Story Finding with ChatGPTStory Finding with ChatGPT

Here is a new online, in-person course offered by NewMR and ResearchWiseAI.

Story Finding with ChatGPT
Ray has over ten years of teaching courses in story finding and story communicating. This 90-minute course blends Ray Poynter’s Finding the Story courses with the benefits of ChatGPT. Learn how to use ChatGPT to help you probe the data, spot patterns, look for alternative explanations, and craft convincing narratives.

The course will be broadcast on 4 September, 10am New York (3pm London). The course lasts 90 minutes (followed by 30 minutes of options Q&A). The price is $195.

Click here to book a place.

Synthetic hugs, $5

Most good research depends on synthetic analysis!

One of the things that has caught my eye about the recent discussion about synthetic data have been the different reactions to the word synthetic. Whilst most of the debate has focused on the underlying methods, there have been numerous sideswipes at the word “synthetic”. At first this struck me as odd, so I did some introspection and reading to find out why my reaction differed from that of others. I quickly realised that, in many cases, it reflected people’s arts/science background along with various life experiences, cultural phenomena, and interests.

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NewMR organises online events, this website & the LinkedIn NewMR group. NewMR is owned and operated by The Future Place and managed by Ray Poynter & Sue York.

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Our 2021 sponsors are: Fuel, Opinium, Indiefield, Enghouse, Netquest, Infotools, QuestionPro, Forsta, InnovateMR, MRII & eTabs – Communications Sponsor: Keen as Mustard.