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Suggested Citation:"Endnotes." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Planning for Future Electric Vehicle Growth at Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27889.



1 Alliance for Automotive Innovation. 2023. Electric Vehicle Sales Dashboard.

2 Alternative Fuels Data Center. n.d. Alternative Fueling Station Locator.

3 The White House. February 25, 2023. “FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Standards and Major Progress for a Made-in-America National Network of Electric Vehicle Chargers.”

4 National Renewable Energy Lab. 2023. “The 2030 National Charging Network: Estimating U.S. Light-Duty Demand for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure.”

5 Alliance for Automotive Innovation. June 26, 2023. “Get Connected: Electric Vehicle Quarterly Report 2023.”

6 California Air Resources Board. 2023. “Advanced Clean Cars II Regulations: All New Passenger Vehicles Sold in California to be Zero Emissions by 2035.”

7 California Air Resources Board (CARB). October 2019. “Zero-Emission Airport Shuttle Regulation Factsheet.”

8 Le Bris, G., L.-G. Nguyen, B. Tagoe, P. Jonat, C. Y. Justin, E. Reindel, K. B. Preston, and P. J. Ansell. 2022. ACRP Research Report 236: Preparing Your Airport for Electric Aircraft and Hydrogen Technologies. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.

9 Alternative Fuels Data Center. n.d. “How Do Plug-In Hybrid Electric Cars Work?”

10 Alternative Fuels Data Center. n.d. “How Do All-Electric Cars Work?”

11 Environmental Defense Fund, April 2023. Electric Vehicle Market Update.

12 Wood, E., B. Borlaug, M. Moniot, D.-Y. Lee, Y. Ge, F. Yang, and Z. Liu. 2023. The 2030 National Charging Network: Estimating U.S. Light-Duty Demand for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL/TP-5400-85654.

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Suggested Citation:"Endnotes." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Planning for Future Electric Vehicle Growth at Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27889.


13 Gabriel, N. January 12, 2023. “$210 Billion of Announced Investments in Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Headed for the U.S.” Atlas EV Hub.

14 Alvey, Rebekah, E&E News. October 18, 2023. “EV prices drop as inventory soars, batteries improve.”

15 Department of Energy. n.d. All-Electric Vehicles.,take%203%20to%2012%20hours.

16 For example, see Southern California Edison’s fact sheet on Rule 29:

17 Developing Infrastructure to Charge Electric Vehicles" 2023. U.S. Department of Energy Alternative Fuels Data Center. Accessed September 19, 2023.

18 Alternative Fuels Data Center. n.d. “Alternative Fueling Station Locator.”

19 PlugShare. n.d. Mapping site.

20 SAE International. June 27, 2023. “SAE International Announces Standard for NACS Connector, Charging PKI and Infrastructure Reliability.”

21 Le Bris, G., L.-G. Nguyen, B. Tagoe, P. Jonat, C. Y. Justin, E. Reindel, K. B. Preston, and P. J. Ansell. 2022. ACRP Research Report 236: Preparing Your Airport for Electric Aircraft and Hydrogen Technologies. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.

22 Businesswire. November 7, 2023. “Archer Aviation and BETA Technologies Collaborate to Accelerate the Adoption of an Interoperable Charging System Across the Electric Aviation Industry.”

23 Plugzio. “Plugzio Outlet Product Description.”

24 Alternative Fuels Data Center. n.d. “Operation and Maintenance for EV Charging Infrastructure.”

25 Freewire. “Boost Charger 150.”

26 Smith, Steve. March 18, 2013. “Electric GSE Buying Trends Report.” Aviation Pros.

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Suggested Citation:"Endnotes." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Planning for Future Electric Vehicle Growth at Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27889.


27 Massport. n.d. Sustainability & Resiliency Report 2020 and 2021.

28 San Francisco International Airport. n.d. Zero-Emission Vehicle Readiness Roadmap & Intermodal Electrification Strategic Plan: 2020 Executive Summary Report.

29 Winneshiek Energy District. n.d. “Electrification.” Microsoft PowerPoint - 08.PHL Benefits of Equipment Electrification_102417 cleancopy.pptx (

30 Brink, L., et al. (McKinsey & Company). May 31, 2023. “Short haul flying redefined: The promise of regional air mobility.”

31 Mallela, J., P. Wheeler, G. Le Bris, and L.-G. Nguyen. 2023. ACRP Research Report 243: Urban Air Mobility: An Airport Perspective. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.

32 Federal Aviation Administration. 2023. Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Implementation Plan.

33 Le Bris, G., L.-G. Nguyen, B. Tagoe, P. Jonat, C. Y. Justin, E. Reindel, K. B. Preston, and P. J. Ansell. 2022. ACRP Research Report 236: Preparing Your Airport for Electric Aircraft and Hydrogen Technologies. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.

34 Le Bris, G., L.-G. Nguyen, B. Tagoe, P. Jonat, C. Y. Justin, E. Reindel, K. B. Preston, and P. J. Ansell. 2022. ACRP Research Report 236: Preparing Your Airport for Electric Aircraft and Hydrogen Technologies. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.

35 Federal Aviation Administration. September 21, 2022. “Engineering Brief 105 Vertiport Design.” Memorandum.

36 Banchik, L., R. Riedel, and B. Kloss (McKinsey & Company). May 26, 2021. “Right in Your Backyard: Regional Airports are an Accessible and Underused Resource for Future Air Mobility.”

37 WXY Architecture + Urban Design. November 2012. Siting and Design Guidelines for Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment.

38 SAC County News. August 7, 2018. “County Enters Agreement for EV Charging at SMF.”

39 Alternative Fuels Data Center. n.d. “Charging Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance.”

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Suggested Citation:"Endnotes." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Planning for Future Electric Vehicle Growth at Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27889.


