Gaia Guadagnoli

Gaia Guadagnoli

Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant, Nederland
4K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties


Nothing as innovation can change our world and boost economic development as a whole. Managing innovative projects, building partnerships, trying to turn existing procedures into something smarter and delivering measurable outcomes are the keystones of the work I expect myself to carry out on a daily basis.

Please note that the views and opinions expressed in my profile, articles and comments are only mine, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities I do represent.

Artikelen van Gaia


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  • Ericsson grafisch


    Paesi Bassi

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    Milano, Lombardia, Italia

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    Milano, Lombardia, Italia

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    Milano, Italia

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    Milano, Italia

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    Milano, Italia

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    Milano, Italia

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    Milano, Italia

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    Milano, Italia

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  •  grafisch

    - heden

    Cryptography | Security Engineering | Security Management | Network Security | Big Data Technologies | Distributed Ledgers and Cryptocurrencies | Computer forensics | Security testing | Research skills and methods | Information ethics and data analysis -- Partial

  • - heden

    Leading with influence | Economics for managers | Competitive strategy | Corporate strategy | Financial accounting | Management accounting | Analysing financial statements | In the mind of the manager | Nudging behaviour | Organisational culture as a leadership tool

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    During the Master at the Catholic University I had the chance to specialize in international issues such as development economics, geographical economics, project management and humanitarian aid. As of my interest into technological innovation, especially related to geographical technologies, I graduated with a dissertation on Development Economics: "Technology and Development: Resilience and Land Protection in the BRETmaps project".

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    The diploma provided me a deep knowledge of crisis and emergency management, with a particular focus on negotiation techniques, logistics and security in high risk environments.

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    The course provided me a wide overview of issues related to development economics, complex humanitarian emergencies, human rights and international law. As particularly interested into GIS and geographical technologies, I graduated with a dissertation on Complex Humanitarian Emergencies: "Technology and Epidemiological Emergencies: the Ebola case".

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    I spent my Erasmus period at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, where I improved my communication skills and examine in depth development related issues. Also, I was part of a broad international community, which made me grow both as a person and as an European citizen.

Licenties en certificaten

Ervaring als vrijwilliger


  • Sviluppo Sicuro: la compliance come pre-requisito

    Come to Code

    Andere auteurs
  • Sicurezza: come mitigare il fattore umano

    Microsoft Italia

    L’Italia è uno dei primi tre paesi al mondo per numero di attacchi ransomware, e più del 50% di questi sfruttano le debolezze umane come punto di ingresso e questi numeri rischiano di aumentare se non vengono poste in essere adeguate contromisure.
    Un click in buona fede, una foto scaricata, o informazioni pubblicate volontariamente su social media possono condurre a devastanti attacchi di social engineering in grado di bloccare aziende e causare milioni di euro in danni.
    Lo scopo di…

    L’Italia è uno dei primi tre paesi al mondo per numero di attacchi ransomware, e più del 50% di questi sfruttano le debolezze umane come punto di ingresso e questi numeri rischiano di aumentare se non vengono poste in essere adeguate contromisure.
    Un click in buona fede, una foto scaricata, o informazioni pubblicate volontariamente su social media possono condurre a devastanti attacchi di social engineering in grado di bloccare aziende e causare milioni di euro in danni.
    Lo scopo di questa sessione è fornire i più recenti esempi di attacchi ad alta sofisticazione e sottolineare che anche comportamenti da parte degli utenti che sembrano innocui possano in realtà causare brecce nei sistemi.

    Andere auteurs
  • Microsoft Entra – Secure Access for a Connected World

    Microsoft Italia Security Briefings

  • Cybersecurity in Everyday Life

    Microsoft Italia; Fondazione Mondo Digitale

    Malware, worm, phishing, ransomware: la nostra vita online è davvero sicura?
    Come possiamo proteggerci da attacchi informatici, truffe online e furti di identità? Fondazione Mondo Digitale, in collaborazione con Microsoft Italia, propone “Cybersecurity in everyday life”, un webinar gratuito di un'ora per imparare a conoscere e proteggersi dai rischi informatici, nella vita personale e nel lavoro.

    Publicatie weergeven
  • Third party cybersecurity: when are extra caution measures needed?

    Web Marketing Festival 2022

    Companies that are increasingly interconnected and dependent on each other-this is one of the most important challenges in cybersecurity. Indeed, third-party security plays a key role in establishing and maintaining the enterprise security posture, both at the logical and physical security levels. In this talk we will investigate the different risk profiles related to third parties, and some of the ways to measure their security in different areas of applicability.

    Publicatie weergeven
  • General outlook on Cybersecurity roles - an overview workshop

    Cyber Strategy Initiative

    Andere auteurs
  • Microsoft Attack Simulation Training

    Microsoft Italia

    In una catena di attacco il fattore umano rappresenta spesso l’anello debole su cui serve intervenire. E’ necessario stimolare l'awareness degli utenti per prepararli a capire quando si trovano ad essere vittime di un attacco di phishing.
    L'Attack Simulation Training è uno strumento intelligente di gestione del rischio relativo alla social engineering, che permette di automatizzare la creazione e la gestione di simulazioni di phishing per aiutare i clienti ad indirizzare questo rischio.

