Andfjord Salmon AS

Andfjord Salmon AS

Produksjon av mat og drikke

Sortland, Nordland 4,501 følgere

Fish farming with a clear conscience

Om oss

This is the home of Atlantic salmon. In the waters off Andøya, at 69 degrees north, wild salmon grow to be large, healthy, and strong. In our energy efficient pool, fresh seawater flows through at high speed. The salmon gets a slight tinge of blue from the sky. And a faint green tinge from the northern lights. And it's as lustrous as the sea. Because that's precisely where it lives.

Produksjon av mat og drikke
11–50 ansatte
Sortland, Nordland
Åpent aksjeselskap


Ansatte i Andfjord Salmon AS


  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Andfjord Salmon AS, grafisk

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    All ongoing workstreams for Andfjord Salmon Group AS build-out at Kvalnes, Andøya, show solid progress. The next two pools are starting to take shape. “Everything we need to ramp up pool construction is now in place. The plan is to significantly increase production of concrete elements during September. We therefore expect to see an uptick in pool construction during the coming months,” says CEO Martin Rasmussen. In this first phase of the Kvalnes build-out, Andfjord Salmon is completing four new pools, increasing total production capacity to 8,000 tonnes HOG by 2025. This initial phase includes developing shared infrastructure such as waterways and a harbour area that will support future production of 40,000 tonnes salmon at Kvalnes.

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Andfjord Salmon AS, grafisk

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    "Just before the summer we reported faster than expected progress for the development of our waterways. I am pleased to share today that the performance has been equally strong throughout August, following scheduled reduced activity in July. The waterways are the arteries that supply water to the flow-through systems in our pools, so they are key to our expansion,” says Martin Rasmussen, CEO of Andfjord Salmon. In this first phase of the Kvalnes build-out, Andfjord Salmon is completing four new pools, increasing total production capacity to 8,000 tonnes HOG by 2025. This initial phase includes developing shared infrastructure such as waterways and a harbour area that will support future production of 40,000 tonnes salmon at Kvalnes. Read more and follow todays webcast in the link below ⤵

    Solid progress at Kvalnes build-out | Second quarter and half-year 2024 financial results

    Solid progress at Kvalnes build-out | Second quarter and half-year 2024 financial results

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Andfjord Salmon AS, grafisk

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    Andfjord Salmon Group AS invites investors, analysts, lenders and media to an operational update and presentation of the second quarter and half-year 2024 financial results.  Date: Wednesday 4 September 2024  Time:  08:00 CET  Presenters:  Martin Rasmussen, CEO, and Bjarne Martinsen, CFO The webcast presentation can be watched from the link below ⤵ The presentation will be held in English. Questions can be submitted during the live webcast.  #andfjordsalmon #landbased #innovation #salmonfarming #norway #healthyfood #andøya #vesterålen

    Invitation to Q2/H1 2024 results presentation

    Invitation to Q2/H1 2024 results presentation

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Andfjord Salmon AS, grafisk

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    Andfjord Salmon Group AS (Andfjord Salmon) today reports faster than expected progress for the development of the waterways that will provide fresh seawater to the pools at the company’s land-based aquaculture facility at Kvalnes, Andøya, Norway. Since Andfjord Salmon reported its first quarter results on 29 May 2024, the tunnel construction at the Kvalnes site has progressed at an impressive rate, increasing the completion rate from 38 to 57 percent in just one month. The waterways, including inlet and outlet tunnel, is designed to support a future production of 40,000 tonnes of salmon at Kvalnes. Read full update with key construction milestones: ⤵ #andfjordsalmon #landbased #sustainable #innovation #vesterålen #norway #andf

    Strong progress at Kvalnes

    Strong progress at Kvalnes

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Andfjord Salmon AS, grafisk

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    Andfjord Salmon has chosen to take science-based approach to land-based fish farming. Independent research body Nofima was therefore tasked with documenting biological conditions and fish welfare in the first pool. Recently, Nofima submitted a final documentation report, covering the full production cycle, from smolt release to harvest. This extensive examination of biological conditions, fish welfare and fish health states that “Andfjord Salmon applied a very comprehensive welfare and health documentation plan for the first production cycle.” In this report, Nofima documented a large number of operational welfare indicators for the salmon, including environmental factors in the pool, fish behaviour, growth and fish health. The key findings are summarised in the enclosed first quarter presentation. “The fish farming industry is under pressure to improve biological conditions, fish health and welfare. Although we are still only a small player in a large global industry, this report shows that our land-based flow-through system is capable of enabling fish-friendly salmon farming,” says Martin Rasmussen. #innovation #salmonfarming #salmon #aquaculture #vesterålen #norway #landbased

