Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Minimalist running

I’m going to try these shoes and I’ll let you know how it goes!


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Morning with Sisters Dew and Nelson

There is Sunshine in My Soul Today-opening hymn
Come Thou Fount musical number

Sister Nelson
Use your agency to authorize the spirit to teach you
This is a gospel of remembrance.
How can we use our times?
Make very wise choices about how we use our time, so we don't have "oh, I could have had a (______)(v-8)"
moments. What will you regret when you are old.
Attend the temple frequently.
(Erin:Clean out your house!)
Weightier matters Matt. 23:23
Family History-family ordinances
Schindler's List "I could have gotten one more!" Why didn't I?
Why did I spend so much time doing that (less desirable thing)?
Where is your focus?

Sister Dew
The Sisters of Zion
How do we focus when we don't have to? on what's really important?
D&c 88 The Lord will hasten his work in its time.
It makes no sense not to learn everything we can learn.
What are you walking around with that gives you great power? Do you utilize it?
The Lord expects is to learn how to open the heavens.
When we are given ordinances, we are given power to access God's power.
Ask for angels to help you.
This life is all about Dou you want to be in the kingdom more than you want anything else
Day will go better if I start out learning something (scriptures).(!)
When I get casual in my relationship with God, I am a grumpy, grumpy person.
The spirit can teach me anything.
When we are really seeking to understand what we're walking around with.
The more we focus on our covenants we will be taught and empowered by the spirit.

President Cottle blesses us to know that Heavenly Father loves you.

Schindler's List
Why did I use so much time focused on how Nate wastes his time?

Read the next ten or twelve verses.


The sisters of Zion are called to God's labor,
We willingly serve Him with spirit and might.
We go to the nations with truth everlasting,
We teach of the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ.

We thank thee, O God, for a prophet to guide us,
We trust in his words and our purpose is clear.
The angels of heaven are walking beside us,
We'll share our glad message with all who will hear.

We go forth enlisted with Helaman's Army
In numbers much greater than ever before.
With power and spirit we'll faithfully witness
The heavens have spoken and truth is restored!

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Nathan and I have found a new love. Well, a really cool and useful tool. It's YNAB, You Need A Budget. Really. It's a cool program with an app for your smart phone so that you're always up to date. But wait ... there's more. It's not just budget software, it's a whole new way of looking at money, using money, saving money, getting out of debt, and so on. Mom introduced us to the idea of using it. I was skeptical. They have a 34 day free trial period (slightly mor than a month, so you can actually see how you're doing after a complete month!)

Skeptical: me
Nathan and I paid off all our debts (other than our mortgage) almost a year ago and really felt that we were doing quite well in the budgeting area, i.e. living within our means and saving for (_). YNAB has changed our life, well, made the money part of it a lot easier. We can see at any moment what money is available in each budget and can record what we spend the moment we spend it and it will be updated on all the devices we have connected to our YNAB account. But wait ... there's more! Free classes! recordings of classes, support, forums...  YNAB is helping us make informed spending decisions, manage our money simply, and save more money faster.

From their site:

Save More, Faster

Did you know that after one month, the median net worth increase for a YNABer is $200? After one month! After nine months, the median net worth increase is $3,300! Yes, the sky truly is the limit.
How is this possible? Most budget software asks you to guess a number on the 1st, inevitably leaving you to feel guilty on the 31st because you guessed wrong. YNAB is a new kind of budget, a flexible 'living budget' that helps you deal with overspending and makes it easy to save for your goals.

Goodness!! I sound like a paid advertisement!
Well, I sort of am. I mean, if you tried it out and wanted to buy it and clicked this link, you could get $6 off the purchase price of $60. I would also get $6. I kind of wish I didn't, just so I could say "I don't get anything from this, it's just so wonderful I have to tell you about it." Well, it is. Whether I get any money out of it or not. It really is just that wonderful. And you certainly don't have to use that link. Find a friend that has YNAB and use their link, pay full price, or take a free class (they give away a copy of YNAB4 to one person in each live webinar). And you can take the classes wether you currently use YNAB or not.