National Academies Press: OpenBook

Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief (2024)

Chapter: Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief

Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.
images Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief

Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation

Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief

Exposure to innovation and entrepreneurial concepts at the K-12 level lays the foundation for success in creating the innovators of the future.1 The CHIPS and Science Act recognized the importance of this exposure by codifying into law the intention of broadening the base of Americans engaged in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable (GUIRR) has long sought ways to strengthen partnerships across diverse sectors of the U.S. research ecosystem to meet a range of national challenges, including addressing the issue of STEM education, most recently at its October 2022 meeting on “Developing Human Capital for U.S. Innovation Capacity.”2

On February 6 and 7, 2024, GUIRR convened a workshop for members and invited guests that focused on K-12 STEM education to understand how to shape the scientific workforce of the future. Darryll Pines (University of Maryland, College Park) explained this theme arose from GUIRR’s consideration of “axioms of innovation”: that is, the underpinning norms, conditions, and cultures that characterize innovation environments in the United States and globally.3 A pillar is the development of the workforce of the future, which, in turn, leads to an examination of K-12 STEM education that provides exposure to innovation and entrepreneurship to all students. Pines noted one challenge is “how to build institutions that are inclusive and that encourage more of our young people to pursue careers in STEM and to stay with those careers.” In addition to increasing the level of support for K-12 STEM education, he emphasized, “to train the right workforce, we need to consider what skills they need to stay competitive in national and global innovation ecosystems.”

A keynote presentation and discussion spotlighted the need to build support for and trust in science. Expert panels then looked at the evolving state of K-12 STEM education in the United States, early entrepreneurship education and the future STEM workforce, science-based economic development through regional education programs, and the future of early STEM education to prepare an innovation-based workforce. This workshop was not a comprehensive examination of K-12 STEM education. It did not discuss topics such as metrics, science standards, digital literacy, or teacher workforce development


1 See

2 For a copy of the Proceedings in Brief from the October 2022 workshop on development of human capital, see

3 For a copy of the Proceedings in Brief from the June 2023 workshop on axioms of innovation, see

Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.

in detail.4 It also did not examine the transition between K-12 STEM education and higher education.5


Mary Woolley (Research!America [R!A]) spoke as a “relentlessly optimistic” advocate for science and technology. She stressed the need to galvanize institutions and networks to effectively deliver messages to policy makers and other non-scientists about the importance of science, discovery, and innovation. One of Research!America’s main strategies is to conduct public opinion surveys about science and technology (S&T) and to use the findings in messaging for policy and advocacy efforts.6

Strategy and Action

Woolley introduced the work of the Science and Technology Action Committee (STAC), a group of 25 nonprofit, foundation, and corporation leaders, which she co-chairs. STAC launched in April 2020 with the intention to “go for big things now.” Those big targets were laid out in the STAC Action Plan, titled State of Science in America, through six policy recommendations to strengthen S&T in the United States: (1) create a national strategy to advance S&T innovation in the United States; (2) increase federal S&T funding from 0.7 percent to at least 1.4 percent of Gross Domestic Product in the next five years; (3) ensure a diverse STEM workforce; (4) foster additional coordination across the more than twenty federal agencies with scientific missions; (5) bolster STEM education with an emphasis on K-12; and (6) partner with other nations, both allies and rivals, on global challenges.7

STAC conducted a survey of almost two thousand people working in five workforce sectors (K-12 education, health care, business, STEM, and military/national security). There was not a great difference in views across these sectors, but all expressed concerns that Woolley said must be addressed. The “single most terrifying finding” is that a very high percentage of respondents—70 percent—believe that today’s children will grow up worse off in the future (Figure 1). “One way we know we are successful is if this percentage changes,” Woolley said.

Woolley also noted that of the 14 percent who feel that the future generation will be better off, almost half said it is because of advances in S&T. This is a powerful link for policy makers to see, she said. She urged scientists to engage with members of Congress and other decision makers. “We have to keep pushing and they must hear messaging [from scientists] that is relevant to them and constituents.”

An unexpected finding was that respondents called out the quality of K-12 STEM education as the biggest obstacle to S&T advancement. K-12 STEM education fared poorly when respondents rated the quality of a range of S&T resources. It emerged at the top when respondents identified policies most likely to strengthen the U.S. ability to lead the world in S&T. These findings are critical to building the case to strengthen K-12 STEM education to build STEM talent, according to Woolley.

Other organizations are also looking for ways to solve the STEM talent crisis. She called attention to a new effort by the National Science Board to build support for a National Defense Education Act 2.0. (The first NDEA was enacted in the aftermath of Sputnik in the 1950s.) In her view, “It can and will have legs if others get involved.”

FIGURE 1 STAC Survey Respondents’ Pessimistic View of the Future.
Source: Mary Woolley, Workshop Presentation, February 6, 2024; original publication, State of Science in America Report, Science and Technology Action Committee, December 2023.