40 Pacific Gas and Electric. 2019. Take Charge: A Guidebook to Fleet Electrification and Infrastructure. CLB-0819-1448.

41 Alternative Fuels Data Center. n.d. “Charging Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance.”

42 Electrify America. n.d. “Pricing and Plans for EV Charging.”

43 Electrify America. n.d. “Pricing and Plans for EV Charging.”

44 McFarlane, Diane, and Matt Prorok. July 31, 2019. Analysis: How Demand Charges Impact Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Infrastructure. Great Plains Institute.,81%20percent%20of%20total%20costs

45 Gnann, T., T.S. Stephens, Z. Lin, P. Plötz, C. Liu, and J. Brokate. October 2018. “What Drives the Market for Plug-In Electric Vehicles? A Review of International PEV Market Diffusion Models.” Renewable and Sustainability Energy Reviews (93): 158–164.

46 P.A. Geroski. Models of technology diffusion. Res. Pol., 29 (2000), pp. 603-625, 10.1016/S0048-7333(99)00092-X.

47 Early deployments of fleet EVs in California suggest ratios of approximately 1 port per EV, although the there are exceptions.

48 California Public Utilities Commission. June 30, 2022. Standard Review Projects and AB 1082/1083 Pilots.

49 California Air Resources Board. January 2023. “Zero-Emission Airport Shuttle Regulation Factsheet.”

50 California Public Utilities Commission. n.d. “Clean Miles Standard.”

51 Mead & Hunt. July 6, 2022. “Charging Infrastructure: Electrifying One Airport at a Time.”

52 Federal Register, Docket No. FHWA-2022-0008. June 22, 2022. “National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program.”

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Suggested Citation:"Endnotes." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Planning for Future Electric Vehicle Growth at Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27889.


53 U.S. Access Board. July 17, 2023. Design Recommendations for Accessible Electric Vehicle Charging Stations.

54 U.S. Access Board. July 17, 2023. Design Recommendations for Accessible Electric Vehicle Charging: Number of Accessible Chargers.

55 Alternative Fuels Data Center. n.d. “Installing Electric Vehicle Charging in Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Requirements.”

56 Energy5. September 30, 2023. “NEC Code for EV Charging Stations.”

57 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. July 2021. Electric Vehicle Charging for Residential and Commercial Energy Codes: Technical Brief.

58 Pacific Gas and Electric. EV Infrastructure Installation Guide. “Chapter 3. Code Requirements for Installing EVSE.”

59 California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development. January 2023. Electric Vehicle Charging Station Permitting Guidebook: Second Edition.

60 National Fire Protection Association. November 28, 2022. “Fire Safety for Electric Vehicles and Other Modern Vehicles in Parking Structures.”

61 Alternative Fuels Data Center. n.d. “Signage for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations.”

62 Federal Highway Administration. 2009. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

63 National Environmental Policy Act. Accessed at environmental-policy-act on October 25,2023.

64 Davis-Bacon and Related Acts. Accessed at on October 25, 2023.

65 Build America Buy America Act. Accessed on October 25, 2023.,%20Buy%20America%20Act%20Provisions.pdf

66 FAA Buy American Preferences. Accessed on October 25, 2023.

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Suggested Citation:"Endnotes." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Planning for Future Electric Vehicle Growth at Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27889.


67 Federal Aviation Adminstration. “Buy American Preference Requirements.” Accessed October 25, 2023.

68 Nationwide Waivers Issued. Accessed on October 25, 2023.

69 Record Keeping. Accessed on October 25, 2023.

70 Federal Aviation Administration. Zero Emission Vehicle Guidance. Accessed on October 25, 2023.

71 National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program. Accessed on November 10, 2023.

72 Alternative Fuels Data Center. n.d. “Federal and State Laws and Incentives.”

73 Doll, S. June 30, 2023. “Electric Vehicle Tax Credits and Rebates Available in the US, Sorted by State.” Electrek.

74 Doll, S. June 30, 2023. “Electric Vehicle Tax Credits and Rebates Available in the US, Sorted by State.” Electrek.

75 EV Charging Summit Blog. 2023. “Top Metrics to Measure the Performance of Your EV Charging Stations.”

76 FAA JO 6030.20G

77 Government Accountability Office. August 29, 2023. “Airport Infrastructure.”

78 Wood, E. July 18, 2022. “How a Microgrid Saved Pittsburgh International Airport $1 Million.” Microgrid Knowledge.

79 EV FireSafe. 2023. Passenger EV Fire Incidents.

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Suggested Citation:"Endnotes." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Planning for Future Electric Vehicle Growth at Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27889.
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Suggested Citation:"Endnotes." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Planning for Future Electric Vehicle Growth at Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27889.
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Suggested Citation:"Endnotes." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Planning for Future Electric Vehicle Growth at Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27889.
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Suggested Citation:"Endnotes." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Planning for Future Electric Vehicle Growth at Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27889.
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Suggested Citation:"Endnotes." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Planning for Future Electric Vehicle Growth at Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27889.
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Suggested Citation:"Endnotes." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Planning for Future Electric Vehicle Growth at Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27889.
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Because of the diversity of charging needs at airports and the varied policy environments in which airports operate, no single roadmap describes how to best install electric vehicle charging. Furthermore, an airport may use multiple approaches to owning and operating charging infrastructure. To help simplify this complex space, this planning guide categorizes charging into eight use cases.

ACRP Web-Only Document 61: Planning for Future Electric Vehicle Growth at Airports, from TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program, is designed as a primer to help educate airport staff and practitioners on the technologies and processes associated with charging infrastructure. The guide was developed in Phase I of ACRP Project 03-71 that will include additional products in Phase II.


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