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Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials (2024)

Chapter: Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program

« Previous: Appendix C: Design Example 1 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using Hand Calculations
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.


Design Example 2 — Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program

Design Example 2 is a continuation of Design Example 1. Like Design Example 1, the design data that were used for Design Example 2 were acquired from Briaud and Tucker (1997). Moreover, like Design Example 1, the focus of Design Example 2 was on determining the location of the neutral plane and magnitudes of the drag load and downdrag as demonstrated using 1) Load-Resistance profiles and 2) Pile-Soil Settlement profiles. Like Design Example 1, Design Example 2 uses Method A (full mobilization) proposed by the NCHRP 12-116A project team but uses software instead of hand calculations. In this design example, the Innovative Geotechnics PileAXL Version 2.4 (Innovative Geotechnics, 2023a) software program was used to certify the results from the hand calculations that were performed in Design Example 1. The proposed NCHRP12-116A flowchart steps were followed to complete the design example.

Step 1: Establish soil data

Determine the geotechnical engineering design parameters and establish a profile of the soil deposit. Index parameters

Soil stratigraphy for the Briaud and Tucker (1997) Example Problem 1 design example (modified to include additional required design parameters)
Figure D1. Soil stratigraphy for the Briaud and Tucker (1997) Example Problem 1 design example (modified to include additional required design parameters).

Table D1. Briaud and Tucker (1997) Example Problem 1 PILENEG Program input data.

Pile Material Concrete
Pile Shape Octagonal
Pile Face [mm] 174*
Pile Perimeter [m] 1.39
Pile Area [m2] 0.145
Pile Embedded Length [m] 41.76
Pile Modulus [kN/m2] 2.41 x 107
Top Load on Pile [kN] 2225
Number of Pile Increments 50
Soil Young’s Modulus [kN/m2] 21531
Soil Poisson’s Ratio 0.3
Soil Ultimate Bearing Capacity [kN/m2] 7097
Ground Wateryable Depth [m] 0*
* Inferred or interpolated parameters using correlations contained in Briaud and Tucker (1997).
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.

(water content, Atterberg limits, unit weight) should be used to help identify the stratigraphy of the soil deposit. The relevant soil data that are needed include soil shear strength and total unit weight. An example of the soil stratigraphy for the Briaud and Tucker (1997) Example Problem 1 design example is included as Figure D1.

The soil modulus (M) presented in Figure D1 was calculated using Equation 1 based on the Young’s modulus (E) and Poisson’s ratio (ν) values that were provided in Briaud and Tucker (1997). The undrained shear strength values were determined by converting the provided Briaud and Tucker (1997) friction data to undrained shear strength data (Figure D2).

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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.


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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
M = E ( 1 v ) ( 1 + v ) ( 1 2 v ) Eqn. 1

Step 2: Determine soil settlement

The amount of expected soil settlement was determined using consolidation theory. The calculations performed to determine the amount of soil settlement resulting from the embankment fill being placed were identical to the calculations performed in Step 2 of Design Example 1. The obtained soil settlement profile is provided as Figure D3.

Relationship between maximum friction and undrained shear strength (modified from Briaud and Tucker, 1997
Figure D2. Relationship between maximum friction and undrained shear strength (modified from Briaud and Tucker, 1997).

Step 3: Establish pile data

The pile data required to determine the drag load and downdrag include 1) the side resistance acting on the pile(s), 2) the end bearing resistance provided by the pile(s), 3) the unfactored pile head deadload(s), and 4) the elastic compression of the pile(s). Multiple pile types or pile geometries may be considered to determine the magnitude of downdrag/drag load on the pile(s). To compute the drag load for a given design scenario, the following pile data are required: pile material, pile diameter or pile perimeter, and pile modulus. The pile considered for this design example was an octagonal pile; the distance across the pile (0.4195m) was used as the pile diameter within the PileAXL software program. As shown in Figure D4, the section type, diameter, cross-sectional area (0.145m2), and pile modulus (2.41x107 kN/m2) were input into the Pile AXL software program using the Define – Pile Sections pop-out window.