4 To read National Academies publications on early STEM education see

5 To read National Academies publications on higher education, see

6 For more information about Research!America, see

7 To read the report in full, go to

Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.

Trust in Science

Surveys conducted by R!A and other entities showed the nation’s growing distrust in scientists and scientific findings. For example, a May 2023 survey conducted by the American Enterprise Institute showed a decline in percent of Americans who express a great deal or some confidence in science.8

Woolley noted that respondents in the STAC survey across the political spectrum expressed concern about the impact of this distrust. Woolley recognized the challenge but stressed the need for scientists to act. “It’s three steps forward, two steps back sometimes. But that’s what science is like, too.” R!A encourages scientists to communicate with elected officials through a recognition of commonalities: both serve the public and value data, although she cautioned that scientists must share data in a way that resonates with decision makers.

Scientists and science institutions have an ‘invisibility’ problem, she said. As found in a recent R!A survey, fewer than one-third of Americans can name a living scientist.9 Most cannot name an organization or other place where scientific research is conducted. Only one-third know that medical research is conducted in every state, which she said is politically problematic. “That means that Senators and members of the House are not hearing from their constituents that they’re proud of the research being conducted in their state, even though they want that research. They just don’t know it’s there.”

Election Year Considerations

Woolley called on audience members who are able to advocate to do so. Those who cannot, such as agency employees, can still act as citizens and constituents, she noted. Graduate students, she added, want to become involved but are often held back by their mentors, lab directors, or institutions. Yet, one way for a university to fulfill its mission statement to serve the public’s interest is to ensure that its graduates are trained in engaging with the public. R!A has put together an interactive tool with information about more than 350 such training programs across the country and she welcomed additions.10 Through these and other ways to make science and scientists more visible, “we can accomplish the goals that I know we all share.”


When asked for ideas to better explain and promote science with the broader public, Woolley urged S&T professionals to respond to the question of what they do with “I work for you.” She shared several examples of how this simple statement resulted in productive conversations and, in one case, a substantial investment in the scientist’s institution. Woolley also urged S&T professionals to become involved in their communities. “I think that if there were a scientist or an engineer on every school board in this country, we would have a spectacular education system,” she commented. She noted the necessity to recognize community involvement in the promotion and tenure system and through other incentives.

Recognizing that Sputnik served as a tipping point for the first NDEA, as well led to other federal investments, Pines asked Woolley if she saw any tipping point today. While she did not have a specific event, she underscored the importance of S&T professionals’ engagement. “We can’t just let it be somebody else’s problem, somebody else’s job anymore,” she said, and posed to the group: “What are you doing to turn things around, to really recapture the magic, to create a country that’s on the move where children will be better off?”

Several participants brought up the role of states. While the STAC Action Plan has a federal focus, R!A is also involved in state-level advocacy, Woolley explained. She suggested a simple way to measure a state’s S&T is to compare its population rank with its rank in federal research funding. By this metric, North Carolina’s investment in the Research Triangle has been a strong state-level investment. Another participant pointed out that despite the existence of strong federal K-12 education programs, most STEM education takes place in classrooms that are locally controlled. Woolley noted this underscores the importance for S&T professionals to be involved in school boards and other local efforts.


8 For information on the AEI survey, go to

9 To view the R!A survey America Speaks!, go to

10 To access the tool, go to

Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.

Acquiring skills matching dynamic future job demands is important but difficult, a participant observed, with AI and automotive technology as two examples. The future is uncertain, Woolley agreed, which calls for being nimble and open to change. Government money can serve as a stimulus to help people change how they earn their livelihoods. In asking how to translate cutting-edge research into concepts that students can understand, Woolley acknowledged young people’s curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Children and adults can easily access the facts. Instead, she stressed connecting with what they are interested in. She also embraces the chance to talk with people who are skeptical about science, reminding the group that scientists are trained to be skeptical and ask questions. When asked to imagine something to correct the current course, she suggested investing in programs to connect schools of science and journalism so that journalists can cover S&T topics more effectively. She additionally called for greater international collaborations and partnerships.


Dynamic shifts in technology and how students interact with technology have brought disruption into the K-12 classroom. This has presented K-12 STEM educators with the challenge of both keeping pace with a future STEM landscape that is innovation-based and disruptive and teaching fundamental skills that can be applied to diverse concepts. The first panel, moderated by Pines, explored ways K-12 education can develop a future STEM workforce that focuses on critical thinking, invention, and adaptability.

