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August 2024

Fighting the Fourth Largest Fire in California History

CAL FIRE firefighters continue to battle the Park Fire, now the fourth largest in California history, which has burned more than 429,000 acres since it started on July 24, 2024. Firefighters, equipment, and support staff from across the state and beyond are in Butte and Tehama counties to assist in this unified effort. Check out our Park Fire YouTube playlist above for more sights and sounds from the fire and view the link below for up-to-date information on the fire on the CAL FIRE Incidents Page.  

View the Latest Park Fire Information

What is an Incident Management Team

12 CAL FIRE Incident Management Teams (IMTs) have been activated in response to significant wildfires in 2024. This quick-fire video will answer why these teams of specialists are called in, where they come from, and how they work. These teams are capable of responding to a wide range of emergencies, no matter where or when they are needed. See a history of IMT activations below. 

View Previous IMT Activations

Grants at Work: Tree School & Landowner Education

Eager to learn, forest landowners gathered to explore proper pile and debris burning techniques, financial assistance programs, land management and more. This is Tree School. With funding from a CAL FIRE Forest Health grant the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Forest Research and Outreach program and CAL FIRE Amador-El Dorado Unit recently held Tree School at the El Dorado Center in Placerville. The UCCE’s program is important as it blends traditional education with hands-on experience in the great outdoors, fostering a deeper connection to nature, a better understanding of forest management and a heightened focus on wildfire safety.

Learn More About the UCCE Tree School

Fun in the Summer Sun: Keeping Californian’s Safe at Festivals, Fairs and Other Large Events

Headed to a festival or fair this summer? CAL FIRE – Office of the State Fire Marshal’s Fire and Life Safety Division ensures events have safety covered. Fire and life Safety inspections at state-owned performance venues or properties are essential to maintaining public safety. Fire Marshals asses exit routes, cooking and food preparation areas, and the safe movement of guests and staff around events spaces.

Learn More About the Fire and Life Safety Division
The Scoop section

The Firefighting Workhorse: Get to Know These Type-3 Engines

CAL FIRE’s 398 engines are the workhorses of the department’s fleet. Of these 398, many are Incident Command System Type-3 wildland firefighting engines. With high clearance and four-wheel drive for off road capabilities, alongside 500 gallons of capacity, these engines fulfill CAL FIRE’s all-risk mission. Get to know these engines by heading to the fact sheet linked below or check out CAL FIRE’s engines in action through the years over on our official Flickr page. 

Type-3 Engine Fact Sheet
CAL FIRE Engine Flickr

Fire Lines, Fuel Breaks and the Unsung Dozer Heroes

Have you ever wondered about all the capabilities of CAL FIRE’s dozers? In addition to their wildfire response role, CAL FIRE dozers are used throughout the year for restoration work, flood prevention, and other earthwork projects. The skillful operators repair fire damage, restore ecosystems through controlled burns and habitat restoration, and reduce fuel loads by clearing vegetation and creating fuel breaks. These powerful dozers recently helped improve a 66-mile fuel break near Camp Pendleton in San Diego County.

Learn More About CAL FIRE Mobile Equipment

Continuing the Firefight After Dark

The Night Vision Goggle program and the CAL FIRE Hawk allow CAL FIRE and partner pilots to continue the firefight beyond sunset. The number one priority is safety that's why CAL FIRE’s crews spend hundreds of hours in training while also making a measured assessment of conditions every time we fly. Since mid-June night flying missions have dropped over 1.5 million gallons of water on wildfires across the state.

Fire Line Equipment: Versatile Hand Tools

CAL FIRE crews use a wide variety of hand tools on the from line of wildfire suppression and fuels reduction projects. From axes, to Mcleods, chainsaws to Pulaskis - there are a very wide variety of tools that that serve a multitude of purposes. Get to know how some of these tools are used by following the link below. 

Hand Tools and More

Paramedic Essentials: What's in the Bag?

CAL FIRE paramedics are equipped with life-saving tools to handle emergencies effectively and efficiently. This video highlights and dives into the important equipment carried by them. CAL FIRE paramedics are often the first on scene at medical emergencies of all kinds. 

Fuel Treatments Help Keep Wildfires Small

With the target of 95% of wildfires being kept at 10 acres or less, we often don’t hear about the vast majority of wildfires across the state. Check out this project in Alameda County that helped firefighters quickly contain the Peak Fire. 

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Inside the Massive Operation to Contain the Park Fire

The battle to fight the fire starts at a fire command base and incident command center where a lot happens to prepare and support operations. Learn more about what it takes to support fighting a wildfire at this huge scale.

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South Lake Tahoe Implements Zone 0 Defensible Space Protection 

As wildfire risks continue to impact fire-prone areas across California, the City of South Lake Tahoe is implementing new defensible space requirements for homeowners.

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CAL FIRE Classic – A look back at the California Forest Improvement Program

In April 1987, William Shatner boosted awareness for CAL FIRE's California Forest Improvement Program by narrating an educational video on the program.

Watch the Video

Join Us, We're Hiring Cook Specialists

Ready to turn up the heat in your culinary career? Multiple counties are currently hiring for Cook Specialist I and II positions to join our CAL FIRE team. If you’re passionate about cooking, take advantage of these opportunities and get your application in today.

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