Knight Frank

ESG Executive

Knight Frank Kuala Lumpur
Tidak lagi menerima permohonan

Location: Menaara Southpoint, Mid Valley Kaula Lumpur

Key Responsibilities

  • Assist in data collection and analysis for sustainability reporting.
  • Update and maintain the GHG emissions template and ESG management system.
  • Update and maintain the documentation for verification and audit.
  • Understand and apply the ESG reporting frameworks prioritized by the organization (i.e., GRI, IFRS, UNGC, and SEDG).
  • Assist in providing ESG input for key ESG surveys, tenders, and panel registration.
  • Assist in supply chain ESG assessment, engagement, and verification.
  • Assist in conducting an ESG-related survey, data analysis, report preparation, and presentation.
  • Assist in the development of an ESG-related report.
  • Assist in the green certification process and submission.
  • Assist in collecting training data and information.
  • Coordinate for business ethics-related trainings for employees.
  • Involve in the company’s CSR programs or activities.
  • Follow ESG reporting trends and developments in the ESG data disclosure landscape, benchmark best practices, and provide recommendations on how to continue improving ESG data disclosures.

Qualifications Education

Bachelor’s Degree in a related field (e.g. Sustainability Management, Supply Chain, Finance, Business Administration, Accounting or Data Analytics).

Experience And Skills

  • At least 2 years of relevant experience, preferably in sustainability/ESG data management, audit or reporting in a corporate setting, sustainability consulting or sustainability NGOs.
  • Advanced Microsoft Excel skills.
  • Understanding of the global sustainability landscape, including different stakeholders and their interests, reporting and transparency trends and evolving legislation.
  • Familiarity with sustainability reporting frameworks and standards including GRI, ISSB, TCFD, and UN Global Compact among others.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Tahap senioriti

    Tahap permulaan
  • Jenis pekerjaan

    Sepenuh masa
  • Bidang tugas

    Pembangunan Perniagaan, Jualan
  • Industri


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