Perspectives from the Interagency Working Group on Convergence Education

Louie Lopez (Department of Defense [DoD]) reported on the Interagency Working Group on Convergence Education, comprised of representatives from eighteen federal agencies. In 2018, it developed a five-year strategic plan to meet the requirements of the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010. “Engaging students where disciplines converge” was one of four key pathways in the plan.11 The group’s November 2022 report elaborated on this vision. It provides a general overview of convergence education, also known as transdisciplinary learning, as well as barriers to scaling and recommendations to internal and external stakeholders.12

The working group defines convergence education as “driven by compelling or complex socio-scientific problems or topics, where learners apply knowledge and skills using a blended approach across multiple disciplines (i.e., transdisciplinary) to create and innovate new solutions. and solve across disciplines.” Lopez differentiated between disciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary approaches and stressed that all four approaches are required (Figure 2).

Federal agencies are supporting convergence education, such as initiatives at the Smithsonian, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and the Department of Education. DoD STEM programs support convergence education in STEM learning from elementary to graduate school through enrichment programs, camps, competitions, internships, and scholarships. Lopez noted the department supports convergence education because DoD’s Critical Technology Areas are transdisciplinary.13

Evolutions in STEM Professional Development, Materials, and Concepts

Nancy Hopkins-Evans (BSCS Science Learning) identified several “evolutions” related to student learning, professional development, and assessment. She called attention to previous National Academies’ studies, most particularly Framework for K-12 Science Education,

FIGURE 2 Disciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary education.
a To view Convergence Education: A Guide to Transdisciplinary STEM Learning and Teaching, go to
SOURCE: Louis Lopez, Workshop Presentation, February 7, 2024, from Convergence Education: A Guide to Transdisciplinary STEM Learning and Teaching,a National Science and Technology Council Committee on STEM.


11 To view Charting a Course for Success: America’s Strategy for STEM Education, go to

12 To view Convergence Education: A Guide to Transdisciplinary STEM Learning and Teaching, go to

13 For more information on DoD’s Critical Technology Areas, go to For more information on DoD’s STEM program, go to

Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.

which was used to develop the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).14 The NGSS provide a three-dimensional context for instruction: content, practices, and cross-cutting concepts of large scientific ideas.15 High quality instructional materials are needed to support the evolution of science classrooms, she underscored. Instead of a teacher explaining a concept first, students start with a relevant phenomenon, then collaboratively ascertain the underlying science. These changes must be equitable and available to all students, as recommended in the National Academies’ study Call to Action for Science Education.16

Teachers need materials that align with the NGSS’s three dimensions, are driven by phenomena, and have coherence across lessons and disciplines such as life and physical sciences. They need immersive professional development experiences so they can engage in the same way as their students. While each state reviews materials for decisions about adoption, she noted the nonprofit EdReports evaluates instructional materials and is a useful resource.17

Open Ed resources are another evolution in K-12 STEM education. These resources are free to download and can be used as-is or adapted, for example, for English Language Learners, to accommodate class scheduling, or for cultural or community context. Another evolution in K-12 STEM education is the treatment of STEM as a social endeavor to foster collaboration and cooperation. Students care about the environment and community, and STEM classrooms and the workforce must reflect diversity and different perspectives. As what she called a last and sobering evolution, a new National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) will be administered in the next few years that is aligned with these new concepts of figuring out science. The NAEP may also lead to an evolution in K-12 STEM education.

Challenges and Opportunities in the Informal Education Sector

Lucie Howell (The Henry Ford) emphasized how building on individuals’ unique experiences has become the core of the transdisciplinary education at The Henry Ford. This museum, with more than 26 million objects, a research center, a charter school, and other facilities, provides a transdisciplinary intersection between STEM and the humanities.18 She addressed the work of the informal ecosystem, which includes other museums, organizations, and other entities, to support teachers, community leaders and parents in developing young people’s STEM skills.

Howell quoted former AOL chairman Steve Case, who said: “Creativity is broadly distributed, opportunity is not.” The Henry Ford focuses on closing the innovation gap to widen opportunities. A way to understand this gap is through the Innovation Atlas, developed in partnership with the Opportunity Insights Team at Harvard University (which also produced the paper “Lost Einsteins” to suggest what is lost when then gap persists; see footnote 1). The tool identifies barriers to innovation by region and over time.19

The Henry Ford’s approach to reduce the innovation gap is to partner with local, regional, and national partners on transdisciplinary learning that combines history, humanities and art with STEM, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Their “Model i Framework,” which underpins all resources and experiences, calls for challenging rules, taking risks, empathy, collaboration, maintaining curiosity, and learning from failure. Students can see the Wright Brothers’ and other inventors’ “innovation journeys.” She also agreed that the Interagency Working Group’s Convergence Education report is an excellent overview and that students must experience all types of learning, from disciplinary to transdisciplinary (see Figure 2).

