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NALMS 2024 Workshop: Algae and Cyanobacteria Blooms: Track, Identify and Predict

  • 5 Nov 2024
  • 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Tahoe Blue Event Center, 75 Hwy 50, Stateline, NV
  • 46



Cyanobacteria have the potential to produce harmful toxins which can cause adverse health effects in humans and animals. Monitoring tools are needed to assess environmental conditions and stop blooms in their nascent stages. This workshop will provide a comprehensive introduction to integrated harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring, from the reservoir to the lab. Participants will gain practical skills in the use of three early-detection HAB screening systems that provide different and complementary information: an online multi-parameter measuring & reporting system, an automated flow imaging microscope and a quantitative PCR assay. The workshop will begin with introductions and a brief power point overview of each technology. This will be followed by a 30-minute presentation from a guest speaker utilizing all three technologies as part of their monitoring plan. Next, we’ll turn to the instruments and provide a hands on demonstration using live samples (where possible) so that attendees can compare the information provided by each method.

Samples of cyanobacteria in various concentrations will be analyzed to illustrate the hardware and software of the AlgaeTracker. Participants will learn how to calibrate field data to lab results and verify the accuracy of live readings obtained from samples. Throughout the workshop, attention will be given to potential challenges of fluorescence-based readings, with discussion focusing on potential and actual solutions. Tips for easy field deployment, maintenance, and data sharing will be discussed with group participation encouraged.

We will discuss variables like sampling methodology, preservation, location, and settings on FlowCam imagery and data. We will use the instruments software to identify dominant organisms in the sample and create libraries and filters. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions regarding the technology’s benefits and limitations. Throughout the workshop, we’ll point out similarities and differences between flow-through imaging and traditional microscopy, as well as basic plankton identification using semi-automated techniques.

Using the same technology for testing for Covid, workshop attendees will learn how to run a quantitative PCR test. The Phytoxigene™ CyanoDTec is a molecular (DNA) based technology (Real Time PCR) that detects and quantifies the presence of Cyanobacteria, blue green algae, and their toxin producing genes in aquatic environments. Not all Cyanobacteria species produce toxins, therefore the presence of an algal bloom does not immediately defer a risk of toxins being present. The Phytoxigene™ test quantitates both the amount of overall Cyanobacteria present in a water sample along with the number of genes that are responsible for the production of the toxins, including microcystin, cylindrospermopsin, saxitoxin, anatoxin* and guanotoxin* (*new assay in 2023)


AquaRealTime: Chris Lee is co-founder and CEO of AquaRealTime. He has a PhD in Electrical Engineering and 15 years experience developing new monitoring products in the water and algae monitoring space. Chris is also a runner and skier, and loves spending time at his family cottage on Sparrow Lake north of Toronto.​

Yokogawa Fluid Imaging Technologies: Polly Barrowman is the Water Markets Manager at Yokogawa Fluid Imaging Technologies. She works closely with freshwater researchers and drinking water utilities worldwide, helping them to implement FlowCam technology into their phytoplankton research and monitoring programs.

Phytoxigene: Greg Ford is the Director of Development for Phytoxigene working with customers in Canada and the USA in this capacity since 2016. He started in the field of Aquatic Toxicology before working in biotech and diagnostics before joining Phytoxigene.
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