
N.J. towns can’t face contract suits over contaminated water, court rules

BY: - July 19, 2024

Judges find the provision of water is a government service and not a contract, barring claims of breach.

Appeals court upholds 2021 limits on nonprofit tax exemption challenges

BY: - July 10, 2024

At the root of the case is a 2021 law that exempts nonprofit hospitals from taxation regardless of whether they also host for-profit activities.

The Supreme Court just limited federal power. Health care is feeling the shockwaves.

BY: - July 5, 2024

The decision into question government rules on anything from consumer protections for patients to drug safety to nursing home care.

Legislature in recess with judicial vacancies still higher than court officials want

BY: - July 5, 2024

A top lawmaker said the Senate could return in the summer to advance more judges — the third summer in a row that claim has been made.

N.J. high court eases test for juvenile offenders to be removed from sex offender list

BY: - July 1, 2024

Supreme Court Chief Justice Stuart Rabner said ruling any other way would have required the court to rewrite the law, something it can't do.

Supreme Court tosses claim Biden administration coerced social media companies to remove content

BY: - June 26, 2024

The 6-3 decision says the plaintiffs do not have legal standing to bring the case against the federal government.

Federal appeals court upholds subpoena for gunmaker’s ads

BY: - June 25, 2024

Panel finds the gunmaker's claims were barred by a doctrine that prohibits reconsideration of identical issues decided by another court.

U.S. Supreme Court will hear challenge to state bans on care for transgender minors

BY: - June 24, 2024

Tennessee’s law prohibits doctors from providing gender-affirming medical care to minors that includes puberty blockers, hormones and surgeries.

Official testifies Sen. Menendez asked him to ‘look at’ criminal case targeting his friend

BY: - June 12, 2024

U.S. Attorney Philip Sellinger said Sen. Bob Menendez repeatedly griped to him about a federal case against his friend Fred Daibes.

Judges OK warrantless searches of locked glove boxes

BY: - June 12, 2024

Containers in a vehicle's interior do not enjoy greater protections from warrantless searches, even if they are locked, judges ruled Wednesday.

Facing hefty fines, companies ask judge to declare Daniel’s Law unconstitutional

BY: - June 12, 2024

The businesses argue Daniel's Law is unconstitutionally vague, impermissibly restrictive, and unsuccessful in guarding officials' addresses.

Gov. Murphy will nominate Rutgers general counsel to Supreme Court

BY: - June 10, 2024

John Hoffman’s nomination is the last Gov. Murphy is expected to make to the Supreme Court before his term ends in January 2026.