - why me-too brands are doomed to fail
    - how to "read" customer feedback on new products and messages
    - the 17 steps for designing “difference” into your brand
    - how to turn your brand’s “onliness” into a “trueline” to drive synergy
    - the secrets of naming products, services, and companies
    - the four deadly dangers faced by brand portfolios
    - how to “stretch” your brand without breaking it
    - how to succeed at all three stages of the competition cycle

    From the back cover:
    In an age of me-too products and instant communications, keeping up with the competition is no longer a winning strategy. Today you have to out-position, out-maneuver, and out-design the competition. The new rule? When everybody zigs, zag. In his first book, THE BRAND GAP, Neumeier showed companies how to bridge the distance between business strategy and design. In ZAG, he illustrates the number-one strategy of high-performance brands—radical differentiation.

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  • The Brand Gap: How to Bridge the Distance Between Business Strategy and Design

    New Riders

    THE BRAND GAP is the first book to present a unified theory of brand-building. Whereas most books on branding are weighted toward either a strategic or creative approach, this book shows how both ways of thinking can unite to produce a “charismatic brand”—a brand that customers feel is essential to their lives. In an entertaining two-hour read you’ll learn:

    • the new definition of brand
    • the five essential disciplines of brand-building
    • how branding is changing the dynamics of…

    THE BRAND GAP is the first book to present a unified theory of brand-building. Whereas most books on branding are weighted toward either a strategic or creative approach, this book shows how both ways of thinking can unite to produce a “charismatic brand”—a brand that customers feel is essential to their lives. In an entertaining two-hour read you’ll learn:

    • the new definition of brand
    • the five essential disciplines of brand-building
    • how branding is changing the dynamics of competition
    • the three most powerful questions to ask about any brand
    • why collaboration is the key to brand-building
    • how design determines a customer’s experience
    • how to test brand concepts quickly and cheaply
    • the importance of managing brands from the inside
    • 220-word brand glossary

    From the back cover:
    Not since McLuhan’s THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE has a book compressed so many ideas into so few pages. Using the visual language of the boardroom, Neumeier presents the first unified theory of branding—a set of five disciplines to help companies bridge the gap between brand strategy and customer experience. Those with a grasp of branding will be inspired by the new perspectives they find here, and those who would like to understand it better will suddenly “get it.” This deceptively simple book offers everyone in the company access to “the most powerful business tool since the spreadsheet.”

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