


Enabling Delta Life

Over ons

Deltares is een onafhankelijk toegepast kennisinstituut op het gebied van water en ondergrond. Wereldwijd werken we aan slimme innovaties, oplossingen en toepassingen voor mens, milieu en maatschappij. We richten ons voornamelijk op delta’s, kustregio’s en riviergebieden. Omdat het beheer van deze dichtbevolkte en kwetsbare gebieden complex is, werken we nauw samen met overheden, ondernemingen, kennisinstellingen en universiteiten in binnen- en buitenland. Ons motto is ‘Enabling Delta Life’. Als toegepast kennisinstituut is Deltares succesvol als haar kennis wordt verzilverd in en voor de samenleving. Deltares stelt hoge eisen aan de kwaliteit van de kennis en de adviezen.

501 - 1.000 medewerkers
climate change, flood risk, hydraulic engineering, water resources management, infrastructure, offshore, warning systems, spatial planning and ecology, strategic studies, urban water management, water and soil quality, applied geosciences, groundwater quality, Future deltas en Climate adaptation


Medewerkers van Deltares


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    💧 The Meuse river basin, running through multiple countries including France, Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands, is an important source of drinking water and is vital for the region’s economic activity. But what is the impact of an extreme drought on the different sectors within the different Meuse countries and tributaries? Which measures can be taken, and which synergies can be found to reduce this impact? 🐱💻 To find out, experts from France, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands came together at the University of Liège earlier this week for an extreme drought hackathon, aimed at fostering knowledge exchange about the challenges and impacts on different sectors and Meuse countries. Throughout the day, participants discussed and mapped the impacts of an extreme drought event and concrete potential short-term and long-term measures, ultimately helping to improve drought preparedness. Aurore Degre, hydrology expert at the University of Liège: “I enjoyed the exercise of thinking out of the box with respect to the measures. It proved to be a powerful tool to come up with new ideas.” Over the course of the day, it became clear collectively mapping the many complexities related to water scarcity, water quality, water allocation, and prioritisation remains important. Equally important is how countries, regions, and the different stakeholders deal with these issues in different ways. We must understand which sectors and regions are more resilient than others and have access to alternative sources of water or contingencies to fall back on. Deltares is now preparing a report with the preparatory modelling exercise. The results from the hackathon will be available soon, so watch this space! 👀 Merci à University of Liège de nous avoir accueilli ! Wir freuen uns darauf, weiterhin mit unseren Partnern zusammenzuarbeiten. We kunnen nog veel van elkaar leren! 🙏 Thanks to everyone who made today possible: University of Liège | RIWA-Maas/Meuse | Stroomgebied Maas | VITO | Rijkswaterstaat | Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat #EnablingDeltaLife #hackathon #meuse #maas #drought

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    🌊 Vergeet je niet in te schrijven voor de online kennissessie op 17 september! Tijdens deze sessie duiken we in de zeesluisformulering en het zouttransportmodel en bespreken we hoe deze modellen bijdragen aan duurzaam waterbeheer. Schrijf je nu in! > 💪 Deltares-expert Tom O'Mahoney zal als host de kennissessie leiden. Deze sessie is onderdeel van het Kennisprogramma Natte Kunstwerken (KpNK). Het KpNK is een samenwerkingsinitiatief van de kennisinstituten Deltares, MARIN (Maritime Research Institute Netherlands), TNO en assetmanager Rijkswaterstaat. #EnablingDeltaLife #KennisprogrammaNatteKunstwerken #NatteKunstwerken #DuurzaamWaterbeheer

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    🚀💧 The Water as Leverage City Champion Challenge is now live!   This is YOUR chance to have your say and lead the way in building urban water resilience in the face of climate change. Spearheaded by Water as Leverage, this new challenge embraces an integrated approach to tackling the impacts of climate change on city water systems and communities. Flooding, drought, pollution, are only some of the issues that cities face.   This challenge is open to urban stakeholders worldwide. You’re invited to showcase the innovative solutions that create sustainable, inclusive, and climate-resilient cities. By participating, you’ll:    💪 be at the forefront of global climate action  🏙 help create long-term solutions for millions of urban residents  🎯 contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Deltares is proud to be part of the challenge, alongside the Netherlands Enterprise Agency  and UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme). So what are you waiting for? Submit your ideas now and help shape the future of water-resilient cities! More information at 👉 #EnablingDeltaLife #UrbanResilience #WaterAsLeverage #CityChampionChallenge #WeNeedYou #YesYou