A challenge in identifying, cultivating, developing, and recognizing the best STEM talent in the world is to strengthen frontline teachers. The Henry Ford offers online courses, workshops, educator-in-residence programs, and teacher innovator awards. An important part of every professional development experience is time for teachers to reflect on how they can apply what they are learning. Another program is Invention Conven-


14 National Research Council. 2012. A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

15 For more information on the NGSS, see

16 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2021. Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

17 For more information, see

18 For more information about The Henry Ford, go to

19 To view the Innovation Atlas, go to

Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.

tion Worldwide network, which involved 170,000 young inventors during the 2022-2023 school year, 57 percent female. She shared stories of several young inventors’ innovations, noting that most students were inspired by problems they had experienced.

Programs in Schools

“Students are capable beyond our wildest imagination,” stated Alexandra Fuentes (Fairfax County Public Schools [FCPS]). She showed how the goals expressed by other presenters, such as cross-sector collaboration, alignment with industry needs, and learning by doing are being applied in classrooms beginning in pre-K. She also underscored that access is not equitable, which calls for FCPS and other school systems to lean into partnerships and other support.

Fuentes shared several examples. CSforALL, funded by the NSF in partnership with George Mason University, extends computer science education to students with disabilities.20 Funding from the DoD supports Code Up! and Code Up! 2.0. One welcome characteristic of this funding is flexibility to support staff positions to integrate enhanced instruction across all schools in the system. The Department of Education and other funders have supported a summer immersion to introduce students to quantum as a field of study and work. Capitol One Coders provides afterschool and summer programs, including mentors and “entry level internships” that open opportunities. The Northern Virginia Technology Council and Northern Virginia Community College have established a program called AIM High to create student STEM experiences.

Citing these examples, Fuentes emphasized the many ways that government, university, and industry partners can support K-12 STEM education, including work-based opportunities, support for secondary-level electives, and access in the early elementary years.


Pines first asked how the NGSS are changing standards for teacher education. Hopkins-Evans noted collecting evidence that measures the impact of new ways of doing science on student learning is challenging. Assessments are one way, but there may be other methods that can result in new policies.

Connecting with communities is vital, the panelists agreed. One participant queried how the highlighted programs can be scaled and suggested a possible role for GUIRR. Another participant asked sustainability of long-term investments. Fuentes urged supporters to provide opportunities. One challenge is that the return on investment is delayed, especially for programs for the youngest students. Lopez commented that STEM programs at DoD are distributed across the services, which makes impact hard to measure. However, DoD’s largest investment are SMART scholarships (through which students go on to work for DoD in STEM positions), and applicants are now asked about past participation in other DoD STEM programs. Howell observed that funding often comes in the form of limited grants, akin to venture capital. This model does not result in long-term commitment. She also noted that it is difficult to track children because of privacy issues, but her organization is looking at alumni programming to learn about the impact of earlier investments.

Another participant asked how to expand opportunities for STEM professionals to engage students within African American communities. Fuentes suggested partnering with small businesses to localize learning and opportunities. Lopez suggested partnering with organizations that have strong community connections. To instill the importance of STEM in pre-service teachers, a program at the University of Virginia was cited in which the engineering and education departments co-developed curricula for teachers.


The next panel, moderated by Ahmad Ezzeddine (Wayne State University), looked at STEM education outside the classroom to develop future innovators, encourage career development, and provide opportunities for developing novel partnerships to foster resilient and critical thinking by early STEM learners. Panelists shared models that encourage innovation and entrepreneurial development.

Invention Education to Create the Next Generation of Problem Solvers

David Coronado (The Lemelson Foundation, InventEd) noted that “there are more problems than problem-


20 For more information, see Hutchison, A. (PI), Kaya, E, Colwell, J., Gutierrez, K., and Evmenova, A. (Co-PIs; 2021-2024). A Partnership to Implement the Inclusive Computer Science Model of Professional Development & DEPICT-CS to Provide PK-6 Computer Science Instruction for Students with Disabilities. National Science Foundation Award # 2122807.

Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.

solvers.” Diverse, inventive problems-solvers are needed to meet the grand challenges of today and tomorrow, and robust experiences can prepare students to address complex problems. Youth need skills and mindsets to thrive in a “a future yet to be determined, in industries yet to be imagined, and in jobs yet to be created.” The Lemelson Foundation has defined an invention and innovation pathway that begins in K-12, through higher education, to entrepreneurship.21 To foster inventors, it is important to cultivate habits of the mind, through such traits as empathy, creativity, curiosity, and calculated risk-taking. Current education practices focus on passive learning, and while these methods are sometimes necessary, real-world learning is needed across the K-16 continuum.

As a solution, Coronado offered Invention Education, a form of transdisciplinary learning in which people “find and define problems and design and build new, novel, useful, and unique solutions that contribute to the betterment of society.”22 When students identify problems they care about and develop solutions to real world problems, Invention Education can be transformational. Common elements include identifying a problem, open-ended inquiry, collaboration, iterative learning, and embracing failure and uncertainty. He noted that the Interagency Working Group on Convergence Education (see above) identified Invention Education as an established method to increase student engagement in STEM.

