
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text is submitted as a Word document file in the NVS template format (see below) and adheres to the NVS stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines (see below). In particular, the text should be single-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font and include full tripartite references for all quotations, i.e. (Name Date: p. no/s.). All illustrations, figures, and tables should be placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The submission is wholly anonymised, without any author identifying elements (e.g. in the headers).

Author Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

Please find submission templates here.

Please download and complete the Single Author Contributor Agreement or Joint Author Contributor Agreement (as applicable) and include this with your submission.

Neo-Victorian Studies is published electronically once to twice a year and accepts submissions of scholarly and/or creative pieces throughout the year. Please register and  submit your submission electronically as a Word Document to the NVS portal via the link above.

In the case of critical/theoretical pieces, these should be preceded by an abstract of up to 150 words and a list of up to 10 keywords in alphabetical order. Contributions should generally be between 6000 and 8000 words in length (excluding abstract, keywords, and bibliography), though longer or shorter pieces of particular significance may be considered at the editors’ discretion. Please submit one wholly anonymous electronic copy of your work. (Please ensure that the work does not include any identifying features, such as references to earlier publications – e.g. “as I have discussed elsewhere...” – either in the body of the article or the notes.)

Please include a brief biographical note (2-3 sentences) in your covering comments to the editors.


Peer Review

Submissions undergo editorial screening and, if found to be suitable for the journal's full peer review process, double blind peer review thereafter. Reviewers will usually be two members of the NVS Editorial Board or one NVS Editorial Board member and an external reviewer with particular specialism in the topic of the submission. In some cases, where particular specialist knowledge is deemed necessary, two external readers may review the submission.


Unfair Practice/Plagiarism

Please ensure that all quotations and ideas derived from other critics/sources are properly acknowledged and credited, as NVS does not tolerate unfair practice and/or plagiarism. In the unlikely event that instances of unfair practice/plagiarism should not be detected during our rigorous screening and peer review process, please note that any article already published and found to contain instances of unfair practice/plagiarism will be redacted and/or removed from the journal website.

Style Sheet:

Submissions should use the available NVS template, employing single-line spacing and single spaces following quotation marks. Use double quotation marks and in-text parenthetical references after quotations, citing author, date, and page, e.g. (Smith 1990: 35), with references placed immediately after the end of a clause or sentence (i.e. following a comma or full stop). For quotations from film/TV, please include running times at the end of the reference. For additional explanatory notes, please use automatic endnotes, indicated via superscript numerals (in 1-2-3 format) in the body of the text; like references, superscript numerals should appear immediately after punctuation marks. Long quotations over three lines in length should be indented from both margins without quotation marks and set apart from the main body of the text via a blank line above and below. Please include a full bibliography, citing all reference materials employed.

Sample Bibliography:

Coppola, Francis Ford (dir.). 1992. Bram Stoker's Dracula. Screenplay by James Hart. Columbia.

Ducornet, Rikki. 1994. ‘A Scatological and Cannibal Clock: Angela Carter’s “The Fall River Axe Murders”’, The Review of Contemporary Fiction 14:3 (Fall), 37-41.

King, Jeanette. 2005. The Victorian Woman Question in Contemporary Feminist Fiction. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Langlois, Janet L. 2001. ‘Andrew Borden’s Little Girl: Fairy-Tale Fragments in Angela Carter’s “The Fall River Axe Murders” and “Lizzie’s Tiger”’, in Roemer, Danielle M. and Cristina Bacchilega (eds.), Angela Carter and the Fairy Tale. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 204-224.

Lyn, Euros (dir.). 2006. Tooth and Claw. Screenplay by Russell T. Davies. Doctor Who, BBC, 22 April.

Miller, Laura. 1997. ‘Blood and Laundry [The Salon Interview with Margaret Atwood]’, Salon, (20 Jan), updated 2012, (accessed 30 June 2007).



There is no easy formula or percentage for how much one can quote from a published work under copyright law’s “fair dealing” or “fair use” guidelines.

Quotations from any single book-length text should not exceed 800 words in total (with no more than 400 words per extract), or 500 words if quoting from shorter works. Quotations from any one poem should not exceed 40 lines (or not more than 25% of the poem as a whole). These guidelines do not cover the use of quoted and reproduced material (including epigraphs and images) for ornamental purposes only, rather than for the purposes of criticism and review. For such alternative use, or if quotations exceed the specified limits, separate copyright permission would need to be secured by the contributor.


Neo-Victorian Studies requires that permission be obtained if a contributor uses one or more previously published images in her/his article. Examples of what constitutes an ‘image’ include: film, stills, photographs, illustrations, extracts from comics or graphic novels, photographic reproductions of artwork, movie posters, tables, figures, screenshots, etc. Permission to use copyright material must be cleared in advance of sending Neo-Victorian Studies the final version of your article, and written evidence that permission has been granted and any applicable fees have been paid must be provided to the Editor. Failure to provide evidence of clearance may result in Neo-Victorian Studies pulling your article from publication or only agreeing to publish it without any images (e.g. including hyperlinks to web-pages where the images may be accessed rather than including the images themselves).

Please do not assume that your inclusion of an image falls under ‘Fair Use’. Please also do not assume that just because an image is widely distributed or discussed on the internet it is not subject to copyright.

Acquiring permission to reproduce copyrighted material can be expensive as well as time-consuming, and sometimes the original copyright holder can be hard to find. Hence, please think carefully about whether or not your article requires the use of images and also about the number of images used.

Nevertheless, it does no harm to ask a publisher or copyright holder how much permission will cost. Many publishers, for example, will provide discounts for academic use or may not even charge at all. It is worth stressing that Neo-Victorian Studies is a fully open-access, i.e. non-subscription and non-profit journal. Please note, therefore, that any costs incurred will need to be covered by you, the contributor.

Below, please find a sample letter that you can use to request permission:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am currently writing/have written a scholarly article, [TITLE], to be submitted to/published in Neo-Victorian Studies, a peer-reviewed, academic, free and open access online journal ( The provisional date of publication is scheduled to be [DATE]. I am writing to request permission to include the following material in my article:

Image: [include title, page numbers or, if not applicable, attach image to letter]


[If applicable] Title of book, journal, website etc:

ISBN/issue number:


Date of publication:

I would like to request permission to publish the above mentioned material in Neo-Victorian Studies, which is wholly non-subscription and non-profit. (Hence there is no print-run, no price of subscription, and the number of readers will vary.) I will, of course, make full acknowledgement to your work in the usual manner. The journal’s standard wording is along the following lines:

“Figure No.: [Image Description] in Author, Title, © Date, Copyright Holders, reprinted with permission of Copyright Holders.”

However, please do provide any specific acknowledgement wording you would prefer me to use instead.

If you do not control the appropriate rights to this material, I would be grateful if you would kindly advise to whom I should apply.

Please send me a signed hard copy of this letter or, alternatively, a scanned version of the signed letter to indicate that you will grant permission for this use on the terms requested by [DATE: pick a date well in advance of your NVS deadline!]. If you prefer to grant permission via email, please kindly ensure that you copy the Neo-Victorian Studies editorial office into your email response at [email protected].

Many thanks for your assistance.

Yours sincerely,

[Contributor Signature]


As the authorized rights-holder(s) of the above mentioned material I/we hereby grant permission to re-use such material in accordance with the terms stated above.

Signature/Electronic Signature:





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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.