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Andfjord Salmon AS, grafisk

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    Utbyggingen går bra og vi har i løpet av første kvartal identifisert en ny en inntektsstrøm som styrker virksomheten vår ytterligere. I tillegg har vi mottatt nok en rapport som bekrefter gode biologiske forhold i første produksjonssyklus. Dette bidro til den vellykkede kapitalinnhentingen som vi gjennomførte i forrige uke, sier Martin Rasmussen, administrerende direktør i Andfjord Salmon. I inneværende byggetrinn på Kvalnes, skal Andfjord Salmon bygge fire nye bassenger, som vil øke selskapets produksjonskapasitet til 8 000 tonn sløyd laks fra 2025. Selskapet har som mål å nå en produksjonskapasitet på 40 000 tonn på Kvalnes gjennom gradvise volumøkninger mellom 2025 og 2030. I første byggetrinn bygger Andfjord Salmon også ut infrastruktur, som vannveier og havneområde, som vil støtte fremtidig produksjonskapasitet på 40 000 tonn sløyd laks på Kvalnes. Les mer i lenken under ⤵️ #andfjordsalmon #salmon #landbased #innovation #aquaculture

    God fremdrift på Kvalnes | Resultater første kvartal 2024

    God fremdrift på Kvalnes | Resultater første kvartal 2024

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Andfjord Salmon AS, grafisk

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    Andfjord Salmon Group AS (Andfjord Salmon) reports that its build-out at Kvalnes, Andøya, is progressing as planned. The company has successfully completed an equity raise of NOK 350 million, attracting new strategic industrial investors. "Our build-out is progressing well. During the first quarter, we identified an additional revenue stream that strengthens our business case. We also received another report confirming strong biological conditions in our first production cycle, which contributed to the success of last week's equity raise," said Martin Rasmussen, CEO of Andfjord Salmon. Andfjord Salmon will provide an operational update and presentation of the company’s first quarter 2024 financial results at 08:00 (CET) today. The presentation will be held physically in Oslo as well as streamed live to online viewers. Venue: Hotel Continental, Stortingsgata 24/26, 0117 Oslo Learn more in the link below ⤵ #andfjordsalmon #salmon #landbased #norway #aquaculture #innovation #andøya #vesterålen

    Kvalnes build-out on schedule | First quarter 2024 financial results

    Kvalnes build-out on schedule | First quarter 2024 financial results

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Andfjord Salmon AS, grafisk

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    Andfjord Salmon AS invites investors, analysts, lenders and media to an operational update and presentation of the first quarter 2024 financial results. The presentation will be held physically in Oslo as well as streamed live to online viewers. Date: Wednesday 29 May 2024 Time: 08:00 CET Presenters: Martin Rasmussen, CEO, and Bjarne Martinsen, CFO Venue: Hotel Continental, Stortingsgata 24/26, 0117 Oslo The webcast presentation can also be watched from the link below ⤵️ #andfjordsalmon #landbased #flowthrough #salmon #andøya #vesterålen #sustainable #sustainability #innovation