Soil settlement profile provided previously in Step 2 of Design Example 1
Figure D3. Soil settlement profile provided previously in Step 2 of Design Example 1.

Step 4: Compute incremental side resistance

For a given pile geometry (diameter, length), the side resistance was determined for discretized intervals. Using the Define – Analysis Option popout window (Figure D5), the pile length (41.76m), and number of pile increments (50) were entered.

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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
Establishment of pile section data within the PileAXL software program
Figure D4. Establishment of pile section data within the PileAXL software program.
Establishment of the pile length, number of increments, and design code
Figure D5. Establishment of the pile length, number of increments, and design code.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.

The design code to be used for the computations was also selected in the Analysis Option window using the toggle switches in the Pile Capacity Design Code section. The Working Load Design Approach was selected for use for this design example. In addition to selecting the Working Load Design Approach option in the Analysis Option window, the partial factors of safety for side resistance, base resistance, total resistance, and tensile resistance were each set to unity (Figure D6) using the Define – Design Approach window.

Partial factors of safety used within the PileAXL software program
Figure D6. Partial factors of safety used within the PileAXL software program.

The three soil materials chosen for the design example were entered using the Define – Soil Materials window (Figure D7). Each material was first created using the New tab, and then the parameters for each soil material were modified using the Edit tab (Figure D8). The material type (cohesive) and material name (API Clay), and total unit weight (19.5kN/m3) were selected for each soil material. The undrained shear strength values that were previously shown in Figure D1 were input by listing the undrained shear strength at the top of the layer and the rate of change in undrained shear strength as a function of depth within the layer (0.787kPa/m for API Clay 1, 5.130 kPa/m for API Clay 2, and 0.000 kPa/m for API Clay 3).

Define - Soil Materials within the PileAXL software program
Figure D7. Define - Soil Materials within the PileAXL software program.

Each of the aforementioned soil materials was then applied to respective layers using the Define – Soil Layers pop-out window (Figure D9). The depths for each of the layers were established following Figure D1. The depth to the water table of 0.00m was also established. By selecting one of the Edit tabs under the Advanced Input column within the Define – Soil Layers pop-out window, the T-Z and Q-Z parameters were input (Figure D10). The T-Z Curve Model, API Residual Ratio, and Q-Z Curve Model were set to T-Z Curve - API Clay, 0.9, and Q-Z Curve - API Clay, respectively. The

limiting values of ultimate shaft resistance (fs-max) and ultimate end bearing resistance (fb-max) were computed using the undrained shear strength (su) for each layer and the vertical effective stress at the top and bottom of each layer. Specifically, the equations prescribed in the PileAXL users manual (Innovative Geotechnics, 2023b), presented herein as Equations 2 through 6, were used.

f s = α s u Eqn. 2
α = 0.5 ψ 0.5 where ψ 1.0 Eqn. 3
α = 0.5 ψ 0.25 where ψ 1.0 Eqn. 4
ψ = s u / σ o Eqn. 5
f b = 9 s u Eqn. 6

Note: α,ψ = computation parameters

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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
Define – Soil Materials – Edit within the PileAXL software program for the different materials
Figure D8. Define – Soil Materials – Edit within the PileAXL software program for the different materials.
Define – Soil Layers within the PileAXL software program
Figure D9. Define – Soil Layers within the PileAXL software program.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
Define – Soil Layers – Edit within the PileAXL software program for the different soil layers
Figure D10. Define – Soil Layers – Edit within the PileAXL software program for the different soil layers.

Table D2. Parameters used in Define – Soil Layers – Edit window.

z su σz,o ψ α fs fb
[m] [kPa] [kPa] [rad] [rad] [kPa] [kPa]
0.00 13 0.00 13415.89 0.05 1 117
22.86 31 221.51 0.14 1.34 42 279
41.76 128 404.65 0.32 0.89 114 1152

The calculated values obtained from Equations 2 through 6 are presented in Table D2. These values were also the values of fs-max and fb-max shown as the limiting values in Figure D10. The completed input, as shown in the main window prior to analyzing the data, is shown in Figure D11. The Analyze button was then selected and the output Unit Side Resistance (ULS fs), Ultimate Total Shaft Resistance (ULS Qs), and Ultimate Bearing Resistance (ULS Qb) results are presented in graphical form in the top right of the output window. The data were also presented in tabular form below the aforementioned plots within the PileAXL output window (Figure D12). The first (Depth), third (ULS Qs), fourth (ULS Qb), and fifth (Qult) columns of data from the PileAXL Output were then copied into Microsoft Excel for further processing (Table D3).