Teachers engage in Invention Education to help students integrate and apply knowledge, connect with the community, and generate excitement around learning. Teachers become the facilitator of learning, not necessarily the expert. He finds the term “real world learning” to resonate better with teachers than “transdisciplinary.”

Coronado closed by inviting participants to join the InventEd Network, a coalition of educators, nonprofit leaders, researchers, government agencies and other who are building and supporting the field of Invention Education.

Junior Achievement to Build Thriving Communities

MC Desrosiers (Junior Achievement [JA]) presented on how the globally recognized JA program fulfills its mission to “build a world in which young people have the skill set and mindset to build thriving communities.”23 In the U.S., JA mirrors the racial and ethnic demographic makeup of the public school population. The JA approach encompasses (1) authentic learning; (2) long-standing trust, credibility, and relationships with school districts; (3) deep understanding of skills, mindset, and behaviors to thrive in the future; and (4) enmeshment in local communities.

Four identified solution areas are content and curriculum; experiential learning centers; youth workforce readiness; and “3DE,” which embeds a JA program within an existing secondary school. The need to connect youth with careers led JA to expand programming to young people ages 18 to 25. Starting with K-5, JA offers a suite of programs to enable students to take on real-world problems, identify solutions, and make decisions. They are encouraged to be resilient, entrepreneurial, and empathetic. JA Inspire targets middle school students. Through JA’s Entrepreneurship Learning Experience, high school students create businesses with a focus on innovation, social impact, and business performance. At 64 JA Learning Centers, students run model cities and otherwise learn to understand the ecosystem of work. In 3DE, students work on case studies developed by local companies that integrate across English, science, and other subjects. According to Desrosiers, JA’s “force multiplier” are volunteers, many of whom went through the JA program. She also noted the importance of volunteers who mirror the student population with whom they work.

Implementing STEM Innovation Early

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), “America’s innovation agency,” issues parents, registers trademarks, and advises the administration on intellectual property (IP), said Jorge Valdes (USPTO). It also promotes innovation to solve problems and prepare for the future. He referred to a recent survey in which executives estimated that half of current workforce skills will be outdated within two years.24 The “good news” is that creativity, agility, tenacity, critical thinking, and problem identification will still be necessary.


21 For more information on the Lemelson Foundation, go to

22 InventEd. Researching Invention Education. Available at:

23 For more information on JA and the programs briefly described at the workshop, go to

24 McKendrick, J. 2023. Half of all skills will be outdated within two years, study suggest. Forbes, October 14.

Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.

At the heart of progress lies innovation, Valdes said, and it is often incremental. He echoed other speakers who noted, based on research by Raj Chetty et al., that “who becomes an inventor depends on one’s zip code.” Exposure is unevenly distributed across the country and demographic groups.25 According to another study, the U.S. rate of innovation would quadruple if invention rates increased among women, minorities, and lower-income families.26 “We need all hands on deck, and we need to start early,” he asserted, and agreed with Coronado that Invention Education offers a pedagogical approach to do this. By combining STEM skills with skills such as problem-solving, students can develop leadership, creativity, ability to deal with ambiguity, perseverance and passion, resourcefulness, and self-accountability. Teachers need professional development to deliver these types of experiences to their students.

The USPTO Council for Inclusive Innovation, which is made up of industry and academia, offers a way to expand innovation to both adult and youth innovators.27 USPTO resources for educators include EquipHQ, a free K-12 Invention Education portal with lesson plans, videos, and other materials to help teachers and parents harness the power of invention education.28 Through another, Patent Quest Activity, participants learn how to fund and patent an invention. The USPTO Summer Teacher Institute is an annual boot camp on innovation, IP, and STEM education. The agency is also developing a train-the-trainer cohort of teachers to serve as Master Teachers of Invention and Intellectual Property Education.


Ezzeddine noted common themes are the importance of local context and scale. Valdes commented that when he began his teaching career, a mentor advised patience in “herding a stampede of turtles.” It takes sustained professional development to build skills and competencies. Desrosiers said that JA programs often start in one community and then adapted in others, such as JA Inspires for middle school. Coronado suggested tying programs to needs to build scale. For example, absenteeism is a concern, and it would be useful to have evidence that invention education and other real-world experiences reduce absenteeism.

A participant asked how to compensate educators and others who take on expanded roles. Desrosiers agreed this is challenging. JA provides training so teachers feel they are building their own careers. Volunteers, including retired scientists and engineers, also help. Valdes said the USPTO’s Master Teacher program offers stipends. Coronado acknowledged the turnover of STEM teachers and urged figuring out how to help those who stay. He also noted a disconnect between what is expected in higher education institutions and what is taught in high school. He suggested better communication across these levels so high school students are taking the prerequisites they need for post-secondary education.