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    🚨🧽 New project alert! SpongeWorks, which aims to enhance natural water retention at the landscape scale, has officially kicked off. This Horizon Europe project focuses on advancing scientific knowledge and practical implementation of nature-based solutions in three large-scale river-basin in France, Greece, and Germany and the Netherlands. Ellis Penning, Nature-based Solutions and Aquatic Ecology at Deltares and project co-coordinator: “By demonstrating the effectiveness of these measures within a wider landscape context in the three SpongeWorks demonstrators, we aim to inspire and enable other European regions to also implement nature-based measures to enhance climate resilience.” Europe is warming at twice the global rate and the continent faces increasingly severe extreme weather events. The future impact of floods and droughts hinges on the health of European landscapes and their natural capacity to retain water, much like a sponge. Nature-based solutions that improve the sponge functioning of landscapes are emerging as a sustainable approach to enhance resilience, but major barriers still delay their widespread adoption. SpongeWorks will tackle these barriers, implementing 19 distinct sponge measures, covering 4,000 hectares of land, 47 kilometres of river, and 22 kilometres of hedgerows, involving over 800 individual farm plots. Deltares is co-coordinating the project, focusing on the implementation of practical solutions in the Vecht basin region. Our focus will be on translating scientific knowledge to practical implementation. We’ll be working closely with a range of partners, including the Waterschap Vechtstromen water authority, the University of Twente, local partners in Germany, and other stakeholders. Want to know more? Check 🔗 #EnablingDeltaLife #HorizonEurope #NatureBasedSolutions #SpongeWorks

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    🤿 Discover the wonders beneath the North Sea and Baltic Sea! ULTFARMS, an innovative project, dives deep into Europe's potential to sustainably grow algae, mussels and oysters. The multi-use project focuses on expanding low-trophic aquaculture and marine restoration in European offshore wind farms, while protecting the environment, minimising carbon footprints, and ensuring commercial viability. By integrating Low Trophic Aquaculture (LTA) with offshore wind farms, we can: 🐚 Boost sustainable production of molluscs & seaweed ♻ Embrace a circular economy to minimise waste  ⚡ Enhance renewable energy use across the entire LTA value chain 🐟 Implement cutting-edge monitoring for aquaculture sustainability 🐠 Promote reef creation within wind farm sites 🖼 Develop a socio-ecological governance framework for multi-use settings As Deltares, we're proud to be coordinator of this Horizon project. Together, we can power the future of both renewable energy and sustainable seafood production! Special thanks to: Alexander Ziemba, Ghada El Serafy, Emma Huijben, and Bas Bolman #EnablingDeltaLife #Sustainability #AquaCulture #OffshoreWind #CircularEconomy #RenewableEnergy #LTA #BlueEconomy

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    #FacilityFriday! The Deltares Geotechnical Laboratory specialises in conducting advanced, non-standardised experiments on various soil types. We focus on understanding soil behaviour under different conditions, which is crucial for geotechnical engineering projects like the design of offshore structures, dyke stability, and land subsidence mitigation. 🔬 Key highlights of the lab: - Innovative testing and specialised testing possibilities: from conventional triaxial and DSS tests to large scale, temperature controlled testing, and dynamic soil behaviour analysis. - Climate change adaptation: research on soil suction, unsaturated soil testing and erosion. - Sustainable solutions: using local soil for dyke improvements and reducing CO2 emissions. 📹 Watch the entire video on our website to learn more about our lab from our experts Marien Harkes, Harry van Essen, Cor Zwanenburg, and Maria Konstantinou > #EnablingDeltaLife #GeotechnicalLaboratory #GeotechnicalEngineering #research

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    💧💰 Why should we enhance Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data on water, and how can we do so? Join our webinar to find out! We’ll discuss a new report that provides water related recommendations in support of responsible investment. 📆 Join us online on Thursday 26 September from 11:00 – 12:00 CEST to hear more about the report’s findings and recommendations. For more details, including how to register, check: 🔗 Water remains an underdeveloped topic in Responsible Investing, which is concerning given its fundamental role in biodiversity, economic growth, its close connection to climate change impacts, and the fact that access to clean water is a basic human right. Although ESG reports usually provide a global view of water-related risks, they often overlook local specifics. To address this imbalance, Deltares, together with Wereld Natuur Fonds (WWF-NL), Achmea Investment Management, NN Group, and SCOR are launching “From global to local: enhancing ESG data on Water”: a new report with water related recommendations in support of responsible investment. The report provides actionable insights for investors and businesses to enhance their understanding of water-related risks and opportunities, facilitating informed decision-making and development of corporate sustainability strategies. Findings are illustrated with localised cases from the economic zones of Chennai (India) and Sao Paulo (Brazil). The project is co-funded by the Top Consortium for Knowledge and Innovation (TKI) Delta Technology, enabled by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. Speakers include Sophie Vermooten | Viviane Cavalcanti | Christine Wortmann | Cate Lamb | Frank Wagemans | Rebecca Dreyfus | Yun WAI-SONG #EnabingDeltaLife #ResponsibleInvestment #water #webinar #TKI