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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
Main window of PileAXL after inputting all of the required data
Figure D11. Main window of PileAXL after inputting all of the required data.

Step 5: Develop a depth-dependent load profile

The depth-varying load profile was developed by first determining the cumulative load in the pile, as a function of depth (Qi), by adding the unfactored top load (UTL=2225kN from Briaud and Tucker, 1997) to each of the ULS Qs values (Equation 7). The axial force of (2550kN) that is shown in Figure D11 was used to generate the complete load-settlement curve for this pile (full mobilization) but not used as the unfactored top load. This 2550kN of axial force (shown in Figure D11) should not be used as the unfactored top load for the aforementioned calculations. More information about the use of the 2550kN for axial force is provided later in Step 11. Therefore, at a depth of 0m, the load in the pile was equal to the unfactored top load (2225kN). The depth-varying load profile is summarized in Table D3 and presented in Figure D13.

Q i = ( ULS Qs i ) + U T L Eqn. 7
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
Output data window after analyzing the data
Figure D12. Output data window after analyzing the data.

Step 6: Calculate end bearing resistance and develop the depth-dependent resistance profile

To develop the depth-varying resistance profile, incremental side resistance (∆Qi) values were calculated from the output results from the PileAXL software program. For the first depth increment, the incremental side resistance (∆Qi=1) was obtained by subtracting the ULS Qs value in the first row of data (ULS Qsi=1) from the ULS Qs value in the second row of data (ULS Qsi=2). This discretization process continued row by row from the top of the pile to the bottom of the pile (from j=2 to j=n). The resistance profile was then developed through accumulation of the ∆Qi values from the bottom of the pile to the top of the pile. The resistance value at the bottom of the pile was the summation of the end bearing resistance (Qbmax) and the incremental side resistance (∆Qi). Therefore, each resistance value included the end bearing resistance at the tip of the pile (Qbmax) and the summation of the incremental side resistance from the tip of the pile to the depth interval for which calculations were being performed. For the clay profile that was investigated, the end bearing resistance at the tip of the pile (Rb) was calculated using the undrained shear strength at the tip of the pile (su) and the cross-sectional area at the end of the pile (At) as obtained from Equations 9 and 10. The calculated resistance profile (Ri), for the octagonal precast concrete pile as calculated using Equation 11, is included in Table D3 and shown in Figure D14. The minimum Q and R values for each depth are also reported in Table D3.

Δ Q i = ULS Qs j ULS Qs i | j = i + 1 t o j = n Eqn. 8
f b = 9 s u Eqn. 9
R b = f b A t Eqn. 10
R i = R b + Σ Δ Q i | i = n t o i = 1 Eqn. 11
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.

Table D3. Useful PileAXL output and corresponding calculated values using Microsoft Excel.

Depth ULS fs ULS Qs ULS Qb Qult ∆Q Q R min(Q,R) Comments:

ULS fs = Ultimate unit side resistance (PileAXL output),
ULS Qs = Ultimate total side resistance (PileAXL output),
ULS Qb = Ultimate bearing resistance (PileAXL output),
Qult = Ultimate total resistance (PileAXL output),
∆Q = incremental side resistance (Excel calculation),
Q = cumulative load in the pile (Excel calculation),
R= resistance from soil surrounding pile; resistance values are calculated at the top of each sublayer (Excel calculation),
min(Q,R) = minimum of Q and R for each depth (Excel calculation).

