Our Rule of Law Foundation

Our Rule of Law Foundation


Initiative highlighting the importance of democracy and the rule of law #ForStudentsByStudents

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Hello 👋 Our Rule of Law (ORoL) Foundation started as a student-led project co-created and now co-chaired by Georgian/Dutch and Polish students Elene Amiranashvili, Zuzanna Uba and Anna Walczak with the mentorship of Professor John Morijn. It was initiated at the University of Groningen, in the Netherlands, and is now a foundation under Dutch law. After an initial focus on Poland, we gradually expanded our work to the EU as a whole. We are working on engaging youth in creating Pan-European policy solutions to the rule of law crisis. The Foundation works based on 3 core values: (1) Democracy is worth it - we want to live in democratic societies with protection of minorities, separation of power amongst different governing institutions, and an active civil society with meaningful public participation! (2) Taking action - we do something to combat democratic backsliding that is ripping some of our countries and the EU apart; and (3) For students, by students - we create forums for young people to learn from and with each other. Past Projects: 👉 Our Rule of Law Festival (September 2021) 👉 The Law and Politics of Protecting Liberal Democracy: Pre-event to Professor John Morijn Inaugural Lecture (June 2022) 👉 Our Rule of Law Academy (January-March 2023) Happening Now: Vote4OurRuleofLaw Fellowship 🗳🇪🇺 Apply for Students-Only Fellowship now: https://bit.ly/Vote4ORoLFellowshipApplication More information available on our website: https://www.ourruleoflaw.eu/

2-10 medewerkers
Rule of Law, Youth Engagement en Project Management


Medewerkers van Our Rule of Law Foundation


  • Our Rule of Law Foundation heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Dr Maria Skóra, afbeelding

    Researcher * Advisor * Moderator

    While in #Warsaw, I had the great pleasure and honour of meeting Igor Tuleya, a Polish judge who under the outgone PiS government openly criticized the demolition of the judiciary in #Poland and in return faced retaliation causing him personal and professional harm. The visit took place as part of the summer school organised by John Morijn for the students from University of Groningen Kozminski University and Our Rule of Law Foundation, a student-led NGO dedicated to rule of law and democracy education (keep on doing the good work, Anna Walczak & Zuzanna Uba!!!). You can follow and support the Foundation here: https://lnkd.in/eagV5qF3

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  • Our Rule of Law Foundation heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Karolina Zbytniewska, afbeelding

    Expert in Europe / Chief Editor & Head at EURACTIV Poland / CEU Democracy Institute Research Fellow / Warsaw University Lecturer / Europe MédiaLab Board / Fulbright Alumna

    I had the pleasure to give a lecture on de-democratization and redemocratization in the Poland’s media context as part of the Groningen University’s Summer School, in the grand company of co-lecturers, as prof. Adam Bodnar, Sylwia Gregorczyk-Abram, or Igor Tuleya. Super-inquisitive students from Europe and beyond, including the leaders of the Our Rule of Law Foundation, which engages young people in a substantive fight for the rule of law, inspired by Poland's recent experiences. Professor John Morijn thought it all out nicely 💪 ☺️ #ruleoflaw

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    • Geen alternatieve tekst opgegeven voor deze afbeelding
  • Sabemos que a veces la política suena como algo lejano. Que parece que todos los partidos se comportan igual y que no sirven de mucho. Más aún cuando hablamos de política europea y no de la nacional. Pero sí lo hace. No todos los candidatos al Parlamento Europeo representan los mismos valores. 🇪🇺 No todos regulan lo mismo y probablemente tras leer las propuestas te identifiques más con unos u otros. https://lnkd.in/dxFQJHhj No dejes que otros decidan por ti. No elegir también es decidir. 🗳️ Que la política, si se usa, sí puede servir para algo. ¿Dónde están tus valores? Yo voto, ¿y tú? 🇪🇸 ——— We know that sometimes politics sounds distant. That it seems like all parties behave the same and that they don’t serve much purpose. Even more so when we talk about European politics and not national politics. But it does. Not all candidates for the European Parliament represent the same values. 🇪🇺 Not all of them regulate the same things and probably after reading their proposals, you will identify more with some than others. https://lnkd.in/dxFQJHhj Don’t let others decide for you. Not choosing is also a decision.🗳️ Politics, if used, can indeed serve a purpose. What are your values? I’m voting, are you? 🇪🇸

  • Team France est ici pour vous dire ce qu'elle a trouvé dans ses recherches pour le Vote4OurRuleofLaw First-Time Voter Handbook! Les élections européen en France se déroulent le 9 juin. Les bureaux de vote sont ouverts de 8h à 18h 🗳 Je vote, et toi? 🇫🇷 ------ Team France is here to tell you what they found in their research for the Vote4OurRuleofLaw First-Time Voter Handbook! The French elections for the European Parliament take place on June 9. Polling stations are open from 8am to 6pm 🗳 I'm voting, are you? 🇫🇷

  • Rychlé shrnutí poznatků z české kapitoly v Vote4OurRuleofLaw First-Time Voter Handbook! Volební místnosti se brzy uzavřou! Já jdu volit, a vy? 🇨🇿 🤝 🇪🇺 ------ A quick summary of the findings from the Czech Chapter in the Vote4OurRuleofLaw First-Time Voter Handbook! The voting stations close soon! I'm voting, are you? 🇨🇿 🤝 🇪🇺