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    🌊 Werk je met zoet-zoutsluizen of ben je betrokken bij #watermanagement? Meld je aan voor de online kennissessie op dinsdag 17 september* over het kwantificeren van zoutindringing bij zoet-zoutsluizen. 🤿 Tijdens deze sessie duiken we in de zeesluisformulering en het zouttransportmodel, en bespreken we hoe deze modellen bijdragen aan duurzaam waterbeheer. Deltares-expert Tom O'Mahoney zal als host deze sessie leiden. ✍ Schrijf je nu in! > 💪 Deze sessie is onderdeel van het Kennisprogramma Natte Kunstwerken (KpNK). Het KpNK is een samenwerkingsinitiatief van de kennisinstituten Deltares, MARIN (Maritime Research Institute Netherlands), TNO en assetmanager Rijkswaterstaat. *De sessie van 17 september is de 1e van 5 kennissessies waarvoor je je kunt inschrijven. #EnablingDeltaLife #KennisprogrammaNatteKunstwerken

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    🌻 🐸 🦋 Waar eerst stenen lagen, groeien en bloeien nu planten en bloemen: wilde peen, gele en rode klaver, perzikkruid, akkerdistel, hoge fijnstraal en Europese hanepoot, waarin vlinders en hommels af en aan vliegen. Ook legden we een paddenpoel en bijenheuvel aan. Onze wens voor meer #biodiversiteit op de campus in Delft lijkt geslaagd. 🐝 Collega Gerrit Hendriksen, #landschapsecoloog, dacht mee over de aanleg van de binnentuin en vertelt enthousiast over de wilde soorten die te zien zijn: 🌳 “Ons is gevraagd wat er voor nodig is om meer biodiversiteit te laten ontstaan op het middenterrein. 'Niets doen’ zegt een landschapsecoloog dan. Het is mooi om te zien wat dit in bepaalde delen van de tuin oplevert. Wat er dit jaar is opgekomen, zijn pioniersoorten. Die komen vooral ‘aanwaaien’, de natuur doet haar werk. 🐛 Al tijdens een korte wandeling zie je de rups van de witvlakvlinder, een nachtvlinder, en akkerhommels. Je zult zien dat er de komende jaren andere soorten verschijnen als er een evenwicht is ontstaan tussen de bodem en de soorten. We houden goed bij welke soorten we zien, in bijvoorbeeld Bio Blitzes, om een beeld te krijgen.” 🌳 De vergroening van de binnentuin is onderdeel van de verduurzaming van Deltares. Dit doen we samen met Werkse!. Niet alleen adviseren ze ons bij ontwerp en aanleg, ook beheren en onderhouden ze het groen op onze campus. 🌼 Tomas Drenth, manager groen & omgeving bij Werkse!: “Het is best een uitdaging om een goede balans tussen natuur en gebruiksgemak te vinden, want de medewerkers van Deltares moeten ook van de tuin kunnen genieten. Maar dat lukt al heel aardig. Dat ik midden op de dag padden hoor springen in hun poel, maakt me enthousiast om door te werken aan dit terrein!” #EnablingDeltaLife #DuurzameDinsdag #MaatschappelijkVerantwoordOndernemen #CorporateSocialResponsibility Van Ooijen Gouda Q4U

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    🌊 Welcome to our Delta Basin! This is our 50x50 metre multidirectional wave basin with segmented wave paddles. The wave maker can generate both regular (periodic) and irregular (random) long-crested or short-crested waves, and can compensate for wave reflections that originate from structures in the wave basin (so-called active wave absorption). The wave generation and wave absorption techniques are state-of-the-art and ensure that the wave fields in the wave basin closely resemble the waves that occur in reality. The Delta Basin is used for coastal and offshore related projects. In all of these studies, aspects of armour stability, hydraulic performance, wave impact loading, and the determination of the relevant hydraulic conditions during storms and other extreme events, are of primary interest. 📹 In this video you see oblique wave attack on dikes, which significantly reduces the amount of wave overtopping compared to a perpendicular wave attack. Learn more about the Delta Basin on our website > #EnablingDeltaLife #DeltaBasin #FacilityFriday #AppliedResearch #WaveOvertopping

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