[m] [kPa] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
0.000 2.879 0.000 17.057 17.057 5.132 2225.000 2800.163 2225.000
0.835 5.962 5.132 17.920 23.052 7.836 2230.132 2795.031 2230.132
1.670 7.536 12.968 18.783 31.750 9.854 2237.968 2787.196 2237.968
2.506 9.439 22.822 19.646 42.467 11.944 2247.822 2777.342 2247.822
3.341 11.136 34.766 20.509 55.275 13.843 2259.766 2765.397 2259.766
4.176 12.710 48.609 21.371 69.981 15.622 2273.609 2751.554 2273.609
5.011 14.202 64.231 22.234 86.466 17.320 2289.231 2735.932 2289.231
5.846 15.634 81.551 23.097 104.648 18.958 2306.551 2718.612 2306.551
6.682 17.023 100.509 23.960 124.469 20.550 2325.509 2699.654 2325.509
7.517 18.378 121.059 24.823 145.882 22.033 2346.059 2679.104 2346.059
8.352 19.576 143.092 25.686 168.778 23.110 2368.092 2657.071 2368.092
9.187 20.234 166.202 26.549 192.751 23.874 2391.202 2633.961 2391.202
10.022 20.892 190.076 27.412 217.487 24.637 2415.076 2610.088 2415.076
10.858 21.549 214.713 28.274 242.987 25.401 2439.713 2585.45 2439.713
11.693 22.207 240.114 29.137 269.251 26.164 2465.114 2560.05 2465.114
12.528 22.865 266.278 30.000 296.278 26.928 2491.278 2533.885 2491.278
13.363 23.522 293.206 30.863 324.069 27.691 2518.206 2506.958 2506.958
14.198 24.180 320.897 31.726 352.623 28.455 2545.897 2479.266 2479.266
15.034 24.838 349.352 32.589 381.941 29.218 2574.352 2450.812 2450.812
15.869 25.495 378.570 33.452 412.022 29.982 2603.570 2421.593 2421.593
16.704 26.153 408.552 34.315 442.867 30.745 2633.552 2391.611 2391.611
17.539 26.810 439.298 35.177 474.475 31.509 2664.298 2360.866 2360.866
18.374 27.468 470.806 36.040 506.847 32.272 2695.806 2329.357 2329.357
19.210 28.126 503.079 36.903 539.982 33.036 2728.079 2297.085 2297.085
20.045 28.783 536.115 37.766 573.881 33.800 2761.115 2264.049 2264.049
20.880 29.441 569.914 38.629 608.543 34.563 2794.914 2230.249 2230.249
21.715 30.099 604.477 39.492 643.969 35.327 2829.477 2195.686 2195.686
22.550 30.756 639.804 40.355 680.159 37.415 2864.804 2160.359 2160.359
23.386 33.696 677.219 44.212 721.431 41.609 2902.219 2122.944 2122.944
24.221 37.981 718.828 49.834 768.662 46.584 2943.828 2081.335 2081.335
25.056 42.266 765.412 55.456 820.867 51.558 2990.412 2034.752 2034.752
25.891 46.550 816.970 61.078 878.047 56.532 3041.970 1983.194 1983.194
26.726 50.835 873.502 66.699 940.201 61.507 3098.502 1926.661 1926.661
27.562 55.119 935.009 72.321 1007.330 66.481 3160.009 1865.155 1865.155
28.397 59.404 1001.490 77.943 1079.433 71.456 3226.490 1798.673 1798.673
29.232 63.688 1072.946 83.564 1156.510 76.430 3297.946 1727.218 1727.218
30.067 67.973 1149.376 89.186 1238.562 81.405 3374.376 1650.787 1650.787
30.902 72.258 1230.781 94.808 1325.588 86.039 3455.781 1569.383 1569.383
31.738 75.957 1316.820 100.429 1417.250 89.997 3541.820 1483.343 1483.343
32.573 79.075 1406.817 106.051 1512.868 93.608 3631.817 1393.346 1393.346
33.408 82.177 1500.425 111.673 1612.097 97.202 3725.425 1299.739 1299.739
34.243 85.266 1597.626 117.295 1714.921 100.782 3822.626 1202.537 1202.537
35.078 88.344 1698.408 122.916 1821.324 104.349 3923.408 1101.755 1101.755
35.914 91.411 1802.757 128.538 1931.295 107.904 4027.757 997.4067 997.4067
36.749 94.468 1910.660 134.160 2044.820 111.448 4135.660 889.5031 889.5031
37.584 97.516 2022.108 139.781 2161.890 114.983 4247.108 778.055 778.055
38.419 100.557 2137.091 145.403 2282.494 118.509 4362.091 663.0722 663.0722
39.254 103.591 2255.600 151.025 2406.625 122.027 4480.600 544.5633 544.5633
40.090 106.617 2377.627 156.647 2534.273 125.538 4602.627 422.5365 422.5365
40.925 109.638 2503.164 162.268 2665.433 129.053 4728.164 296.9989 296.9989
41.760 112.672 2632.217 167.946 2800.163 - 4857.217 167.9464 167.9464
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
Load profile graph including the unfactored top load from PileAXL data
Figure D13. Load profile graph including the unfactored top load from PileAXL data.
Resistance profile graph including the calculated toe resistance from PileAXL data
Figure D14. Resistance profile graph including the calculated toe resistance from PileAXL data.

