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There are many seismic site response analysis programs that operate in either the time domain or the frequency domain. These programs are available as public domain software, as commercial products, and/or through direct contact with the authors.

NCHRP Web-Only Document 383: Seismic Site Response Analysis with Pore Water Pressure Generation: Resources for Evaluation, from TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program, is supplemental to NCHRP Research Report 1092: Seismic Site Response Analysis with Pore Water Pressure Generation: Guidelines.

Supplemental to the document is an Implementation Plan.


Suggested Citation

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Seismic Site Response Analysis with Pore Water Pressure Generation: Resources for Evaluation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

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Publication Info

352 pages |  8.5 x 11 |  DOI:
Chapters skim
Front Matter i-iv
APPENDIX A-1 Software 1-9
APPENDIX A-2 Constitutive Models 10-16
APPENDIX A-3 Case Histories 17-38
APPENDIX B-1 Site Exploration Report Wildlife Liquefaction Array Imperial County, California 39-97
APPENDIX B-2 Owi Island Site Site Characterization 98-104
APPENDIX B-3 Port Island Site Site Characterization 105-111
APPENDIX B-4 Treasure Island Site Site Characterization 112-118
APPENDIX C-1 Centrifuge Experiment 119-141
APPENDIX C-2 Strain- and Stress-Controlled CyDSS Testing Intact Specimen of Silty Sand 142-159
APPENDIX C-3 CyDSS Testing Remolded Specimen 160-178
APPENDIX D-1 Sample Element Tests Treasure Island Site: Stress-Controlled Cyclic Direct Simple Shear Test on Medium Dense and Dense Sand 179-190
APPENDIX D-2 Element Tests WLA Site: Strain- and Stress-Controlled Undrained Cyclic Direct Simple Shear Tests Matched with UCSDSAND3 191-206
APPENDIX D-3 Calibration of CM Sub-Models 207-211
APPENDIX E-1 Wildlife Liquefaction Array Site: Site Response in the 1987 M 6.2 Elmore Ranch Earthquake 212-233
APPENDIX E-2 Wildlife Liquefaction Array Site: Site Response in the 1987 M 6.6 Superstition Hills Earthquake 234-246
APPENDIX E-3 Wildlife Liquefaction Array Site: Site Response in the 2012 M 4.9 Hovley Earthquake 247-266
APPENDIX E-4 Owi Island Site Case Study: Site Response in the 1985 M 6.2 Chiba-Ibaragi Earthquake 267-286
APPENDIX E-5 Port Island Site: Site Response in the 1995 M 6.9 Hyogoken Nanbu Earthquake 287-304
APPENDIX E-6 Treasure Island Site: Site Response in the 1989 M 6.9 Loma Prieta Earthquake 305-327
APPENDIX E-7 Centrifuge ExperimentResponse of Laminar Box that Simulates WLA Site in M 7.1 Earthquake 328-346

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