Sunday, August 16, 2009

Levi Schmevi

Our little Levi is quite the person. He free-stands a lot more and has taken a couple of steps by himself, but he usually crouches down and crawls or does the crab walk. He has 3 molars and a fourth is about to break the gum. He has been a bit more irritable than usual the past two weeks and we think maybe it was because of the teeth.
He is eating more and more solid food and the variety is expanding. He's still not a huge fan of meat, in general, but is more willing to eat it than he used to be. He loves fruit, pickels, cucumbers, zucchini bread (with wheat flour and half of the sugar called for), bread of all sorts, and his very favorite is beans. He loves burritos full of refries, or the collection of black and pinto beans that we give him out of our Cafe Rio dishes. He will eat almost anything, which is lovely. He's even less picky than I am.
He loves to figure things out and explore as much and as often as possible. He takes great delight in playing with toilet paper, stroller or car wheels, and all the buttons he can push while he sits in the driver's seat in Grandma Paula's car and waits for her outside Costco (with Mom, of course). He's getting really good at drinking from different sippy-cups. He loves water and was recently introduced to whole milk.