Step 7: Develop the depth-dependent combined load profile for the pile

The combined load and resistance profile graph for the pile analyzed in the example presented herein is presented in Figure D15. The combined load plot begins at the top of the pile and follows the load curve until the intersection with the resistance curve then follows the resistance curve until the toe of the pile is reached. The combined profile includes the application of the unfactored top load on the pile and the end bearing resistance at the toe of the pile.

Step 8: Identify the location of the neutral plane from the combined load and resistance curve

The neutral plane is located at the intersection of the load and resistance curves when plotted on the same graph. The neutral plane was located at 13.68m based on the calculations that were performed (Figure D16). The maximum load in the pile, at the location of the neutral plane, was 2507kN.

Step 9: Calculate the amount of drag load in the pile

The amount of drag load in the pile is equal to the amount of load in the pile at the location of the neutral plane minus the amount of unfactored load applied to the top of pile. Based on the calculations, the drag load was determined to be 282kN. The drag load for the octagonal precast concrete pile is shown in Figure D16.

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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
Calculated combined load-resistance profile graph from PileAXL data
Figure D15. Calculated combined load-resistance profile graph from PileAXL data.
Resistance profile graph including the calculated toe resistance
Figure D16. Resistance profile graph including the calculated toe resistance.

Step 10: Calculate toe settlement and elastic compression in the pile

The elastic compression (δEC) for each segment of the pile was calculated using 1) the load within the pile (Q above the neutral plane and R below the neutral plane, from Figure D15 shown previously), 2) the cross-sectional area of the pile (A), 3) the elastic modulus of the pile (E), and 4) the segmental length of the pile (Ls). Specifically, the elastic compression for each segment (δEC,s) of the pile was determined using Equation 12. The cumulative elastic compression in the pile was then determined by accumulating each of the elastic compression values from the bottom of the pile to the top of the pile (Equation 13). The calculated segmental and cumulative elastic compression values are tabulated in Table D4 and shown in Figure D17.

δ E C , s = ( M i n [ Q R ] ) L s A E Eqn. 12
δ E C = Σ ( δ E C , s ) | from toe of pile to top of pile Eqn. 13
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.

Table D4. Calculated elastic compression values.

