
Rob Schofield

Rob Schofield

NC Newsline Editor Rob Schofield oversees day-to-day newsroom operations, authors and voices regular commentaries, and hosts the 'News & Views' weekly radio show/podcast.

NC Newsline is part of States Newsroom, the nation’s largest state-focused nonprofit news organization.

A Real “Special Interest Group”

By: - April 13, 2007

The Realtors Association Throws Its Weight Around By Rob Schofield One of the great myths of modern American politics and policymaking concerns the role and nature of “special interest groups.” Too often, the term has come to be associated with those who advocate for causes like the rights of minorities or children or the disabled […]

Right-wing Poll Shows Support for Smoking Ban

By: - March 22, 2007

  It's probably always worthwhile to take the polls from the Pope-Civitas crowd with a large rock of salt, but it is kind of interesting to note that yesterday's release (see page 49) shows strong support for a smoking ban — even as the far right does its best to torpedo the proposal in the General Assembly as […]

Cutting Through the Smokescreens on Two Critical Health Issues

By: - March 22, 2007

By Rob Schofield As the North Carolina General Assembly begins to kick into high gear, lawmakers are confronting two important issues involving public health that could set the tone for the remainder of the session on a fundamental matter of governance – namely: Will North Carolina see a revival of can-do problem solving in which […]

More from the “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up” File

By: - March 16, 2007

 Sometimes you have to wonder if it's better to simply ignore the wackier claims of the far right or risk giving them more attention than they deserve by subjecting them to ridicule. This post will take the plunge into the latter category by drawing folks attention to today's edition of John Hood's Daily Journal (which, at […]

Death Penalty Moratoria Do Not Increase Murder Rates

By: - March 15, 2007

Study Cited by Death Penalty Proponents Found Lacking By Rob Schofield On Tuesday of this week, the House and Senate Minority leaders, Rep. Paul Stam of Wake County and Sen. Phil Berger of Rockingham County held a joint press conference at the General Assembly to announce the introduction of legislation aimed at jumpstarting executions in […]

More Cynical Rhetoric About Immigrants

By: - March 8, 2007

  Okay, here's the deal: No one ever could, should or would defend the actions of reckless criminals who drive drunk and injure and kill innocent people (or even non-innocent people, for that matter). As far as I can tell, about 99.999% of the population thinks that those who commit such horrible acts deserve to be punished severely by […]

Cleaning Up Raleigh…or, at least, Jones Street

By: - February 28, 2007

The muckrakers at Democracy-NC have launched a clever new website called Go there to sign their petition and help with the cause of promoting public financing.

Inconsistencies, Racial Disparities Plague School Suspensions

By: - February 27, 2007

The children's advocacy group, Action for Children, has released an important new study entitled "Short-Term Suspensions; Long-Term Consequences; Real Life Solutions." Among the key findings: -Many school district suspension policies are working to keep far too many children out of the classroom. -Suspension rates in North Carolina range from 25 per 1,000 students to more […]

Race and the Death Penalty

By: - February 26, 2007

  NC Policy Watch hosted a forum in Raleigh today on "Race and the Death Penalty" that featured, among other folks, renowned Harvard Law School professor, Charles Ogletree. You can watch the video coverage of the event by visiting and going to the video feature on the right side of the page — click […]

Training Highlights Needs More Lobbying Reforms

By: - February 23, 2007

Staffers from the State Ethics Commission and the Secretary of State's office conducted a training session this morning to explain the "ins and outs" of North Carolina's new ethics and lobbying laws. The training was well-attended by a huge segment of the state's lobbying community and a smattering of state employees. Though presenters did an admirable […]

Here’s a Little Leadership on the Death Penalty

By: - February 23, 2007

 The Washington Post reported yesterday that Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley has called upon the state's legislature to repeal its execution statute. Gov. Martin O'Malley urged Maryland lawmakers yesterday to repeal the state's death penalty, saying the punishment is "inherently unjust," does not serve as a deterrent to murder and saps resources that could be better […]

Misleading Attack on Earned Income Tax Credit Misquotes Federal Report

By: - February 22, 2007

By Rob Schofield A hot topic of debate in North Carolina policy circles these days is the question of whether to adopt a state earned income tax credit (EITC). Analysts at the N.C. Budget and Tax Center (and its parent organization, the N.C. Justice Center) have long touted a state EITC as an extremely simple […]