  • Am 9. Juni wird das Europaparlament neu gewählt, aber was genau macht das Europaparlament denn eigentlich? 🇪🇺 Das haben wir Prof. Dr. Nora Markard, Professorin für internationales öffentliches Recht und internationalen Menschenrechtsschutz, an der Universität Münster gefragt. Ihre Antwort dazu ist: Das Europaparlament ist das zentrale Gegengewicht zu den Regierungen der Mitgliedstaaten. Dort ist jeder Mitgliedstaat vertreten und somit auch eure Wünsche und Forderungen. Ohne das EU-Parlament gäbe es keine EU-Gesetze und seine Entscheidungen haben maßgeblich Einfluss, auch auf uns in Deutschland. Deshalb ist es besonders wichtig, bei den bevorstehenden Wahlen demokratische Parteien zu stärken. Deine Teilnahme an der Wahl stärkt die Demokratie und sorgt dafür, dass deine Stimme gehört wird. Deshalb ist es wichtig, dass du am 9. Juni wählen gehst! 🗳️ Ich wähle und du? 🇩🇪 —  On June 9th, the European Parliament will be re-elected, but what exactly does the European Parliament do? 🇪🇺 That’s the question we asked Prof. Dr. Nora Markard, Professor of International Public Law and International Human Rights Protection at the University of Münster. Her response is: The European Parliament is the central counterbalance to the governments of the member states. Every member state is represented there, and thus are your wishes and demands. Without the EU Parliament, there would be no EU laws, and its decisions have a significant impact on us in Germany as well. That’s why it’s especially important to strengthen democratic parties in the upcoming elections. Your vote can strengthen democracy and your voice will be heard. That’s why it is important to vote on June 9th! 🗳️ I’m voting, are you? 🇩🇪

  • Was genau tut die EU eigentlich, um Gleichstellung zu fördern? Das haben wir Prof. Dr. Nora Markard, Professorin für internationales öffentliches Recht und internationalen Menschenrechtsschutz, an der Universität Münster gefragt. Sie betont, dass das Europäische Parlament ein zentraler Verbündeter im Kampf für Gleichstellung und gegen Diskrimierung ist! Wenn du das Europäische Parlament dabei unterstützen möchtest, dann mach am 9. Juni von deinem demokratischen Recht Gebrauch und geh wählen. Ich wähle, und du? 🇩🇪🗳️ –——   What exactly does the EU do to promote Equality? That’s the question we asked Prof. Dr. Nora Markard, Professor of International Public Law and International Human Rights Protection at the University of Münster. She stresses, that the European Parliament is a central ally in the fight for equality and against discrimination! If you want to support the European Parliament in this endeavor, make use of your democratic right and vote on the 9th of June. I´m voting, are you? 🇩🇪🗳️

  • Was genau tut die EU eigentlich für den Schutz der Menschenrechte? ⚖️ Das haben wir Prof. Dr. Nora Markard, Professorin für internationales öffentliches Recht und internationalen Menschenrechtsschutz, an der Universität Münster gefragt. Der Rat hat sich innerhalb der EU, sowie in den außenpolitischen Beziehungen, zur Achtung und Förderung der Menschenrechte verpflichtet. Dafür kann die EU seit 2020 mit Sanktionen gegen schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen vorgehen. Nach dem Tod Alexej Nawalnys wurden zum Beispiel Sanktionen gegen die Strafkolonien beschlossen, in denen er bis zu seinem Tod inhaftiert war. Mehr Infos zu den Aktivitäten der EU im Schutz der Menschenrechte findet ihr hier: https://lnkd.in/dUfhNA7U Damit die EU sich weiter effektiv für Menschenrechte einsetzen kann, ist es wichtig, dass du am 9. Juni von deinem demokratischen Recht Gebrauch machst und wählen gehst. Ich wähle, und du? 🇩🇪 🗳 — What exactly does the EU do to protect Human Rights? ⚖️ That’s the question we asked Prof. Dr. Nora Markard, she is a professor for Public International Law and International Human Rights protection at the University of Münster. The Council of the European Union is committed to protecting Human Rights inside the Union as well as in its Foreign Policy Relations. To reach this goal, since 2020 the EU can impose sanctions against serious human rights violations. For example, after the death of Alexej Nawalny the penal colonies where he was imprisoned until his death, were sanctioned. Learn more about the EUs actions for the protection of human rights here: https://lnkd.in/diCt58p5 In order for the EU to continue the protection of human rights effectively, it is important that you make use of your democratic right and vote on the 9th of June. I´m voting, are you?🇩🇪 🗳

  • Was genau tut die EU eigentlich für die Bekämpfung des Klimawandels? Das haben wir Prof. Dr. Nora Markard, Professorin für internationales öffentliches Recht und internationalen Menschenrechtsschutz, an der Universität Münster gefragt.  2020 hat die EU den Green Deal angekündigt. Dieser umfasst das Ziel, die EU bis 2050 klimaneutral zu machen und schon bis 2030 die Netto-Emissionen zu halbieren.  Der Klimawandel geht uns alle an, und wir müssen ihn gemeinsam angehen, denn jetzt haben wir die Chance, noch etwas zu tun! Mehr Infos zum Green Deal findet ihr hier: https://lnkd.in/eKERAHvE Damit der Green Deal weiterhin umfassend umgesetzt werden kann, ist es wichtig, dass du am 9. Juni von deinem demokratischen Recht Gebrauch machst und wählen gehst. 🇩🇪 🗳 —  What exactly does the EU do to fight climate change? That’s the question we asked Prof. Dr. Nora Markard, she is a professor for Public International Law and International Human Rights protection at the University of Münster. In 2020 the EU passed the Green Deal. This contains the goal to make the EU climate neutral by 2050 and to cut the netto-emissions in half by 2030. Climate change is a matter that concerns us all and we need to combat it together. Right now we still have the chance to do something! More information about the green deal can be found here: https://lnkd.in/eKERAHvE In order for the green deal to be fully implemented it is important that you make use of your democratic right an vote on the 9th of June. 🇩🇪 🗳

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