z M i n [ Q R ] δEC,s δEC Comments:
Q=load, R=resistance,
δEC,s=segmental elastic compression (from bottom to top),
δEC=cumulative elastic compression,
A=pile cross-sectional area=0.145[m2]
Ep=pile elastic modulus=2.41E+07[kPa]
Ls=length of each pile segment=0.8532[m]
[m] [kN] [m] [m]
0.000 2225.000 - -
0.835 2230.132 0.00053 0.02227
1.670 2237.968 0.00053 0.02174
2.506 2247.822 0.00054 0.02120
3.341 2259.766 0.00054 0.02066
4.176 2273.609 0.00054 0.02012
5.011 2289.231 0.00055 0.01958
5.846 2306.551 0.00055 0.01903
6.682 2325.509 0.00056 0.01848
7.517 2346.059 0.00056 0.01793
8.352 2368.092 0.00057 0.01737
9.187 2391.202 0.00057 0.01680
10.022 2415.076 0.00058 0.01623
10.858 2439.713 0.00058 0.01565
11.693 2465.114 0.00059 0.01507
12.528 2491.278 0.00060 0.01448
13.363 2506.958 0.00060 0.01388
14.198 2479.266 0.00059 0.01328
15.034 2450.812 0.00059 0.01269
15.869 2421.593 0.00058 0.01211
16.704 2391.611 0.00057 0.01153
17.539 2360.866 0.00056 0.01096
18.374 2329.357 0.00056 0.01039
19.210 2297.085 0.00055 0.00983
20.045 2264.049 0.00054 0.00929
20.880 2230.249 0.00053 0.00874
21.715 2195.686 0.00052 0.00821
22.550 2160.359 0.00052 0.00769
23.386 2122.944 0.00051 0.00717
24.221 2081.335 0.00050 0.00666
25.056 2034.752 0.00049 0.00617
25.891 1983.194 0.00047 0.00568
26.726 1926.661 0.00046 0.00521
27.562 1865.155 0.00045 0.00474
28.397 1798.673 0.00043 0.00430
29.232 1727.218 0.00041 0.00387
30.067 1650.787 0.00039 0.00346
30.902 1569.383 0.00038 0.00306
31.738 1483.343 0.00035 0.00269
32.573 1393.346 0.00033 0.00233
33.408 1299.739 0.00031 0.00200
34.243 1202.537 0.00029 0.00169
35.078 1101.755 0.00026 0.00140
35.914 997.4067 0.00024 0.00114
36.749 889.5031 0.00021 0.00090
37.584 778.055 0.00019 0.00069
38.419 663.0722 0.00016 0.00050
39.254 544.5633 0.00013 0.00034
40.090 422.5365 0.00010 0.00021
40.925 296.9989 0.00007 0.00011
41.760 167.9464 0.00004 0.00004
Calculated elastic compression in the pile as a function of depth
Figure D17. Calculated elastic compression in the pile as a function of depth.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.

Step 11: Compute the geotechnical resistance of the pile

The nominal compression resistance of the pile was determined using the Davisson Method (Davisson, 1972). Typically, the Davisson Method is intended to be used to determine the nominal axial downward resistance based on a measured load-displacement curve from a full-scale load test performed on a pile. However, a full-scale load test is not typically collected prior to commencement of fieldwork or production installation. To overcome a lack of data, a predicted load-displacement curve can be calculated using the PileAXL software program. A load-displacement curve should be used to estimate the location of the neutral plane, in addition to the neutral plane determined from the combined load-resistance profile graph. Data for the predicted curve were obtained by setting the axial force to 2550 kN, as discussed previously and shown previously in Figure D11. The axial force (shown previously in Figure D5) was set in the Define – Analysis Option pop-out window and was set in the Settlement Analysis - Axial Loading for Settlement input box. The axial force must be set to the largest value possible to generate a curve within the program. If the axial force is set too high for a given pile length, an error will be shown in the program (Figure D18) after selecting on Tools – Pile Settlement Results in the PileAXL Output window.

Error shown after selecting Tools – Pile Settlement Results in PileAXL Output window, if the selected Axial Load is too large
Figure D18. Error shown after selecting Tools – Pile Settlement Results in PileAXL Output window, if the selected Axial Load is too large.

The load-displacement curve for the tip of the pile was desired; this curve was obtained by first selecting Pile Length = 41.760 (m) checkbox within the Define pile lengths for settlement analysis tab in the Define – Analysis Option window (Figure D19). With an appropriate axial load selected (2550 kN), a load-settlement curve (Figure D20) was obtained through Tools – Pile Settlement Results in the PileAXL Output window. Note: the PileAXL Output window did not appear until after the Analyze button was selected, the analysis was completed, and the Output window was displayed. After the PileAXL Output was displayed, the original main program window was locked for editing. The data in the “Pile Settlement curve plot for selected pile length” were obtained by right-clicking on the plot and then selecting Table. The load-settlement data were exported to a CSV file using the Export to CSV File tab (Figure D21). The PileAXL data are plotted along with the failure curve developed following the Davisson (1972) method. An additional data point was added to the PileAXL data due to the PileAXL curve not reaching the Davisson (1972) failure curve. The load for the additional