    Publicatie weergeven
  • How to get away with cybersecurity

    Talent Garden Innovation School

    In a world increasingly dependent on digitalisation and technology, the increase in cyber attacks is certainly one of the most damaging side effects. There are numerous reports and statistics produced in recent years that clearly show how the trend of cyber attacks is constantly increasing, both in terms of numbers and in terms of type. In such a context, companies can no longer afford to ignore or put cybersecurity on the back burner. Digitally processed data must be protected in the same way…

    In a world increasingly dependent on digitalisation and technology, the increase in cyber attacks is certainly one of the most damaging side effects. There are numerous reports and statistics produced in recent years that clearly show how the trend of cyber attacks is constantly increasing, both in terms of numbers and in terms of type. In such a context, companies can no longer afford to ignore or put cybersecurity on the back burner. Digitally processed data must be protected in the same way as you now protect your paper archive by locking it. You have to provide the right security framework so that your working environment is not breached. To do this, minimum security measures must be defined, i.e. the requirements that the digital environment in which you work every day must have in order to face the most common and frequent cyber threats. One of the first steps in developing a successful IT security strategy is to identify one or more standards to take as a reference point. Today, there are many standards and guidelines for information security that provide ad hoc methodologies to illustrate and guide organisations in the adoption of security techniques aimed at minimising the quantity and danger of cyber threats. The different standards have different purposes and applications, so it is up to the individual company to decide which standard or standards to adopt, based on its own business and peculiarities. It is certainly very important to create synergy between different standards. Existing standards are of a different nature: there are those to which it is possible to be certified and those that only serve as guidelines. In this workshop we will focus on high-level standards that are suitable for almost all companies, regardless of size and sector.

    Publicatie weergeven
  • Che faccio, clicco?

    BeConnected Day 2022

  • Ricognizione di approcci in tema di cancellazione e conservazione dei dati

    ABI Lab

    Capitolo 11 - Gli standard e best practice di riferimento.
    Fornire gli indirizzi sui principali standard e sulle migliori pratiche di riferimento in materia di
    conservazione e cancellazione dei dati personali.

    Andere auteurs
    Publicatie weergeven
  • Tecnologia e Sviluppo: Resilienza e Tutela del Territorio nel progetto BRETmaps

    DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32797.59365
    Tags: Information Technology, Social Entrepreneurship, Information Communication Technology, Humanitarian Intervention, Mobile GIS, Web GIS, Open Source GIS, Remote sensing and GIS, Startups,
    Openstreetmap, Urban resilience, Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief, Startup Ecosystems, Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

  • La Tecnologia nella gestione delle Emergenze Epidemiologiche: il caso Ebola

    Tags: Humanitarian Intervention, Web GIS, Open Source GIS, Emergency Alert System, Emergency Management, Geo-spatial analysis with GIS and GPS, Remote sensing and GIS, Emergency Response, Emergency planning and management, Disaster risk reduction, Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief,
    Ebola, History of Epidemics, Arc GIS, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Ebola Virus, Epidemics, the Ebola…

    Tags: Humanitarian Intervention, Web GIS, Open Source GIS, Emergency Alert System, Emergency Management, Geo-spatial analysis with GIS and GPS, Remote sensing and GIS, Emergency Response, Emergency planning and management, Disaster risk reduction, Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief,
    Ebola, History of Epidemics, Arc GIS, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Ebola Virus, Epidemics, the Ebola outbrake, The Ebola Virus

    Publicatie weergeven


  • Anti-Corruption


  • Assessment Automation


  • Business of Consumer (Retail) Banking


  • Business of Investment Banking


  • Confidentiality and Insider Trading


  • D.Lgs. 8 giugno 2001 n. 231


  • Data Classification and Rights Management


  • Data Mapping


  • End-to-End Banking Process


  • European protection of human rights, Unione Forense per la Tutela dei diritti Umani


  • Genere, Costituzioni e Professioni, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre


  • Implementing an Information Security Program


  • Incident Response and Reporting


  • Information Security


  • Keep Data Safe


  • Privacy Management Professional


  • Relational Data Modeling


  • Responding to Non-Compliance With Laws and Regulations (NOCLAR) For Client Service Professionals Performing Non-Audit Services


  • Secure the Future


  • Security Incident Response


  • Social Engineering


  • The Integrity Imperative



  • Cybersecurity Woman Leader of the Year 2024 - shortlist


  • Key Contributor 2024


  • Key Contributor 2023


  • Top 100 Italian startups in 2017

    Startup Italia

  • Vincitore

    Regione Lombardia

    Bando Startup Innovative a Vocazione Sociale

  • Tavolo Giovani Startup Prize

    Camera di Commercio Milano

  • Vincitore

    Fondazione Italiana Accenture

    Premio Youth in Action for SDGs
    Vittoria riconosciuta per il progetto BretMaps

  • Dr. Start-Upper - Third Place


  • Vincitore

    JA Italia e Fondazione VISA

    Vincitore del premio University Startup Competition
    Rilasciato relativamente al progetto BretMaps


  • Italiano

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

  • Francese

    Beperkte werkvaardigheid

  • Spagnolo

    Beperkte werkvaardigheid

  • Inglese

    Volledige professionele vaardigheid


  • AIxIA - Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Artificiale


    - heden
  • World Economic Forum

    Public Member

    - heden
  • Italian Friends of TCF - The Citizens Foundation


    - heden
  • International Association for Political Science Students

    Association Member

    - heden
  • International Association for Political Science Students

    Deputate Head of Delegation for IAPSS Roma Tre at the General Assembly held in Lisbon, Portugal


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