Nichole Pitruzzello (Connecticut Invention Convention) moderated the session in which presenters considered the ripple effects of the development of regional innovation hubs on K-12 education and how new pathways can be built between states and the federal government to encourage innovation.

Tech Hubs with a Focus on Small and Rural Communities

Eric Smith (U.S. Economic Development Administration) explained the Tech Hubs Program and its intersection with education.29 Thirty-one designated Tech Hubs have the potential to become globally competitive in key technologies in the next decade. They were selected from almost two hundred consortia applications. Most are in small and rural communities, are in underserved areas, and otherwise meet the program’s CHIPS + Science Act requirements. Potential benefits include follow-on funding, branding and technical assistance, foreign direct investment, intellectual property guidance, and export assistance.

The most competitive applications highlighted their consortia composition and capacity, offered innovative lab-to-market approaches, exemplified equity and diversity,


25 Bell, A., Chetty, R., Jaravel, X., Petkova, N., and Van Reenen, J. 2019. Who becomes an inventor in America? The importance of exposure to innovation. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 134(2), 647-713.

26 Toole, A.A., A., Miller, R.D., and Van Reenen, J. 2019. Intellectual Property and the U.S. Economy: Third Education. Alexandria, VA: United States Patent and Trademark Office.

27 For more information, see

28 For more information on the K-12 programs for educators, see to

29 For more information on Tech Hubs, go to

Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.

and exhibited regional coordination and partnerships. Many of the hubs are determining how to incorporate K-12 education in their strategies or as consortium members, which Congress requested. He welcomed involvement from workshop participants.

Southern States Regional Education Board

Stephen Pruitt (Southern Regional Education Board [SREB]) described how SREB is helping its members prepare for the “fourth industrial revolution,” which will have science as its hub. SREB includes 16 states from Delaware to Texas, where there will be fewer working-age than non-working age people in the region by 2030. Moreover, workers will need new skills to be employable. SREB is working with member states to highlight importance of STEM education in developing those skills.30 Most workers ages 25 to 35 do not see how the future economy will affect them, he warned. Most fields currently or will soon rely on STEM, including in health care, skilled trades, and white-collar professions. The percentage of workers in SREB states who are vulnerable varies by industry, but together make up a large percentage of the total workforce, including in food services, sales, production, installation and maintenance, and transportation.

Reimagining STEM involves demonstrating why it matters, such as by examining the skills required in current job postings and 10-year forecasts. He agreed with the previous speakers about exposing young people to future careers and relating education to real-world problems. As an example, he showed a typical engineering challenge and how it might be enhanced for deeper learning. He also called for applying science learning beyond the classroom.

Pruitt closed by stressing the urgency of showing people how changes in technology and society will affect their futures.

Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program

Michelle Reaves (Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program [DAPCEP]) noted that programs like DAPCEP are the “boots on the ground”, providing K-12 STEM experiences to young people. DAPCEP began with a focus on engineering 50 years ago and has expanded to other STEM subjects with the mission to increase the number of historically underrepresented students who are motivated and prepared academically to pursue STEM degrees. Annually, 16,000 youth are served by partnering with eleven colleges and universities, dozens of corporations, and hundreds of volunteers. Programs, most of which are outside of school time, are designed for preschool through college students. They get students excited about learning and ready for the next academic level. With the pressure on testing in classrooms, DAPCEP also offers a “safe place to fail” to learn critical thinking.

Reaves reported DAPCEP’s impact: 87 percent of DAPCEP high school seniors apply to institutions of higher learning, 49 percent enroll in Michigan colleges and universities, and 68 percent choose careers in STEM. Ninety-seven percent report that DAPCEP prepared them for academic success and introduced and helped them prepare for STEM careers. Reaves suggested changing the narrative to show that two-year certificate programs, such as in the automotive and other technical industries, are a viable career pathway.

DAPCEP ensures teachers have cultural competency to engage students. As an example, teachers may think that students are unaware of or do not identify with the concept of “entrepreneurship”, but they certainly understand when the concept is called “hustle”. This inclusive approach increases the capacity for students to visualize themselves in STEM industries and STEM pathways.

To reverse the Michigan’s slow growth, its governor established the Growing Michigan Together Council to establish the state as a regional innovation hub. DAPCEP’s strategies support the council’s recommendations, including reimagining education, preparing students for an uncertain future, and expanding enrichment and out-of-school learning experiences.


When asked about the role of government at the intersection of economic development and STEM education, Reaves said showing impact increases public support for DAPCEP. Pruitt said industry has a large impact in his region, but noted several states have strong government programs with industry at the table. Smith suggested that all domains are critical to develop pathways.


30 SREB has produced two publications detailing these issues. Unprepared and Unaware (2019) is available at The SREB Region’s Economic Outlook (2019) is available at

Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.