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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.

point was taken as the maximum ultimate resistance (Qult=2800.16kN) from Table D3 (as shown previously). This value was then placed into the Davisson (1972) equation to determine the corresponding settlement (0.041m). The predicted top-down load-settlement curve is presented as Figure D22. This pile is not tipped in rock, so Step 12 is initiated in the flow chart.

Define pile lengths for settlement analysis tab within the Define – Analysis Option popout window
Figure D19. Define pile lengths for settlement analysis tab within the Define – Analysis Option popout window.
Output load-settlement curve obtained from the PileAXL program at a depth of 41.76m
Figure D20. Output load-settlement curve obtained from the PileAXL program at a depth of 41.76m.
Axial load – settlement data for a depth of 41.76m from PileAXL Pile Settlement Curve Data Table
Figure D21. Axial load – settlement data for a depth of 41.76m from PileAXL Pile Settlement Curve Data Table.
Predicted top-down load-settlement curve
Figure D22. Predicted top-down load-settlement curve.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.

Step 12: Identify the location of and settlement at the neutral plane (from the soil settlement-pilesettlement curve)

When using the soil settlement-pile settlement graph, the neutral plane was located at the intersection of the soil settlement and pile settlement curves when plotted on the same graph as a function of depth. The pile settlement was obtained by adding the toe settlement (0.041m) that was previously reported in Figure D22 with the elastic compression as a function of depth that was previously reported in Figure D17. These values are shown in Figure D22 and tabulated in Table D5. As shown in Figure D23, the neutral plane was located at a depth of 12.11m. The amount of settlement at the neutral plane (also known as the downdrag) was identified to be 0.055m.

Following Step 12, the location of the neutral plane as obtained from the soil settlement-pile settlement curve (Step 12) and the location of the neutral plane as obtained from the combined load-resistance curve (Step 8) were compared. A depth of 12.11m was obtained from Step 12 and a depth of 13.36m was obtained from Step 8. This 1.25m (4.1ft) difference was less than the threshold 5ft difference. Therefore, the location of the neutral plane was selected as 13.36m because the location of the neutral plane from the combined load-settlement curve has less ambiguity than the location of the neutral plane from the soil settlement-pile settlement curve.

Step 13: Perform limit state checks

Limit state checks were performed to determine if the pile size was suitable for the design loads. For the structural strength limit state, the determined drag load (282kN) was multiplied by the drag load factor (γDR=1.1) to obtain a factored load of drag load 310kN. The unfactored top load (2225kN) placed on the top of the pile was multiplied by the deadload factor (γD=1.25) to obtain a factored deadload of 2781kN. The combined total factored load was 3091kN. The concrete compressive strength for the pre-stressed concrete pile was assumed to be 5000psi (34474kPa) resulting in a factored structural stress of 25856kPa (0.75*34474kPa) and a factored structural strength of 3749kN when the stress was multiplied by the cross-sectional area of the pile (0.145m2). If a concrete compressive strength of 5000psi (34474kPa), was used for the pre-stressed pile then the pile is adequately sized because the factored structural strength (3749kN) was determined to be greater than the combined total factored load (3091kN). If a concrete compressive strength less than 5000psi (34474kPa) was used for the pre-stressed concrete pile, then the pile would need to be larger in cross-sectional area or lengthened. Either modification to the pile would result in a change in the amount of drag load on the pile; Steps 3 through 13 of the NCHRP12-116A flowchart would need to be repeated to ensure the factored structural strength was greater than the total factored load.


A design software program (Innovative Geotechnics PileAXL) was used to perform calculations to determine the amount of drag load and downdrag on a pile being subjected to a change in effective stress from an embankment. Using the flowchart developed during the NCHRP 12-116A project, the downdrag, drag load, and location of the neutral plane were determined to be 0.055m, 282kN, and 13.36m, respectively. If the compressive strength of the concrete in the pile was 5000psi (34474kPa), the pile was determined to be adequately sized to support the loading conditions applied to the pile.