    Invitation to Q1 2024 results presentation

    Invitation to Q1 2024 results presentation

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Andfjord Salmon AS, grafisk

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    Andfjord Salmon Group AS (Andfjord Salmon) har hentet 350 millioner kroner i ny egenkapital gjennom en emisjon mot eksisterende og nye aksjonærer. Store industrielle aktører deltok i kapitalutvidelsen. Emisjonen stengte i øvre ende av det planlagte intervallet på mellom 300 og 350 millioner kroner. Emisjonen var betydelig overtegnet. Pengene skal brukes til å utvide selskapets produksjonskapasitet på Kvalnes, og til generelle selskapsformål. I inneværende byggetrinn på Kvalnes, Andøya, skal Andfjord Salmon bygge fire nye bassenger, som vil øke selskapets produksjonskapasitet til 8 000 tonn sløyd laks fra 2025. Selskapet har målsetting om å nå en produksjonskapasitet på 40 000 tonn på Kvalnes gjennom gradvise volumøkninger mellom 2025 og 2030. I første byggetrinn bygger Andfjord Salmon også ut infrastruktur, som vannveier og havneområde, som vil støtte fremtidig produksjonskapasitet på 40 000 tonn sløyd laks på Kvalnes. – Kvalnes-utbyggingen går som planlagt og er på budsjett. Vi er svært fornøyde med at sterke, internasjonale industrielle investorer har valgt å gå inn med betydelige beløp, sier Martin Rasmussen, administrerende direktør i Andfjord Salmon. Blant investorene som tegnet seg i emisjonen, er: ↪ High Liner Foods Incorporated, som er en ledende leverandør og distributør av sjømat i USA og Canada, tegnet seg for omtrent 107 millioner kroner. Selskapet er børsnotert på Toronto-børsen. High Liner Foods blir ny aksjonær i Andfjord Salmon. ↪ Andfjord Salmons største eier (med 25,1 prosent av aksjene), Jerónimo Martins Agro-Alimentar S.A, tegnet seg for omtrent 87 millioner kroner. Morselskapet, Jerónimo Martins, er et internasjonalt matvarekonsern som er børsnotert i Portugal. ↪ Jan Heggelund, både privat og via selskapet Ristora AS, tegnet seg for totalt 30 millioner kroner. Heggelund eide fra før 2,7 prosent av Andfjord Salmon. ↪ Oppdrettsselskapet Eidsfjord Sjøfarm/Holmøy Havbruk, som fra før eide 4,5 prosent av aksjene i Andfjord Salmon, og er representert i styret til Andfjord Salmon med Knut Holmøy, tegnet seg for 15,9 millioner kroner. ↪ Bygg- og anleggsfirmaet Leonhard Nilsen & Sønner (LNS), som fra før eide 0,7 prosent av aksjene i Andfjord Salmon, tegnet seg for 10 millioner kroner. Les mer om emisjonen i lenken under ⤵ #andfjordsalmon #technology #innovation #premiumseafood #sustainability #vesterålen #andøya #norway

    Andfjord Salmon hentet 350 millioner kroner

    Andfjord Salmon hentet 350 millioner kroner

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Andfjord Salmon AS, grafisk

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    Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement by Andfjord Salmon Group AS ("Andfjord Salmon" or the "Company") on 22 May 2024 regarding the contemplated private placement of new shares (the "Offer Shares"). The Company hereby announces that it has allocated 10,606,060 Offer Shares at a subscription price of NOK 33 per share (the "Offer Price"), raising gross proceeds of approximately NOK 350 million (the "Private Placement"). ABG Sundal Collier ASA, Arctic Securities AS, DNB Markets (a part of DNB Bank ASA) and SpareBank 1 Markets are acting as Joint Bookrunners (the "Joint Bookrunners") in connection with the Private Placement. The net proceeds from the Private Placement will be used to expand the Company's production capacity at Kvalnes, ramping up biomass and for general corporate purposes. The following primary insiders were allocated Offer Shares at the Offer Price: - Jerónimo Martins Agro-Alimentar, S.A., represented on the board of directors by Antonio Serrano, was allocated 2,636,362 Offer Shares - Eidsfjord Sjøfarm AS, represented on the board of directors by Knut Holmøy, was allocated 481,515 Offer Shares The Offer Shares are expected to be settled on a delivery versus payment basis on or about 27 May 2024 by delivery of existing and unencumbered shares in the Company that are already listed on Euronext Growth Oslo pursuant to a share lending agreement (the "Share Lending Agreement") entered into between the Company, Andfjord Holding AS, Skagerak Vekst AS, OG Invest AS, SpareBank 1 Markets and the Joint Bookrunners. The Offer Shares will, as allocated, be tradable upon allocation. The new shares were resolved issued by the Company's board of directors pursuant to the board authorisation (the "Board Authorisation") granted by the annual general meeting of the Company held on 7 May 2024, and will be used to settle the share loan pursuant to the Share Lending Agreement. #andfjordsalmon #salmon #premiumseafood #technology #innovation #vesterålen #andøya

    Andfjord Salmon Group AS - Private placement successfully placed

    Andfjord Salmon Group AS - Private placement successfully placed

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