As a testament to DAPCEP’s long-term impact, a participant introduced himself as a 1981 DAPCEP alumnus and credited the program with introducing him to engineering education. He also asked about building support for technical careers and countering the attitude that everyone should aim for a four-year college degree. Reaves noted that DAPCEP connects students to CTE (career and technical education) programs, in part because schools have cut them back. She called for conversations with families about what a technical career could look like for their children. Pruitt urged systemic approaches to exposing students to advanced manufacturing and other careers. For example, school systems can provide incentives to schools who graduate students with these skills. He also recommended a change of rhetoric to “post-secondary education” and not just “college.”

When asked about funding to accompany policy, Pruitt pointed to the importance of long-term commitment. As an example, Mississippi is leading the country in fourth grade reading proficiency but this so-called “Mississippi miracle” came from 15 years of sustained professional development, coaching, and materials. He asked states to identify their highest priority goal and to distribute funding accordingly. “Leadership matters,” he stressed. When asked about the role for philanthropy, Reaves commented it can expand access to students. Pruitt and Smith said that philanthropic organizations can also bring multiple agencies or other entities to the table together.


In the final panel of workshop, moderated by Col. Janelle Jackson (U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research), presenters reviewed frameworks for developing policy that will lead to a resilient and diverse STEM workforce. By identifying programs that are currently enhancing innovation and scientific development, they illustrated paths to the future for early STEM education.

NSF Directorate for STEM Education

James Moore (NSF Directorate for STEM Education) said the directorate changed its name (from the Directorate of Education and Human Resources) in part to stress STEM at every juncture of education, including informal education, and to reach the “missing millions” who have not had access to these opportunities.31 The directorate is the nation’s largest investor of federally funded education research and tackles such grand challenges as how to provide access to a quality STEM education and build the workforce for the future, especially the teaching workforce. He called for a “both/and” approach—increasing the number of trained teachers while also looking at technology like AI to close the disparities gap. He said the CHIPS + Science Act provides a “Sputnik moment” that must be seized.

Moore noted that ITEST (Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers) has funded more than 500 projects to inspire students toward STEM.32 Tools and technology must be free or low cost to school districts. He also noted disparities in infrastructure, such as a lack of broadband in many rural areas. ATE (Advanced Technological Education) supports community colleges in providing “middle job skills” that require more than a high school, but less than a college, degree in such fields as microelectronics.33 Many activities in the directorate’s portfolio focus on emerging and developing institutions that have talent but not the resources to move students to new frontiers.

Moore also cited the cost of a college education. Some institutions charge higher tuition or higher fees for STEM degrees. S-STEM (Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Program) provides increased funding for Pell-eligible students.

NSF Directorate for Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships

Erwin Gianchandani (NSF Directorate for Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships [TIP]), spoke about the “generational moment” of TIP’s formation. TIP prioritizes use-inspired, translational research and workforce development; expands the geographic locations of NSF investments; and reaches K-12, community colleges, and others working across areas such as climate and the transition to clean energy.

As an example of how NSF helped reimagine teaching, Gianchandani pointed to support for computer science education to include not just coding but also solving real-world programs through computation. A new Advanced Placement computer science framework was developed with the College Board. At its 2016 inaugu


31 For more information on the “Missing Millions” report, see:

32 For more information on ITEST, go to

33 For more information on ATE, see

Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.

ral administration, it was the largest launch of an AP test, and the number of Black, Hispanic, and women AP test-takers doubled. TIP is now collaborating with the Directorate of STEM Education and others on how to scale other education innovations. For example, the two directorates, along with three foundations, have supported a project to fund new classroom technologies through the NSF VITAL (Visionary Interdisciplinary Team Advancing Learning) Prize Challenge.

Gianchandani closed by expressing excitement for TIP to collaborate within NSF and beyond. He also flagged NSF-supported regional innovation engines with strong workforce and K-12 education components.

Basics of Workforce Education Reform

Bill Bonvillian (MIT) considered the larger context of workforce education and how to reform what he called a broken system. He noted the success of the GI Bill in remaking the workforce after World War II and asked how to raise the priority of workforce education among policy makers today, drawing on research he and colleagues conducted through MIT’s Open Learning Office.34

Bonvillian expressed particular concern about the disconnect between work and learning in the U.S. workforce education system. Other key workforce problems include that programs within the U.S. Departments of Labor and Education are not linked; colleges and universities are disconnected from workforce education; and the labor market information system is broken. Technical advances are putting many jobs out of reach, as seen in an analysis of three sectors that make up one-third of the U.S. workforce: manufacturing, in-person retail, and healthcare delivery. Each is changing and requires upskilling. Two broad areas require attention: (1) strengthening the labor market information system so workers, educators, and employers are clear on what skills are needed; (2) strengthening the school-to-work transition. Online educational technologies (EdTech) are one way to scale up to meet the needs, and several organizations are experimenting with different methods. “EdTech,” including online, virtual and augmented reality, AI and other new technologies, enables a new pedagogy. We need not just lectures via Zoom, but shorter learning segments, feedback loops, and continuous assessment built into online. He also urged universities to consider how they can provide workforce education.