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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
Calculated neutral plane location and settlement amount as obtained from soil settlement-pile settlement intersection
Figure D23. Calculated neutral plane location and settlement amount as obtained from soil settlement-pile settlement intersection.

Table D5. Soil settlement and pile settlement as a function of depth.

zp δp Zs δs Comments:
zp=depth for pile calculations,
zs=depth for pile calculations,
δp=pile settlement,
δs=soil settlement.
[m] [m] [m] [m]
0.000 0.0632 0.4176 0.0972
0.835 0.0627 1.2528 0.0939
1.670 0.0622 2.088 0.0905
2.506 0.0616 2.9232 0.0872
3.341 0.0611 3.7584 0.0839
4.176 0.0605 4.5936 0.0806
5.011 0.0600 5.4288 0.0774
5.846 0.0594 6.264 0.0743
6.682 0.0589 7.0992 0.0713
7.517 0.0583 7.9344 0.0684
8.352 0.0578 8.7696 0.0655
9.187 0.0572 9.6048 0.0628
10.022 0.0566 10.44 0.0601
10.858 0.0560 11.2752 0.0575
11.693 0.0554 12.1104 0.0550
12.528 0.0548 12.9456 0.0526
13.363 0.0542 13.7808 0.0503
14.198 0.0536 14.616 0.0480
15.034 0.0531 15.4512 0.0458
15.869 0.0525 16.2864 0.0437
16.704 0.0519 17.1216 0.0417
17.539 0.0513 17.9568 0.0397
18.374 0.0508 18.792 0.0378
19.210 0.0502 19.6272 0.0359
20.045 0.0497 20.4624 0.0341
20.880 0.0492 21.2976 0.0323
21.715 0.0486 22.1328 0.0306
22.550 0.0481 22.968 0.0289
23.386 0.0476 23.8032 0.0273
24.221 0.0471 24.6384 0.0257
25.056 0.0466 25.4736 0.0242
25.891 0.0462 26.3088 0.0227
26.726 0.0457 27.144 0.0213
27.562 0.0453 27.9792 0.0198
28.397 0.0448 28.8144 0.0185
29.232 0.0444 29.6496 0.0171
30.067 0.0440 30.4848 0.0158
30.902 0.0436 31.32 0.0145
31.738 0.0433 32.1552 0.0132
32.573 0.0430 32.9904 0.0120
33.408 0.0426 33.8256 0.0108
34.243 0.0424 34.6608 0.0096
35.078 0.0421 35.496 0.0085
35.914 0.0419 36.3312 0.0073
36.749 0.0416 37.1664 0.0062
37.584 0.0415 38.0016 0.0051
38.419 0.0413 38.8368 0.0041
39.254 0.0412 39.672 0.0030
40.090 0.0411 40.5072 0.0020
40.925 0.0410 41.3424 0.0010
41.760 0.0410 - -

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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.


Briaud, J.L., and Tucker, L. (1997). NCHRP Report 393: Design and Construction Guidelines for Downdrag on Uncoated and Bitumen-Coated Piles. TRB, National Research Council, Washington, DC.

Davisson, M.T. (1972). “High Capacity Piles.” Proceedings, Lecture Series, Innovations in Foundation Construction. ASCE, Illinois Section, 52 pp.

Innovative Geotechnics Pty Ltd. (2023a). “PileAXL 2.4: A Program for Single Piles Under Axial Loading”. Software Program.

Innovative Geotechnics Pty Ltd. (2023b). User Manual for PileAXL (Version 2.4): A Program for Single Piles Under Axial Loading. January. 326 pp.

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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
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Page 114
Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
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Page 115
Suggested Citation:"Appendix D: Design Example 2 - Embankment Fill Over Clay Using PileAXL Program." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27864.
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NCHRP Web-Only Document 398: Pile Design for Downdrag: Examples and Supporting Materials from TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program, provides appendices to NCHRP Research Report 1112: Design of Piles for Downdrag.


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