Suggestions for policy to improve workforce education include support for industry-accepted certificates programs that provide credit toward degrees; apprenticeships, including youth apprenticeships; better coordination across institutions; and an expanded role of employers. He noted the Department of Labor has begun work on a new labor market information system. He also highlighted three promising examples of community colleges reforms: the youth apprenticeships at Trident Technical College in South Carolina, the network of colleges of applied technology in Tennessee that have reversed completion rates, and Ashnuntuck Community College in Connecticut, which better reaches incumbent workers and high school students.

Bonvillian shared several recommendations for new delivery models. They should cover incumbent workers, as well as high school and community college students. Youth apprenticeships should be offered. Funding is needed so community colleges can increase student completion rates. Short programs and regional workforce efforts should be expanded. Federal programs need to be integrated at the state level, along with an information system and educational technologies to bring programs to scale. He laid down a challenge: “Workforce education is key to quality jobs and addressing economic inequality. Will we act?”


Jackson commented that many teachers are leaving the profession, some because they are not comfortable with STEM. Bonvillian noted that EdTech provides opportunities in this regard because teachers can be mentors and guides, freeing them from solely information delivery. Moore suggested opportunities for preservice teachers and infusing AI in some practices, for example in helping to develop IEPs (individualized education plans for students with an identified disability) or in delivering STEM content. Gianchandani suggested a role for industry to train teachers so schools can provide the talent that industry requests. Bonvillian urged employers to consider workforce development an investment, rather than a variable cost to reduce during a downturn.


34 Bonvillian, W. B., and S.E. Sarma. 2021. Workforce Education: A New Roadmap. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.

A participant asked what panelists see as a call to action from the workshop. Moore suggested pushing to close silos, for example between CTE and college prep tracks in high school. Undergraduate research experiences are a high-impact practice that can make STEM real, Moore said. During COVID-19, students said they were burned out by online classes, but, he asserted, classes did not take advantage of the interactive and other capabilities of online education. He also cited re-engaging the 800,000 males who did not re-enroll in college after the pandemic. STEM could stimulate their interest, he suggested. Other participants suggested driving change through accreditation agencies and reward systems at institutions.


Pines offered closing remarks in the context of GUIRR’s 40th anniversary. As he noted at the start of the workshop, GUIRR was formed to accelerate the translation of research from the bench to products and ideas that will benefit the U.S. economy as part of the country’s national security. A core element of the axioms of innovation that GUIRR has developed is the STEM workforce to drive the U.S. economy. He summarized and shared his takeaways from the keynote address and each session. “There is hope out there,” Pines concluded. Forward thinking can strengthen the STEM pipeline to benefit the United States.

Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.

DISCLAIMER This Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief was prepared by Paula Whitacre as a factual summary of what occurred at the meeting. The statements made are those of the author or individual meeting participants and do not necessarily represent the views of all meeting participants; the planning committee; or the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

PLANNING COMMITTEE Janelle Jackson, Air Force Office of Scientific Research; Ahmad Ezzeddine, Wayne State University; Deborah Stokes, Dell Technologies

STAFF Michael Nestor, GUIRR Director; Jennifer Griffiths, Senior Program Officer; Sara Pietrzak, Senior Program Assistant; Clara Savage, Senior Finance Business Partner; Cyril Lee, Finance Business Partner

REVIEWERS To ensure that it meets institutional standards for quality and objectivity, this Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief was reviewed by Amy D’Amico, Smithsonian Institution and Ashley Huderson, U.S. Department of Education. Marilyn Baker, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, served as the review coordinator.

SPONSORS This workshop was supported by the National Institutes of Health (contract/grant number HHSN263201800029I/75N98021F00017).

For more information, visit

SUGGESTED CITATION National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Policy and Global Affairs

Copyright 2024 by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.
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Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.
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Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.
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Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.
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Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.
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Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.
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Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.
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Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.
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Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.
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Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.
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Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.
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Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.
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Suggested Citation:"Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop - in Brief." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Supporting K-12 STEM Education to Create the Foundations for Innovation: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27845.
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The CHIPS and Science Act recognized the importance of exposure to innovation and entrepreneurial concepts at the K-12 level by codifying into law the intention of broadening the base of Americans engaged in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable (GUIRR) has long sought ways to strengthen partnerships across diverse sectors of the U.S. research ecosystem to meet a range of national challenges, including addressing the issue of STEM education. On February 6 and 7, 2024, GUIRR convened a workshop for members and invited guests that focused on K-12 STEM education to understand how to shape the scientific workforce of the future.


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